credit cards

Several years back, I used a cc to buy 2 hats for my favorite baseball team. Come April 1, 2014, I will get an email from that site announcing the new season, with my fav team's hat featured prominently. It reminds me that every time I swipe that card, somebody is watching and using that data in many more ways than we can imagine. Cash is King and any small inconvenience is easily offset by the many ways it protects you.
Cash for me. Others may opt for cc and paper trail for both provider and hobbyist, but I am not willing to take the risk.
atxbrad's Avatar
I guess it would depend on what the receipt said...........
Maybe even use the receipt as a business expense, i.e. Hotel, Restaurant
Personally for me I wouldn't mind using cc. I usually feel pretty funny walking around with a little roll of cash since I normally only carry cc. If the provider trusts the person and the person is comfortable I think cc could be an option.