Does this mean Lexilove will be givin a freebee to any Auburn Alumni? War Eagle
I doubt it but then again, she hit the road out of state real quick <lol>. Just ask her. Worst she could do is tell you to "F-ck OFF!!!" <lol>.
Don't get into a discussion about ANY game. She UNDERSTANDS the rules and theory.
I will admit to "...attempting to pull this Ellie-phant's tail" on occasion (and been dressed down by her when she didn't realize I was only trying to pull her tail), I am pleasently surprized at her reaction. Other fans I know (from both sides) have NOT been quite as gracelous (sp).
To Lexi: All I can say, as politely as I can, "Yes, it was. Thank you".
Congrats to the Plainsmen I was worried about the "Iron Bowl" fatigue but they just took to Big Mo. Now ya gotta make it 5 in a row for the state. Ya know that is really cool that a small state like Alabama can pull off 5 in a row against the likes of states of Texas, Florida, Cali, and Ohio. Pretty damn cool!!!