pornodave69: I'm sorry you do not have a grasp of how currency works.
I took the time to write a reply to your individual questions previously. Please take the time to finish reading my post above and the 3 links I provided. After you should have all of your questions answered along with a decent understanding of how Bitcoin works. Until then your questions just seem silly if you're not willing to educate yourself.
Ex. The breathing thing still makes no sense. All I can see is that mouths suck in air. Who creates the air? Once the air is sucked in oxygen is earned.
Originally Posted by JAdams
Your analogy sucks. Oxygen is created through photosynthesis by algae, plants and trees - nature. We don't earn oxygen, we use it. Who creates bit coins? Nobody? There isn't even a physical coin. It's a virtual coin for something a computer does, which is still a mystery to me.
I did take the time to read your links. None of them answer my questions. There is no mention of where these coins come from. Having a computer solve problems is not an answer.
How are these math problems generated? No answer.
Who generates these problems and pays for the solution? No answer.
How are the coins created? No answer.
What is the currency backed by? No answer.
Everything I have read about this is very vague and nothing I have read answers any of my questions.
If you can explain it, please do, because nowhere can I get answers to these questions through any searching and reading at all.
The best analogy I can give is this:
A teacher writes 1 + 1 on the chalk board.
The student solves in by writing 2.
The teacher gives the kid a penny.
Who is the teacher? Where does the penny come from if there is no physical teacher? What are these math problems that are being solved for these coins and what is the purpose of solving these problems?
Is there some University or corporation supplying these problems to have more processing power to achieve a goal?
SETI has programs that people can download in order to process information from radio telescopes to look for extra terrestrial life. Millions of computers working to process all the data collected. Is bit coin mining something like this? If so, who is running it?