Get ready for this; because it's a DOOZY

I am currently working w gfx and I am the reason Katie wasn't successful, because all the clients wanted me my experience w gfx has been awesome!! I can tell yall she's exaggerating the truth and making it out to be way worse. If it was that bad I wouldn't be a gfx model. Originally Posted by gfekrystina
Wow. It just keeps getting better.

Seriously, GFX, this can't be helping business...
savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 01-12-2014, 02:54 PM
I am currently working w gfx and I am the reason Katie wasn't successful, because all the clients wanted me my experience w gfx has been awesome!! I can tell yall she's exaggerating the truth and making it out to be way worse. If it was that bad I wouldn't be a gfx model. Originally Posted by gfekrystina
alright dre, now how about you stop taking over her account and lets here what she really thinks....

this has wayyyy too many echoes of a past dust up between a pimp and his escorts from a year ago.
So here's a nice positive break in the action for everyone to consider:

Attachment 279967
Lol that's hilarious PDid seriously thanks for making me smile hun!
Beagle's Avatar

So I called left a message and that night a "Mrs M" did call me (you'll see why I'm skeptical in a moment if it's truly her or not) set up and appointment, and met with Dre, the pimp (Mrs M would like everyone to believe that he's a driver a but if it walks an acts like a fuck - then yeah) an another provider by the name of Holly.
TO KATIE AND "MRS M": 1) What was the date when Katie met up with Dre?

Fast word to a few a weeks ago when I was ready to work; I texted GFX an we set up a time for me to start; if this "Mrs M" was any kind of a business woman who starts the new girl when yet are out if town?
TO KATIE AND "MRS M": 2) When did Katie first work as a GFX model? According to Katie's account, I understand that Katie worked for GFX for about 5 days, is that correct?

So the day after was my day off.... And boy was I mad! My face wasn't blurred and joe blow could easily download my video! And when I called and ask about it they claimed it was a mistake; what mistake you said it right then and there on Monday when you were being aggressive pimp that you didn't want to blurr my face and my video you said "I just made it so right now that thy have to put a password in - all my videos need to have passwords"
TO KATIE AND "MRS M": 3) When were the pictures and video of Katie taken, and when were they published on the website?
Originally Posted by katie.kartwright
I promise I have a few points to make.......but I need to confirm the answers from both sides first. Please list the precise dates (+/- 3 days)
savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 01-12-2014, 04:23 PM
this thread may be of some useful reference for this situation between katie and gfx:

similar characters, similar drama, ijs...
@Beagel I met him Mid October before the Holoween social (that's the best guess no actual date) Pictures were taken in the Monday (12/30/13) and yes I "worked" 4 days but actually saw the inside if the hotel room on the first two because Monday checked in Tuesday checked out.... So in a hotel view I was there "1 day not 2" anyway... But they wanted us all to share a room Hell to the no...
Beagle's Avatar
@Beagel I met him Mid October before the Holoween social (that's the best guess no actual date) Pictures were taken in the Monday (12/30/13) and yes I "worked" 4 days but actually saw the inside if the hotel room on the first two because Monday checked in Tuesday checked out.... So in a hotel view I was there "1 day not 2" anyway... But they wanted us all to share a room Hell to the no... Originally Posted by katie.kartwright
Thanks for being forthcoming with the answers. Does the defendant refute the plaintiff's claims?

While we wait, here's a word from the sponsors.....

Still Looking's Avatar
alright dre, now how about you stop taking over her account and lets here what she really thinks....

this has wayyyy too many echoes of a past dust up between a pimp and his escorts from a year ago. Originally Posted by savak
Huh... I thought it was DRA. I think most everyone knows Dre or Dra... YES?
  • gfx
  • 01-12-2014, 06:56 PM
Thank you Katie for at least admitting he shared his fellowship and passages, that at least proves his intentions were not malicious. If there is anything else you conveniently forgot to mention, by all means….

Can someone please pm me and tell me who Dre is? What happened in the past?
Why would JJ automatically assume the driver was named Dre?

For the record, we have never had anyone named Dre drive for us. Katie you know you can't a provide a screen shot of us ever telling you that you would be meeting someone by that name. I have to admit, it is a good strategic move associating GFX with a well-known pimp who has had a bad history on these boards.

Truth of the matter is, if we did, don't you think we would at least use a different name.

Thanks to all our fans for the numerous pm's pledging your loyalty to GFX! We really appreciate it. Yes, we will continue providing the hottest new models offering the best service. We will not let this isolated incident slow us down. On the contrary, we will be ramping up our recruiting efforts.
For the record, nothing Katie said made creepy Dre's XXX Fellowship comments seem ok. He/You/GFX/Whoever obviously went snooping around on her personal Facebook page with her real name and then, either creepily or threateningly, said something to her. Not cool, not cool at all...

I know your prostitution business is illegal, etc. but you could at least show some professionalism. This whole proactive smear campaign is just about the worst display of business competency I've seen in this industry. And I'm only going by what YOU posted. I didn't have to read a bit of KKs rebuttal to make that conclusion.

That said, you can run your business anyway you like, but as I said...this can't be helping...
I said "he did after I called him out after threatening me" he was trying to save face and we both know that Dre... Also you keep stating that you don't know who he is yet in the BS apology you did however ask that it be edited because according to JJ I want mistaken identy which you tried lead these good people to believe that I was lying please note that will never go away you tried hiding his name and it was posted about your failed attempts. Keep up your pimping I don't care; love how you over like what @Beagle was asking of you but then again a hobbist is about to a
Call you out so do your stuff Beagle!
manuatu's Avatar
Everyone and all get back to your corners. This round is done! And others, hope you will not be affected, its time to get rid if the kit gloves when all reconvened. Don't like it, then we wall hurt from it!!!
Thank you L69 and ^^ I'm sure glad people are starting to see lies and holes in everything they say/do...
Thank you L69 and ^^ I'm sure glad people are starting to see lies and holes in everything they say/do... Originally Posted by katie.kartwright
Anytime, KK. I'm just stating the obvious. It's just so inappropriate to be running a "business" this way...

Hey, I'm reading a book called "Buy the Hour". It's about an escort and her experiences...especially with can find it on Amazon. Good read, I think you'd like it.