wow my first no on a review!!!!!

rex111999's Avatar
Rex, Arc had a very viable point. If someone can't tell the provider on the way out then ut's chicken shit. If it is brought up she has a chance to apologize and try to work out a way to fix the situation like any business person would. If she gets uppitty then bash her more on the review.

The providers a human's, women that whether the hobbyist believe it or not have feelings and emotions. NE in a review does not stand for a woman with no emotions so she will always be on cue. Those that want that go buy a fuckin blow up doll. Originally Posted by LA Man
IF they didn't discuss the reviewer's disappointment, AV is right. The review seems to indicate that he did, and she just glossed over it. If he lied in his review then he is absolutely a coward. But maybe he didn't.

I know these ladies are human. I really like everyone I meet and could be friends with them all.
rex111999's Avatar
I stand by what I say. If you got a problem with it - how about being a brave man and attacking my points instead of some lame attempt at attacking my character?

AV, I was actually commenting on you and Mojito. That might be why is seemed vague. But since you stepped out on your own....

READ THE REVIEW before you comment. Your comments clearly take one side over the other. Hers. The review indicates one thing, she says another. I wont quote it here because it is meant to be private. And you have branded yourself with the WK term, it is in your signature line.
rex111999's Avatar
Pocahontas Springs... most girls get a bad review every once in a while. The ladies who have posted about it are very wise. It isn't the end of the world. In fact, some guys flock to a "no" so they can see for themselves and come back and prove the other guy wrong.
Just work to prove the "no" wrong. Come back stronger. Listen to the ladies who have been in your shoes.
I saw the no pop up and just ignored it....didn't even read it. Doesn't hold me back. I know better.
Pocahontas Springs... most girls get a bad review every once in a while. The ladies who have posted about it are very wise. It isn't the end of the world. In fact, some guys flock to a "no" so they can see for themselves and come back and prove the other guy wrong.
Just work to prove the "no" wrong. Come back stronger. Listen to the ladies who have been in your shoes. Originally Posted by rex111999

LOL You call me out as a white knight, and then post this crap?
You are a condescending, self-serving hypocrite.

PS Don't talk down to the her with your creepy "daddy know best" tone.
rex111999's Avatar
Whatever you think. I have no desire to see her. Not my type.
Whatever you think. I have no desire to see her. Not my type. Originally Posted by rex111999
Anyone can read the thread and see that you are talking out of both sides of your mouth.....
Uh, LA Man.... I'm still waitin' on 2 and 3!

Miss Pocahontas, as you can see, one bad review can bring even more biz than with all the stellar reviews!
Keep your chin up, keeping doing what YOU do, and just ignore the rest! And if you need an ear to vent to, give me a call. Or send a PM. Originally Posted by Nicolet
Okay I sure will . Thank you. Yes I see :-)
I saw the review too and there is probably issues on both sides. Perhaps she was just having a bad day (she evidently had an issue in another State). Maybe she just didn't feel affectionate for this guy on this occasion. Maybe she wasn't up to a performance when she wasn't in the mood. What is a girl supposed to do when she actually has a headache and just wants to sleep!
On the other hand, we guys rely on the reviews to make decisions on where to spend a lot of money (often 10's of thousands per year). For instance, I really loath CBJ. Some guys prefer it, and will tell you that it is their choice in their reviews. But if it is standard practice (shows up in multiple reviews), I will surely pass. We do expect YMMV - but if she has changed her repertoire, that is new, current information. I for one would give the girl a break - she is absolutely gorgeous and she's only human. LG Originally Posted by lustyguy
Thank you

Like you would know, are you speaking words of wisdom from experience? All I see are 3 hardly passable for informative reviews with low rate no name SW's.
the only one that seems jaded here is you, this is a hobby, you are supposed to be having fun.
you didnt pay for it either, why are you so hateful? Damn, we are humans with feelings, how would you feel if every lady you met picked apart every thing about you on the most personal level? oh wait, none would, because you contribute nothing to the hobby but BS posts like this one. Originally Posted by April Cox
Thank you so much for the comment.
That guy is a coward who only has "nerve" when he's sitting behind a computer screen operating an anonymous "personality".

Seriously - not a single male on these forums should post a negative review unless they tell the woman face to face first. To go through a session "faking" a good time and then slogging the girl in the review is pure cowardice.

It's like me at work - if I have to send an email to my boss complaining that a co-worker isn't pulling his load ... then I .cc the coworker. And - before I send the email - I talk to my coworker and if I can't fix the problem that way - then I launch something to the boss with a .cc to the lard ass.

Never say anything about an individual that you wouldn't say to their face. Some people weren't raised right though.

This is why the review system is completely fucked. Fuckin' Beta Males that won't sit down with a girl and try to resolve the issue. Wanna be the "big man" with a negative review ... "Hey look guys! Imma sexual gourmet - and this gal sucked!"

Please - that's not manly.

If a gal doesn't show for the date - then cool 'dis her. If she does something extremely negative ... tell her you had a lousy time and won't be coming back - and then 'dis her.

But to sit there and be all nice and give her no indication that you're having a horrible time and then coming in here and shitting on her? That's wrong man. Originally Posted by Arverni
Thank you so much for the awesome comments
No one wants a no review but it happens-everyone is entitled to their opinion and I feel you should just take them for what they are-opinions-they can be helpful they can be NOT helpful but it is up to you to decide how to take it.

I always say reviews are to give an idea of who you are, so they paint a picture of "YOU" the great things about guys are that they accept things for what they are and they use reviews to see how you are-who you are-what you like etc. and how another person's story goes

I feel reviews do not reflect you and your encounters with every guy (they cant-unless your a robot) LOL I mean all guys are NOT the same and don't require the same so dont sweat it

And forget the remarks/comments PPL are always going to have something to say-some more than others LOL Originally Posted by Karrine_Kream
Thank you and yes I agree with you on how nobody likes a no on a review
river985's Avatar
Been wanting to see Poca for a while now. Last time I tried she wasn't in Laffy. The no will not turn me away.

Like you've probably heard before LOOK AT THE BODY OF WORK.All but one of her reviews are Yes. When No becomes the trend, then I'll have to reconsider.

This is not to say the that Gregsters review wasn't as he experienced it, it is after all his opinion.

Ladies, I guess if you're in this for long enough, your going to get a no eventually.

I'm coming your way soon Poca...
DallasRain's Avatar
quote---Ladies, I guess if you're in this for long enough, your going to get a no eventually.

when ya get a "no" just makes ya work harder to get back in the saddle riding high!

keep ridibng high & smiling Pocahontas!
Keep ur head up n ur pants down!!!