Using Uber Car Service?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I use Uber all the rocks. F cabs. Originally Posted by bigdaddycat
I keep reading similar comments like "fuck cabs" (other places, not just here). But isn't this just a booking service FOR taxis?

Anyway, I did sign up for this service this morning. It was really painless but you did have to put in a credit card to register.

I think that it'll be really useful when I travel next month.

Really liked the topic. Thanks!
rekcaSxT's Avatar
No. It's a service to get hired cars.

UberX are driver owned cars. It's people who drive a bit on the side.

Uber Black is for nice sedans. They already drive for a livery but uber helps get them business.

Uber Suv is like black.

In some cities you can use uber to get a cab. But not Dallas.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 01-28-2014, 11:49 AM
It is like hiring a sedan limo (black car) at near taxi prices. Always VERY clean. The entire exchange, order, pickup, drop off, and charge/tip are taken care of on the app. No need for awkward interactions trying to figure out how to tip etc.

I wonder if you can get away with using a prepaid vanillavisa. Then there would be zilch papertrail. Guessing not though.

You can rate your drivers, and from what I gather, they can rate you too. I guess that depends on tip and frequency of uber use.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Their service seems excellent and convenient, I wish the Houston city council would let them operate down here. So much for a free market...
fletch's Avatar
i saw something on the news that the dallas city council may try to regulate services like uber. taxi companies are complaining because the non-taxi services are not regulated.

i am sure once its regulated it will be f~ed up, like when government gets involved in other industries.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I use it for business as less receipts to print out as my admin simply takes it and sends it in for reimbursement from my card. I could use my personal card I presume on a new account on uber but they are very detailed and so it scared me that they know where and when and how long it took to drop me off. They are efficient and too much detail is bad in this lifestyle Originally Posted by macbeth1000
Find a place close by you can justify, then walk to the AMP.