A bit of advice

Big Stig's Avatar
I'm not giving my real name to any escort. Not first, last or middle. I don't want or need to know their first name, so they shouldn't want or need to know mine. My name is Stig and that is all you're getting. If that's a problem for the provider, and it rarely ever is, then I will just politely move on.

In all the years I have been hobbying, I can count on one hand the number of providers who knew my real first name. And, I knew them all pretty well before they knew it. They all found out my name through unusual circumstances and I never just told them. They never really asked.

I absolutely refuse to divulge any personal information to providers. I'm not trying to be a dick about, I just prefer to remain as anonymous as possible. I have only encountered a couple providers who absolutely needed to know and they got nothing from me, including no money.
AmishGangster's Avatar
Do you tell them that you're fluffy?
I like to spill my guts - I got lots of them! I always book an hour so I can condense my life story into 55 minutes - and then she has 5 minutes to push me out the door.
I'm not giving my real name to any escort. Not first, last or middle. I don't want or need to know their first name, so they shouldn't want or need to know mine. My name is Stig and that is all you're getting. If that's a problem for the provider, and it rarely ever is, then I will just politely move on.

In all the years I have been hobbying, I can count on one hand the number of providers who knew my real first name. And, I knew them all pretty well before they knew it. They all found out my name through unusual circumstances and I never just told them. They never really asked.

I absolutely refuse to divulge any personal information to providers. I'm not trying to be a dick about, I just prefer to remain as anonymous as possible. I have only encountered a couple providers who absolutely needed to know and they got nothing from me, including no money. Originally Posted by Big Stig
And I can respect that stance.
As I have always known, not everyone wants to know the same things I do. Some want less, and others want more.

I'm perfectly content doing things the way I have.

Same as you.

I wish some other ladies would add their 2 pennies.......hint hint..
AmishGangster's Avatar
I wish some other ladies would add their 2 pennies.......hint hint.. Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
If you want Heather to chime in you might have to PM her on TOS and tell her to come over here and play awhile
If you want Heather to chime in you might have to PM her on TOS and tell her to come over here and play awhile Originally Posted by amishgangster

Anyone at'all......
Alyssa Preston's Avatar
How do you pm? I am so confused?
Pistolero's Avatar
How do you pm? I am so confused? Originally Posted by Alyssa Preston
If you see one of their posts, just click on their name on the post. Then send a PM.

You can do a search for the name also, get the profile, and PM.

Don't worry, we will help you get comfortable here. Not as comfortable as if I was in Pa., But comfortable.

Click on Pistolero on any of my posts and send me a PM with questions. You can also try The2Dogs, but sometimes it takes him a little longer.
  • BSer
  • 11-04-2013, 04:52 PM
I just tell providers my name is stig
Big Stig's Avatar
I just tell providers my name is stig Originally Posted by BSer
It almost always works for me, so why not?
pyramider's Avatar
Dagnamit, you once said you would do 1/2hr sessions for the "right client". on. Originally Posted by bambino
Half hour? Fucking braggarts! I do intense 2 minute sessions. Any reminder time is nap time.
Heatherlicous's Avatar
Stig, noone needs to know any of your personal info, and some of the other guys because ya'all have plenty of great references! I dont like asking anyone there personal stuff anyway, I get it , im a stranger & in a profession that is full of shady mother fuckers, so I cant blame a guy for not wanting to give it, were strangers for Gods sakes! So I always tell the new guys its best to go through a screening site or be sure that if your giving up that kinda info, to make sure that the gal your giving it too, u have researched well & see she is professional enough that you can see shes never done anything crazy or keeps your info. Im so dinghy I can never remember anyways, lol But I prefer not to see anyone w/o refs just because I'm not really interested in your info, and uncomfortable asking for it. Heather xoxo
What exactly are you asking??