2nd Amendment Means nothing to this list

yup ..schumer the commie lib in nys

and cuomo with the "safe act" imagine this coming to your state

yup ..schumer the commie lib in nys

and cuomo with the "safe act" imagine this coming to your state

Originally Posted by JONBALLS
http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/10/la...months-prison/ Originally Posted by JONBALLS
It's a very crazy ideology to say the least:
Do not secure the border and let these Mexican gangstas smuggle fully automatic assault rifles into the country to pursue their criminal interests, restrict Americans from defending against the invaders with the same weapons, and then imprison them if they try to defend themselves with extra bullets.
Crazy days
It's a very crazy ideology to say the least:
Do not secure the border and let these Mexican gangstas smuggle fully automatic assault rifles into the country to pursue their criminal interests, restrict Americans from defending against the invaders with the same weapons, and then imprison them if they try to defend themselves with extra bullets.
Crazy days Originally Posted by nwarounder
interesting also i cannot find the article from a couple days ago from upset NY..

a guy is passenger , his wife gets popped for speeding 14over

during the "interview" the guy acknowleges hes a permit holder and theres a liscensed handgun in the glvebox

over zealous sheriff deputy takes guy out of car, cuffs him and searchs vehicle , finding the pistol with 10 rounds in the magazine

husband arrested, misdemeanor under the "safe act " law

they then revoke his permit, search his house and seize his other guns.

ill keep looking for it