aj u da goods some don't like ya some do. some like oranges, some like apples
some like me that ive met, some don't like me.
you live and you move on you cant please all, I don't think jb meant any harm, i think hes just sharing the experience.
Originally Posted by bjwstw
not exactly who jb is..if i know him as jb..or a new jb..but really..it is what it is,,, and thankyou..im sure you have seen me at the ac..you still elude me..
sure that will change with time...did with my new friend franklin..he shy i like shy guys..they so sweet..all ya can do is kiss them ..over and over and over again..
hey hey..have fun..thats what its about..
for those that dont like me..ohhhhhh wellllll..they misss out....their lossssssssssssss
as i laugh like the vampires daughter.........muuuuhahahahh ahahahhahahhaha...von bat,,,two bats..tthreeeeee batsss....muhhhahahahhahahhaha hhahhahhhah