Another bogus Obamacare story: The GOP's 'Bette'

BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 02-01-2014, 02:32 PM
Let me simplify it for you all.

A woman has a sandwich. She is not hungry right now but she may be later in the afternoon. Along comes Obama and takes the sandwich. He tells her that she deserves better and he will provide a complete turkey dinner. He leaves her with nothing but hope. She starts looking for different food just in case she gets hungry. She finds some hummus which she doesn't like so she passes on it. In her travels someone offers her some spinach which triggers her gag reflex so she has to pass because the price is too great to eat it.

Despite the promises of Obama, she just wants her sandwich back but it is unavailable because some idiots in DC decided that it wasn't good enough.

On the story, I noticed something unusual. An Internet search kept coming up with same quote (...another bogus Obamacare story...) in story after story, source after source which indicates some collusion but it also it indicates that other stories have been debunked. Are they talking about Obama stories? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Her sandwich had food poisoning and Obama saved her from sickness!!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 02-01-2014, 03:16 PM
A woman has a sandwich. She is not hungry right now but she may be later in the afternoon. Along comes Obama and takes the sandwich. He tells her that she deserves better and he will provide a complete turkey dinner. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
A bologna sandwich, or a turkey dinner. Gee, let me think about that one for a second...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
try this story .. late Tues evening I was rushed to the ER, and remained in the hospital until yesterday afternoon, blood work every 4 hours, 2 separate labs, private room, the whole 9 yards for a patient with a BP reading that kills most people with a stroke or heart attack ... I haven't got the final # s yet but from the report given to me by my daughter the portion I pay isn't very much .. I'll report when I get the totals ..

do I thank Obama, the insurance company, the Doctors, the lab tecs, the nurses, the ambulance driver, the medics on the bus, the companies that made equipment that I was married to for 3 days the pharma companies the made the drugs that are keeping me alive right now, or God ?

trust me, I've thanked the all, and I'm thankful to be here to thank them.

I'm also very thankful I can be here and tell all of you fuckers to stfu, and kiss my Texas Ass.

snort~ Originally Posted by CJ7
Did you thank Obama for the sun coming up this morning, for the rain (California doesn't rate), and for the changing weather? Obama did promise to change the weather.

The only turkey is Obama and that's all that there will ever be. No, she just has HOPE and that is all that Obama brought to the feast.
JCM800's Avatar
Let me simplify it for you all.

A woman has a sandwich. She is not hungry right now but she may be later in the afternoon. Along comes Obama and takes the sandwich. He tells her that she deserves better and he will provide a complete turkey dinner. He leaves her with nothing but hope. She starts looking for different food just in case she gets hungry. She finds some hummus which she doesn't like so she passes on it. In her travels someone offers her some spinach which triggers her gag reflex so she has to pass because the price is too great to eat it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
what's your problem with hummus?

...and what sides come with that turkey dinner?
Let me simplify it for you all.

A woman has a sandwich. She is not hungry right now but she may be later in the afternoon. Along comes Obama and takes the sandwich. He tells her that she deserves better and he will provide a complete turkey dinner. He leaves her with nothing but hope. She starts looking for different food just in case she gets hungry. She finds some hummus which she doesn't like so she passes on it. In her travels someone offers her some spinach which triggers her gag reflex so she has to pass because the price is too great to eat it.

Despite the promises of Obama, she just wants her sandwich back but it is unavailable because some idiots in DC decided that it wasn't good enough.

On the story, I noticed something unusual. An Internet search kept coming up with same quote (...another bogus Obamacare story...) in story after story, source after source which indicates some collusion but it also it indicates that other stories have been debunked. Are they talking about Obama stories? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Do you find your students dozing a lot during one of your homilies?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Poor JD...
RedLeg505's Avatar
We want some people to get a different plan than the one they previously had. Originally Posted by Doove
When did that goal change Doove? Originally you all said you wanted the people that DIDN'T have a plan, to get one finally. And so far, those that DIDN'T have insurance.. aren't signing up in the numbers like you expected.

