Powder Room

That comment is what made me say "enough is enough" and post the national thread. I am glad a mod is now taking appropriate actions to this bashing, and I also appreciate it. Just wish the rest of it could disappear but I guess itll be on my search "rap sheet" forever. Originally Posted by RocKin BraNdy
Most people here don't take the time to read old posts...don't sweat it.

I get the same questions over and over...when all they'd have to do is pull up my posts...even just the handful of threads I've started would give them a ton of info...but c'est la vie.
Maybe playing devil's advocate here, (and let it be noted that my personal opinion is that they do seem to be being unusually harsh to this girl) but it may be that the "lab experiment" comment has to do with the provider in question's signature, which includes the line "Ain't the lab grown stuff always the bomb!?!"

I see what RB was trying to do/say, and I for one love tongue-in-cheek humor, but perhaps that particular wording has proven to be cannon fodder. If it were me I'd re-evaluate that line, so as not to invite any more criticism from a community that you already know has a bloodlust. In a perfect world, you wouldn't have to change a thing, but yadda yadda yadda...you know the rest. When you find that perfect world, call me.

It is crucial that everyone on here be free to think/feel/speak as they see fit, but remember that common courtesy is something everyone deserves. I think the community should be respectful of RB's intensely personal decision and regard her as the woman she sees/knows herself to be.

On the flip side, there is wisdom in those who know how to pick their battles and not rock the boat.

I'm newer here, and haven't explored a whole lot, but is there a specific forum for TS providers to post? If not, maybe a dedicated avenue for them and their fans would be useful.