
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
may his twin brother Jesse Garon Presley rest in peace

btw do you what elvis' last words were? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Okay, I won't
Okay, I won't Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Are you the only person in history to defect from both the USA and Israel within a 6 month period?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No one, including the great man David Ben-Gurion, has ever spoken for all Jewish people. We have our disagreements. As for personal issues, the unexamined life is not worth living. Even happy, well adjusted people like myself benefit from counseling. My anger and hatred come from the fact that liberals have ruined America for people like me, and they are delighted about it.

As I age, I see no reason to surrender to their tyranny. Give me liberty, or give me death applies today, also.

To my conservative friends: Mazel Tov

When we tell someone Mazel Tov, we are giving them a blessing: May this drip of inspiration from your soul above not dissipate, but rather have a positive and lasting effect, that from this event onwards you should live your life with higher consciousness. You should be aware of the blessings in your life and be ready to receive more and more. In other words: Good Mazel!

From Rabbi Aron Moss (same middle name as Elvis Aron Presley, FWIW) Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

You know, if LIBERALS have ruined your life, then you really didn't have much of a life to begin with, bubbeleh.

I mean there is a lot more to existence than being angry all day every day and calling someone a faggot, isn't there? Turn off the computer. Take a long walk on the beach. Take a deep breath. Hold it...

The LIBERALS who ruined your life will matter less and less, the longer you hold that deep breath.

Nobody wishes you ill. Nobody is worth hating as deeply as you seem to hate others.

Sorry man. But it's gotta suck to be so miserable. Hope you feel better soon.

Zei gesund.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You know, if LIBERALS have ruined your life, then you really didn't have much of a life to begin with, bubbeleh.

I mean there is a lot more to existence than being angry all day every day and calling someone a faggot, isn't there? Turn off the computer. Take a long walk on the beach. Take a deep breath. Hold it...

The LIBERALS who ruined your life will matter less and less, the longer you hold that deep breath.

Nobody wishes you ill. Nobody is worth hating as deeply as you seem to hate others.

Sorry man. But it's gotta suck to be so miserable. Hope you feel better soon.

Zei gesund. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Thank you for the kind words. I appreciate the sentiment. But I'm afraid that the people who destroyed America have taken it too far, there is no room for forgiveness. I wish to peacefully change it back to the way it was, or die trying. Compared to the great country it used to be, it is a wretched hellhole now for a white man. It is not that I hate people who have a different skin color. I can get along with all races, believe it or not, and actually prefer Latina women above all others. I just don't believe forced diversity has any benefits and is merely a front for affirmative action and quotas, which denies me equal protection of the law and amounts to tyranny. I don't believe in racial purity of a nation state but do think nations should be primarily ethnocentric like Israel, dedicated and founded for the benefit of Judaism in their case. Mexico,for instance, is essentially 90% the same race. Go down there and see for yourself, I have, and diversity beyond that threshold creates friction and division, not national unity. Minorities should be treated like people with equal rights, not special rights. Now, these are my opinions as a free man. I know many feel a special moral imperative and license to hate people who think like me.
Thank you for the kind words. I appreciate the sentiment. But I'm afraid that the people who destroyed America have taken it too far, there is no room for forgiveness. I wish to peacefully change it back to the way it was, or die trying. Compared to the great country it used to be, it is a wretched hellhole now for a white man. It is not that I hate people who have a different skin color. I can get along with all races, believe it or not, and actually prefer Latina women above all others. I just don't believe forced diversity has any benefits and is merely a front for affirmative action and quotas, which denies me equal protection of the law and amounts to tyranny. I don't believe in racial purity of a nation state but do think nations should be primarily ethnocentric like Israel, dedicated and founded for the benefit of Judaism in their case. Mexico,for instance, is essentially 90% the same race. Go down there and see for yourself, I have, and diversity beyond that threshold creates friction and division, not national unity. Minorities should be treated like people with equal rights, not special rights. Now, these are my opinions as a free man. I know many feel a special moral imperative and license to hate people who think like me. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

Says the racist jew....
I figured a real jew would have smelled the pork on you and dropped your ass off on the Palistinian side of the fence...

Fucking poser. Im half &half but way more jew than you. I would bet your actually some goat raping muslim just jerking off to the thought of someday being an actaul jew.

Admit it. You never left anywhere for Israel. ...you had your internet cut off in your section 8 apartment . Good cover story though.

Glad to see you back. I see my taxes paid for you to get your DSLrunning again.
Just know I wish you they best. May you choke on a pulled pork and bacon sandwich some Friday. .
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Glad to see you back. I see my taxes paid for you to get your DSLrunning again.
Just know I wish you they best. May you choke on a pulled pork and bacon sandwich some Friday. . Originally Posted by UB9IB6
and i'm sure he uses his ObammyPhone as his hobby phone too. too bad the NSA has it tapped. or is that the Mossad ? i get confused when i drink heavily.

my advice ... Drink Heavily !

and while i'm doing a Crips and Bloods drive-by post why not finish with this for timmyturd and asshole rider?

Damn we got another video head on board.
Just having fun with ya JL. I'm sure you're decent in RL..

I just fucking hate your troll persona.

There's no way you actually believe the shit you spout.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Just having fun with ya JL. I'm sure you're decent in RL..

I just fucking hate your troll persona.

There's no way you actually believe the shit you spout. Originally Posted by UB9IB6
Talk about believing the shit you spout.
Talk about believing the shit you spout. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Talk about believing the shit you spout.
Talk about believing the shit you spout. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
+ 1,000,000

No one, and I mean no one, spouts more shit than Professor JD Idiot.

I repeat, no one!