Not So Pleasurable Nights

No, just like she's not wrong for being honest with you about not wanting to see you.

On the one hand, we (hobbyists) demand open and fast communication from a provider. And when we get it, we're upset about the message.

You will never find out who said what about you. As an added bonus, you've also succeeded in airing your own dirty laundry in public, letting any lurking provider know she might want to double check before booking with you. Not the best idea for a public thread... Originally Posted by enderwiggin
Say if I didn't do my research and set up an appointment. I decide to do another search and find out she does not do something I like.(CBJ vs BBBJ, etc) Or maybe I saw a picture that wasn't too appealing. Maybe her pics are old, whatever the reason. I cancel that same day. Guess that would be ok too, even though I didnt do my homework.
dearhunter's Avatar
Since we are playing "maybe"............maybe she got 2 "OKs" and agreed to the date based on that information.......then, she got a third response that made her go "what the fuck"......and decided to read some of your posting history, and determined that you were too tame for her blood..........or.........mayb e she is a republican and did you a huge favor.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 09-08-2010, 12:53 PM
maybe she is a republican and did you a huge favor. Originally Posted by dearhunter
this is kinda my thoughts on it as well, good way to phrase it.
Sisyphus's Avatar
....DH et al are onto something. Frustrating as hell, to be sure, but the more you talk, the more you screw yourself into the ground. If this is the FIRST time a lady has given this explanation for a cancellation...consider it an "oh well" moment & move on. Her livelihood + her body = her choice. It's an axiom there's just no way around.

If it's ONLY time it ever happens to you...consider yourself a good hobbyist & it's just one of those things. If NOT...then well....I'd STILL go another route than a thread in a co-ed forum. No matter how righteous your (hobbyist) indignation may be, you (hobbyist) always come off looking the worse for it.

An alternative approach might have been to make a (very) few discreet back channel inquiries to see if you can determine what the problem might be. If you don't get anywhere...see the advice above.

As it stands, you began a game in which the only winning move was not to play.
simpleton's Avatar
This thread should help a lot.............and how did all of you make the leap that she made the decision based on anything from P411.....maybe it was from one of his reviews here.........or the ladies room (which would bring in a whole separate issue). Originally Posted by dearhunter

It was stated that it was someone whom he had seen in the past. Just connecting the dots.
Guest091710's Avatar
i wouldn't have issued a "ok" unless i was willing to see You again, that's my standards for issuing my seal of approval. So i think maybe someone is just cock blocking as its put. Im sorry about that, perhaps contact Gina and see what she has to say? idk
Originally Posted by Sisyphus
For some reason your name reminded me of syphyliss. I digress....
i wouldn't have issued a "ok" unless i was willing to see You again, that's my standards for issuing my seal of approval. So i think maybe someone is just cock blocking as its put. Im sorry about that, perhaps contact Gina and see what she has to say? idk Originally Posted by subcilla
What does an OK really mean anyway on p411?
dearhunter's Avatar
I'm trying to figure out how the ladies who have given ibe a P411 "ok" got thrown under the bus.........not the smartest chess move.

Maybe one of those "OKs" changed her mind after ibe's latest rant on certain provider is called "consequences"............chee se, please.
No one has been thrown under the bus.

Why are some of you hobbyist scared of providers? Scared to post anything negative. Get some balls.
dearhunter's Avatar
I'm not afraid of providers...............or hobbyists.
No one has been thrown under the bus.

Why are some of you hobbyist scared of providers? Scared to post anything negative. Get some balls. Originally Posted by ibechill
If you think making this an issue gives you "balls", by all means keep at it. I just don't see what the upside is for you here. What are you going to gain? If you thought Pleasurable Nights wouldn't see you this morning, she damn sure isn't changing her mind now. If you hoped the provider who passed on negative information about you would fess up, I wouldn't hold my breath. If you're crusading for a change in P411's OK policy over a perceived "wrong", I think you're wasting your time too. The most you can hope for is to get a handful of people to say, "Yeah, man. That does stink. What's up with that?"

I just don't see that you have anything to win here, but you do have something to lose.
dearhunter's Avatar
I'm beginning to thinck this was a back door attempt to harm a providers reputation who decided not to see him..........and it has swerved into something else.........I have been swayed.........I thinck each of the providers who have given ibe a P411 "OK" should be brought before us in this thread and beaten until one of them confesses..........that should teach them a lesson.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Why are some of you hobbyist scared of providers? Scared to post anything negative. Get some balls. Originally Posted by ibechill
You confuse decency and good manners with fear, and bitchy backstabbing with manliness.

You could have chosen to take the course suggested by Sisyphus but you didn't. Instead you took some frat boy jibe at his handle. You could have chosen to quietly investigate the nature of the allegation against you, but that wasn't nearly as emotionally rewarding to you as damaging the provider's reputation, or trying to, must be. Or in a separate, possibly unrelated, recent incident you could have simply complied with a provider's wishes to not post her face pics in the clear and left it at that, but you didn't. You chose instead to replace the face pic you were told to remove with links to two more. Showed that bitch, didn't you? Maybe she wasn't the only one who noticed you shinin' and stinkin', in John Randolph's immortal words.

I have no idea what you are in the real world, but your own posts here paint you as a morbidly self-absorbed drama queen, the only true consciousness in your solipsistic view of the world that incorporates providers as sub-human pleasure-bots who have two choices: kowtow to you, or take the consequences.

Meanwhile, Pleasureable Nights is probably feeling pretty vindicated.
junesetx's Avatar
This info did not come from anyone on P411. I was there and heard everything that was said about you and your attitude.
The provider that gave Hope the info was only informing her of what your date was like. That provider has not lied about any references that she's given to me and I trust her judgement even more now after your public post to put Hope on the spot. So much for being discreet aye?
We came here for fun not DRAMA!
Everyone can say what they like, Hope did let him know ASAP as she got the news about him.