What Comes Into Play When Choosing A Provider?
One more thing a lady that moans is ten times better than a fake scream. OK maybe two things. Several times I have encountered ladies that squirt and it was a definite turn on.
This is a great question. I prefer the "girl next door look." Obviously, what gets me hooked is a photo. Once I make contact, to the extent she appears genuinely interested (which we know really isn't the case, but that is the the fantasy, huh) goes a long way. Once I am there, lingerie is a big turn on. Thanks for asking.
Looks like her pics, easy to schedule with, looks prepared when I get there.
In random order: location, looks, price, availability, variety, but at the top of the list: don't fake anything but if you do enjoy let it be known, willing participant not just "doing your job" something in addition to space between the ears,