Driving to Robinson.
Thats a quote from Devo over on Indys. Apparently some folks feel that statement is degrading to providers...instead of being degrading to Robinson and the south hills in general. So in the spirit of that, lets have some fill in the blank fun...
No pussy is worth _____________________
Originally Posted by amishgangster
I must have missed that set of posts.
I guess people that work in Robinson have been brain numbed to how FUCKING LOUSY OF A PLACE IT IS TO GET TO!
You are ALWAYS guaranteed traffic, asshole driver, tunnels, with more asshole drivers, overloaded roads, more assholes... Get the picture.
Seems to be a good bit of offense taken over there for shit that should be understood to be sarcasm.
But, I guess that takes a higher level of understanding of the english language, and perhaps they need a sarcasm text color over there to make it clear, but, with the way they take other posts, all in the same obtuse and vapid manner, I am NOT surprised.
Perhaps my entry should be, is ""NO pussy is worth paying for PERIOD."
But, thats not true either, as I have had some memorable, truly memorable meetings.
So, maybe it should be, "No pussy is worth paying for 98% of the time."
Which, I guess could also apply to civilians that I dated back in the day, meaning, that only about 2% would I have considered "Marriage worthy".
Funny, but, I guess more of real life intrudes into the hobby than we think.