I've dated a provider before. I knew about it before starting the relationship, probably made it easier for both of us as there was never a need to have that uncomfortable "talk". Relationship died of natural causes unrelated to the hobby. Not the most conventional relationship I was ever in, but wasn't one I regretted either.
Originally Posted by Georgeherman29
Yes, ours too died of natural causes, although possibly sped up due to the hobby, natural all the same.
I did not mean to imply that you are not successful already... nor that you were a mooch... however, if you had bad feelings towards her and your relationship with her, I find that being successful in your life is the best revenge one could have.
Originally Posted by AllThisMeat
No bad feelings towards her or even her clients. Really just difficult to explain or talk to anyone in real life about the real issues without risking exposing her or someone else and I don't hold enough ill will to do that.
If the guy is married to the lady, it used to be that, any child was legally his and he had to pay to raise the child.
I think much of that is still in effect.
Been there done that one too, not with a provider but the children are innocent and deserve to be taken care of. Being adopted myself, I sometimes wish I hadn't known until I was older if at all. A child having to hear that their birth father or sperm donor wanted nothing to do with them still has a way of affecting a child's personal development and emotional development regardless of if someone else steps in. The idea of rejection is still there.
Originally Posted by JRLawrence