Kudos chicago, Fuck Philly

That's ridiculous.
The Drummer's Avatar
Your understanding is wrong. The OP's position was that McNabb was honored not for his accomplishments but because he was a black who claimed he was the victim of discrimination. The problem with this assertion is that there is no evidence that this was true. And I mean none.

So, no the issue isn't if a white quarterback would be given the same honor for comparable exemplary service. The issue is the right of a private enterprise to use it's own judgment and criteria to honor exemplary servce. Originally Posted by awl4knot
My reading comprehension isn't that bad! Not to be argumentative, but I didn't see or interpret any of the above in the OP's statements. Maybe I missed the media reports? Did McNabb ever claim to be a victim of discrimination? You say there's no evidence of truth in the claim of discrimination -- good, then. I believe you.

And, respectfully, here, it seems, you're now skirting the argument. The original topic didn't involve the rights of private enterprise. The original topic was the discussion of alleged racism amongst Board members.
This debate could become quite protracted so ,now, I surrender.

Happy Holidays!!!