I read the boards not only for occasional entertainment, but also to get tips and advice about the hobby. I like to read everyone's opinions and POVs because it helps me. I will most certainly use a similar statement as the one you posted LD next time someone tries to take advantage of my time. I have strengths and weaknesses like everyone. One of my strengths is I have an open mind and take advice and constructive criticism very well. One of my weaknesses is I'm not very assertive and I let people take advantage of me because I do not like confrontation. So, yes, in a way it was my fault for letting someone take advantage of my time. But I can assure you, this gentleman did not want to leave and stayed as long as HE WANTED TO. Maybe I could have handled it differently, but I did as much as I felt was right at the time. Advice like yours is why I read these boards. So next time I can try something different if someone else tries to do this.
And I agree with Slave. I love a strong woman. One day I will be as assertive as that, hopefully. Hehe!