Blondes, Brunettes, Red Heads...but what about...

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Ive always loved nice long straight silky hair but nice bouncy natural curls are just as incredible. And that wild wavy hair, well, thats the sexy middle ground of curly and straight. But sometimes when its time to get busy, especially when a lady goes south, I love to enjoy the view so thats when pinned, scrunchied, chopped sticked, or what have she to keep that hair back and out of the damn way so I can enjoy the show, yeah I like that too. Ahh yes then there is the rare short haired women* I think Ive developed a fetish for. IMHO its tough to find a sexy lady that knows how to confidently rock the short hair! (click the galleries on the left). Hell dont get me started on ladies that have color in their hair and I mean like purple, blue or what have you. Be it streaked in there or their whole crop is that color, sooooo exotic heh heh. I still have daydreams of an incredible beauty that had the most radiant, purple, long, straight and silky hair that I had the pleasure of spying at a concert. sigh ok im done

*one of my fave short haired beauties is Shannyn Sossamon, google some images of her to get the idea heh heh, soo yummy!