So.. why the change in the goal? And what business is it of YOURS to decide what kind of plan people get to chose?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-01-2014, 07:26 PM

Grenier told the newspaper that she wrote Rodgers after her insurance company informed her that her $552-a-month catastrophic health plan would not be offered in 2014.

Grenier said she had flatly refused to even investigate her options on the exchange. "I wouldn’t go on that Obama website at all,” she said. “We liked our old plan. It worked for us, but they can’t offer it anymore.”

Instead, she and her husband "have decided to go without coverage," the newspaper reported.

Does this make sense? Grenier deliberately decided to forgo the options available to her and her family from the Affordable Care Act, despite the knowledge that they might be more suitable for her than her old insurance or the plan being hawked by her insurer -- she says a friend of hers found a plan for a mere $129 a month. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Let me get this straight , this dumb bitch was paying 552 dollars a month for a plan she can now get for 129 dollars a month and she opted to get nothing because the new plan had something to do with Obama?

And our resident gun clutching bible thumping Tea Turkeys are defending this fucking retard?

Now the silly bitch can get sick , go to the ER and have to sell her house to pay the bill. Great move on her part. I got a thousand bucks says shy buys that insurance before the year is out. All this stink because she does not want to pay 433 dollars less a month for basically the same coverage!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-01-2014, 07:29 PM

So.. why the change in the goal? And what business is it of YOURS to decide what kind of plan people get to chose? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
How about we do away with making Hospitals admit folks without know the law Ronnie Reagan passed.

Then it would be nobody's business. Until then.......
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
what's your problem with hummus?

...and what sides come with that turkey dinner? Originally Posted by JCM800

Who said I don't like hummus, read again. Our mythical woman doesn't like hummus.
BigLouie's Avatar
From USAToday:

The consequences of repeal, health care officials and industry analysts say, go beyond the fact that 9 million people would suddenly lose their insurance or that anyone with a pre-existing condition would either lose insurance or pay much higher premiums.

All consumers would take a huge financial hit, because health care costs would continue to rise, and insurers would probably recoup their losses by charging higher premiums.

Taking away the coverage of millions of people through repeal would be a political disaster for Republicans, said Ben Sommers, assistant professor of health policy and economics at the Harvard School of Public Health.

In other words, better start making the best of it because it is not going away. If the Republicans voted to repeal the Republican party would be finished as a political party.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Is that prediction from the same machine that said you could keep healthcare plan if you liked it?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 02-02-2014, 05:47 AM
When did that goal change Doove? Originally you all said you wanted the people that DIDN'T have a plan, to get one finally. And so far, those that DIDN'T have insurance.. aren't signing up in the numbers like you expected.

So.. why the change in the goal? And what business is it of YOURS to decide what kind of plan people get to chose? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
The goal was to give people the means and ability to get insurance. What they do with that is up to them. Nothing changed.

Who said I don't like hummus, read again. Our mythical woman doesn't like hummus. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Blaming Obama for this woman not having insurance is like blaming Obama for someone starving to death because he outlawed macaroni and cheese. A million other options for her.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Obama did not outlaw mac and cheese but he did outlaw the mixing of cheese and pasta. That way he can say that he didn't while he did. That also forces Kraft to pull their product off the market. So even if you want to buy mac and cheese it is no longer available. Instead you are forced to buy something more expensive which has broccoli florets in it and little bits of pepper. It costs more and you don't want peppers in your macaroni. You can always make your own if you have the skill or (my guess) is that you will join with other groups of mac and cheese lovers, find your own chef, and do what you want to do outside the obama system.

Thanks for bringing up mac and cheese. Next time we can explain it with Cheerios and a biracial family.
Only a Stalinist leftard would claim success as being a government idea of destroying the very good health insurance policies of tens of millions of Americans; only to cover thousands under Obamacare. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Only a braindead conservabot uses stupid terminology like "Stalinist" .......or, an old white republican who still thinks in cold war terms. Get up to speed dumbass.

And, get some new facts that actually are facts.....the ACA will eventually result in one-payer universal coverage for all. Get used to it.