Syeira I can relate...........
With that said, my 2014 resolution involves being more friendly towards strangers
I am very shy in public........yes it's true. So for me to approach a hot guy and compliment them probably would have to involve a 5th of Vodka..........They are probably thinking that you are a very desirable woman, well... maybe not the children
But on the other hand, I have been told several times, that because of my shyness I come off approachable.......maybe I am stuck up, or think I am better than anyone else.......I CALLED BULLSHIT ON THIS..........I am just extremely shy and keep to myself.
I don't know if my conscience is making me think that when I am out and about that people automatically look at me and think " she is a hooker " because I am looked at by men-women and children. I would love to be able to walk in somewhere and strike up a conversation with someone and have no fear with that.
AM I CRAZY? LOL Originally Posted by syeira pink