I work in Urology. Turst me, Its piss. I've heard the whole "oh it's colorless and doesn't smell like piss". That's because when you've smelled piss in the past its usually in the morning when the urine has been in the bladder all night. When you squirt its a spasm caused by orgasm and the fluid in the bladder hasn't been there that long. This spasm forces fluid (piss) through the bladder neck and down the urethra and out your piss hole. There is no cavity to hold this magical mythical fluid called female ejaculate. Its very simple plumbing and if anyone can prove its not piss, I'm listening....
That being said, urine is sterile and if you enjoy the whole squirting phenomena, more power to you.
Originally Posted by lesnar
While I hate to question your scientific knowledge, I do know common sense and there is simply no way that anyone can convince me of anything other than what my experience has been. I do recall a time that the greatest of scientists stated that there was no such thing as a G-spot. I am fortunate to know what is and what isn't pee. I am also very aware that while pee may have a stronger aroma in the mornings, to say that it has NO smell of an afternoon or evening is simply bunk (barring that nice, clear, odorless pee after a 12 pack).
Having said that, I can attest, as well, that my SO has enjoyed a nice squirt first thing in the morning before getting out of bed, so that pretty much debunks the "first thing in the morning smell" theory. While my beliefs may not sound "scientific" to you, they are very conclusive in my book, which is really all that matters I guess.
I am surprised that it took as long as it did for someone to scientifically take the other side of this. I also understand that it is difficult to "prove" as it is in the most intimate and intense of times that true squirting takes place. That would be very difficult to achieve in a clinical setting. Rest assured, if you experience a true squirt from a partner, you will throw the biology and anatomy books out the window and just say "Damn, that was pretty impressive!"