Spot the RICKYBOY!!!

Some of you have made your feelings known regarding this thread, but an examination of the guidelines shows that none are being violated with it so I am compelled to leave it open.

Remember, the simplest and easiest way to kill a thread is to ignore it and not post in it. If we do this, it will die a quick death.

Beagle's Avatar
Some of you have made your feelings known regarding this thread, but an examination of the guidelines shows that none are being violated with it so I am compelled to leave it open.

Remember, the simplest and easiest way to kill a thread is to ignore it and not post in it. If we do this, it will die a quick death.

AustinModStaff Originally Posted by Spacemtn

The Beagle knows the rules and plays by the rules (most times)
fun2come's Avatar
As for his reviews, if I smell a fake review, I'll be sure to point it out. I believe he's done at least 2 of those just for the sake of accessing PA info. What message is that sending everyone else? Originally Posted by Beagle
Oh that will be interesting too.... what if the provider confirms the meeting took place, you know, RR does see a few ladies ....
BUT, in general, we ALL should be on the look out for FAKE reviews.

Now why would RR need PA access. Don't you think he has a handle with LifeTime access, which he just keeps buried in the background from us.

Beagle,there is a fine line between having fun, making it a sport, and an obsession. Check which side you are on right now, and whatever you do, have the interest of the other members you may implicate in mind. So better be 100% sure.

Here is one for your list: HotButteredWhiskerBiscuit (I liked it for it's additional creativity).
Beagle's Avatar
Oh that will be interesting too.... what if the provider confirms the meeting took place, you know, RR does see a few ladies ....
BUT, in general, we ALL should be on the look out for FAKE reviews.

Now why would RR need PA access. Don't you think he has a handle with LifeTime access, which he just keeps buried in the background from us.

Good point! He might do just that after this. I doubt he had one before.....refer to Crowley's first review......made it look almost convincing he was a newbie, too....haha...

Beagle,there is a fine line between having fun and making it a sport, and an obsession. Check which side you are on right now, and whatever you do, have the interest of the other members you may implicate in mind. So better be 100% sure.

Guilty on all 3 counts The final decision lies with the mods.....only they can access certain details to prove RR is who he is. To play this safe, I'll always check with the mods and wait for the final confirmation before posting other handles.

Here is one for your list: HotButteredWhiskerBiscuit (I liked it for it's additional creativity). Originally Posted by fun2come
The guy is creative, I give you that..... . Congrats, you've just doomed yourself to pussyland
fun2come's Avatar
Congrats, you've just doomed yourself to pussyland Originally Posted by Beagle
Yeah, actually I think that happened when I was threatened with a fake Glock ... and me only having a straight shooter, sort of kind of killed the man hood right there... but I will recover....

Now go hunt RR handles Big Man.
I love how RR gets everyones panties in a bunch lol, dont worry hes had mine in a bunch a couple times, but I liked it Have fun ya'll, hes very good at what he does lol
Priest Beast's Avatar
Unban rockerrick and humpty!
bulletbelt's Avatar
So here's the funny part, you don't know why anyone is banned, how long, or who is banned. You are irresponsibly making assumptions. Is every handle that gets banned rockerrick? You have listed a couple handles, what proof do you have that your assumptions are correct. Fun2Come is correct on HotButteredWhiskerBiscuit, rr freely stated that was him all time. So please tell us why these handles are banned, how long Mr. Moderator.
fun2come's Avatar
Unban rockerrick and humpty! Originally Posted by Priest Beast
LOL, they are UN-BANNing themselves plenty, don't need any MOD help.
So here's the funny part, you don't know why anyone is banned, how long, or who is banned. You are irresponsibly making assumptions. Is every handle that gets banned rockerrick? You have listed a couple handles, what proof do you have that your assumptions are correct. Fun2Come is correct on HotButteredWhiskerBiscuit, rr freely stated that was him all time. So please tell us why these handles are banned, how long Mr. Moderator. Originally Posted by bulletbelt
Staff usually makes it a practice to not discuss disciplinary measures other than with the person involved. As such, no such list of handles or time frames will be posted on the open board. This is done mainly because no purpose is served by posting said information.

I think that a lot of the handles listed can be researched for more information regarding their connection(s) or lack thereof.

Still Looking's Avatar

I'm Rockerick!

RR this one is for you......
3daygetaway's Avatar
Some asswipe calling himself Bulletbelt is chasing me through threads bringing up the same insults RR and his incarnations have done in the past...
bulletbelt's Avatar
Following you around, one post. Maybe that's cause my one review is the girl you are insulting! Search is your friend, and your history harrassing this provider is all there. Back off you obsessed stalker. Wonder how many ladies are hesitant to see you knowing you would bitch and complain, and harrass someone who gave you a freebie? Waaaaah I'm a cry baby
3daygetaway's Avatar
Following you around, one post. Maybe that's cause my one review is the girl you are insulting! Search is your friend, and your history harrassing this provider is all there. Originally Posted by bulletbelt

You are the one who keeps harassing others, and if you could keep a handle for more than a week, search would be your friend too.

I'm glad you are white knighting for the other crazy trash here on ECCIE. All the rest of us need to do to get rid of you is put anyone who will see a RR alias on our DO NOT SEE lists, and we can avoid meeting crazies and discourage providers from seeing you at the same time!