Why? Legalize Prostitution in USA?

If you read the whole link it seems misleading at best. Example under Sex trade, if you read the whole paragraph you realize that they are combining sex workers with day labourers. Not that slave labor is ok but it sure inflates the sex trade traffic numbers. That is how they get funded. My guess is that in the UK they are not falling for these phoney numbers. There is a difference between being forced to do something and choosing to do something you might not care for. I suspect these UN reports would have trouble with that distinction.

Sex trade
According to a report last year by UNODC, countries that were major sources of trafficked persons included Thailand, China, Nigeria, Albania, Bulgaria, Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine.
Thailand, Japan, Israel, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Turkey and the US were the most common destinations, the report said.
There are no exact statistics on the number of people affected globally.
But according to UNODC, experts believe that some 2.5 million people throughout the world are at any given time the victims of human trafficking. Many of these are women and young girls forced to work in the sex industry, while others are men forced to work as labourers in dangerous conditions for little or no pay, the UN agency said. Originally Posted by WTF
Sort of but not really. The paragraph(s) of sex trade end by saying that not all 2.5 million people trafficked are done so for the sex trade. They are very clear about that and actually don't give any numbers of how many people are trafficked for the sex trade. Either way, it's bad news

Agencies in the UK are essentially advertising cooperatives and run more loosely than here. The girl works out of an apartment that may or may not be provided by the agency, but she almost always works alone out of the apartment on the day she works there. Otherwise, she and/or the agency would run afoul of the "keeping a brothel" statute. But the girls are almost independent contractors, to use a term of U.S. law. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Unfortunately not true. That's why the law to tighten agencies was changed...along with the forced sex issue. I remember the poppy project research (in this article below), the numbers were shocking. Whilst it includes those trafficked, there was plenty of exposure and there have been plenty of busts since then (very public too) of agencies that have run foul. Brothels are ripe in London and several have been attached to agencies..just google. There was a major bust about 3 weeks ago..same thing. Sure, when you see an indy you cannot be 100% she is working of her own volition but the same can be said of an agency. It's going to be instinctual more than anything. BUT (in the UK at least) involve more than one person in the business and your risks suddenly increase in other directions too.


There has been a lot of high fallutin talk about shifting the UK from legalization to decriminalization and the ones that call for that the loudest are those aged 18 - 30. The older the person is, the less relaxed they are. I can't see it happening under British law...but EU law is another thing altogether. On the plus side, England isn't the only country in the EU that has such laws...so they will be a few that push against change.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-09-2010, 09:11 AM
Sort of but not really.

C Originally Posted by Camille
Don't you find it somewhat strange that under sex trade they would mix in day labor? Maybe that is how they should have titled the paragraph, "Sort of but not really".

The paragraph(s) of sex trade end by saying that not all 2.5 million people trafficked are done so for the sex trade. Originally Posted by Camille
Yes a paragraph on sex trade ends by saying not all are in the sex trade. Hmmmmmm. Do you not find it at least eyebrow raising that with all the statistical means on how we can count Polar Bears or Eagles by a small sample that they will not project the sex trade industry? They can project 2.5 million but not the % of what is sex trade and what is forced labor? I find that odd.

. Either way, it's bad news

C Originally Posted by Camille
Yes , agreed but that was not my contention.
ICU 812's Avatar
One of the justifications for legalizing drugs is the ability of government to tax the transactions.

Legalizing prostitution would allow sales tax on the transaction and and income tax for the provider. This is the most powerful argument for legalization.

It would allow corporations to have providers "on-staff" for conventions and sky-box events. Agencies and Spas could be able to offer retirement, health plans and so on for their now legitimate employees. The possabilities really open up with legalization.

I am so disapointed that while we now have the most liberal administration in the oval office, and the most liberal party ever in full controle of both houses: legalization of prostitution has not made its way into either the Health Bill of the Financial Reorganization Bill.

It would bring the US into line with most of Europe and the rest of the world.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-09-2010, 09:41 AM
  1. Please provide your reason as a "yes" to "no" that you would like to see legalization.
  2. Why you think that is right or wrong.
  3. How do you think this will effect you personally?
  4. How do you think this would effect everyone else?
  5. Would the prices of Provider go up or down?
  6. And if safety plays a factor?
  7. How would regulation of the industry take place?
Thanks and looking forward to everyone's perspective, those involved in the movement and those that are not. Originally Posted by Woody of TX
1) Yes, though I believe you should have to take a course and get certified on STD's , HDH's and all other acronyms. That would be the only thing you could get a ticket for,'' Practicing Sex Without a Degree ''!

2) It is exactly like prohibition. A legal choice between consenting adults.

3) Zero...though I might by stock in Anheuser-Busch

4) It would be just like the repeal of prohibition. It would reduce the criminal element. Anheuser-Busch would be offering Bush and Bush lite. Taste great or less filling. There would be great micro breweries to counter the mass marketed sex. Sex workers would be safer and also paying a bit more in taxes for that safety

5) The price of providers goes up or down depending on economic times but who cares as long as they are going up and down.
6) Main reason why I would like to see it legal.

7) See #1. "Go to school! Get your degree!" Tell those girls the same thing you tell college athletes.
Happy Diver's Avatar
I think we should legalize prostitution, drugs, tobacco, and alcohol for everyone over 18. Anyone that does those with children should get the death penalty or extended multiyear torture.