Wedding Ring or Not?

Remote's Avatar
I have never had one. Never wore jewelry. So no dog in the fight. But if you wear a ring and remove it does it not leave a mark, a tan line, an indention in the skin?
I agree with leaving it on for the sake of not losing it, and also for the sake of it being a bit of a turn on for us knowing we are satisfying something that you might not be getting at home. Or maybe you are, but you like the risk of taking it to another level and getting something extra on the side.

No one likes the idea of another bashing their SO, I'd never want to put that idea on the table...but I sure would love to put the idea on the table that I can do all kinds of things that she might not let you do, all you have to do is read some reviews and find out if that is true.

Or even more fun - bring her into the party and let's have a blast! Two wedding rings is more fun than one when I'm involved! I can't think of one time I've not had a blast with a couple. Woo hoo!
Wheretonow's Avatar
One of the things I notice in providers' pictures is if they are wearing a wedding ring (or what appears to be one). If she appeals to me otherwise it wouldn't prevent me from seeing her, but I sometimes wonder if they do it because they think it improves business or if it's an oversight or if they just don't care that clients know that they're married.
mm-good's Avatar
I agree with leaving it on for the sake of not losing it, and also for the sake of it being a bit of a turn on for us knowing we are satisfying something that you might not be getting at home. Or maybe you are, but you like the risk of taking it to another level and getting something extra on the side.

No one likes the idea of another bashing their SO, I'd never want to put that idea on the table...but I sure would love to put the idea on the table that I can do all kinds of things that she might not let you do, all you have to do is read some reviews and find out if that is true.

Or even more fun - bring her into the party and let's have a blast! Two wedding rings is more fun than one when I'm involved! I can't think of one time I've not had a blast with a couple. Woo hoo! Originally Posted by tntangie
Maybe we can find some more "rings" to join us and have a Christmas unwrapping party - woo hoo!

You're marriage is none of my beeswax. I expect a gent to decide himself. If you do take it off, do so in your car and hide it.
syeira pink's Avatar
I have been asked several times." Syeira what are these stones in your sink for " I kindly reply with " so I don't have to take the sink apart looking for a ring " yes it did happen once, a gentlemen was washing his hands and his wedding ring slipped off and down the drain it went. He panicked and I said come back after work.........When he showed up I had the ring.......good thing I have my own tools.

So I keep stones in my sink to prevent something like that happening again.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
That is REALLY hot Laura!!!

As for my answer to the thread - same as everyone else. It's not a real date, I have been married so long that if I took my ring off it would take weeks for the mark to go away - and as mentioned, there's more of a chance of misplacing it. It stays on. Originally Posted by EasyLover214
I haven't worn a ring in 4 years. Every now and then, it still looks like I have a small mark or indentation on my finger.
bored@home's Avatar
I have been asked several times." Syeira what are these stones in your sink for "......
So I keep stones in my sink to prevent something like that happening again. Originally Posted by syeira pink
Smart...I may steal this to aid a certain family member who does this so often I have considered redesigning a easy access p trap.
roaringfork's Avatar
"Never see a customer who has less to lose than you do."

I'd think that the ring on the hand would make for a better session, insofar as it might assure her that you're a relatively trustworthy guy (i.e., one who has a hell of a lot to lose). I'm a single guy who's actually considering buying a fake wedding ring to wear in the civilian world--for similar reasons.
TexTushHog's Avatar
With regard to caring about whether your wear your wedding ring, I suspect providers opinions on the subject are much the same as your cat's opinion on the subject when you are feeding him. Why the fuck would either of them care one way or the other??!!!!
What? No mention of the need to remove the ring in order to get more digits inside? He he