Who got the best ass?

bndm's Avatar
  • bndm
  • 02-08-2014, 11:00 AM
Just got to get me a new ass cause mine has a crank in it. ... Originally Posted by dmaxskin

That was either the funniest typo EVER, or an admission of a little bi action!

I'm guessing the former, rather than the latter!

"Not that there's anything wrong with that!..."


(Crank = ???). LOL!
I'm partial to mine because it has a Razorback on it. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
I thought it was hard for providers, putting themselves out there and all. And now we're supposed to grade who has the best ass? Like they're cattle? I'm just saying

My vote is a tie between TK and Selena.
I thought it was hard for providers, putting themselves out there and all. And now we're supposed to grade who has the best ass? Like they're cattle? I'm just saying ... Originally Posted by dirtysanchez0069
We don't mind being treated like cattle, as long as we're referred to as top-grade USDA prime... Not chopped liver.

The trick is keeping it positive.

That was either the funniest typo EVER, or an admission of a little bi action!

I'm guessing the former, rather than the latter!

"Not that there's anything wrong with that!..."


(Crank = ???). LOL! Originally Posted by bndm
Damn it typos. Crack lol .... I don't care who you are dat there was some funny ass typo... good call bndm
scooter's Avatar
haven't seen tk's yet butt....i have bumped up against selena's fine ass and plan to do that again...scoot
We don't mind being treated like cattle, as long as we're referred to as top-grade USDA prime.

The trick is keeping it positive. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
You My dear would be high class tbone
You My dear would be high class tbone Originally Posted by dmaxskin
Thank you, dear!
I had the privilege of spending some time with Baby Dallass in the nwa area back in November, and I must say that was the most incredible ass I've ever seen. I waited years for her visit to my area and the wait was so worth it. Good God, that was a beautiful woman with an AMAZING backside that i will not soon forget.
You My dear would be high class tbone Originally Posted by dmaxskin
T-bone hell. That's some Wagyu beef right there
ramblinman69's Avatar
I had the privilege of spending some time with Baby Dallass in the nwa area back in November, and I must say that was the most incredible ass I've ever seen. I waited years for her visit to my area and the wait was so worth it. Good God, that was a beautiful woman with an AMAZING backside that i will not soon forget. Originally Posted by Iridemhard
Dallass is one ass errr lass, this cat has got to meet. Soon. Like now. Pardon me for a min...
My vote would be Felina has buns of steel same with TK. Next vote would be XXXPairs and she gots some nice MM to go with that sweet ass. Would love to hook up with Bady Dallassss sometime also Roxy looks to have a nice ass in those white boy shorts she has.
If I remember correctly Roxy does have a nice ass. I forgot about Baby Dallassss, if it is the same as in her old photos it is nice.
BabyDallass's Avatar
I had the privilege of spending some time with Baby Dallass in the nwa area back in November, and I must say that was the most incredible ass I've ever seen. I waited years for her visit to my area and the wait was so worth it. Good God, that was a beautiful woman with an AMAZING backside that i will not soon forget. Originally Posted by Iridemhard
Aw Thank You, that made my day! I give all the credit for my ass to my MAMA! lol I get it from my mama what can I say?
BabyDallass's Avatar
My vote would be Felina has buns of steel same with TK. Next vote would be XXXPairs and she gots some nice MM to go with that sweet ass. Would love to hook up with Bady Dallassss sometime also Roxy looks to have a nice ass in those white boy shorts she has. Originally Posted by Worldtravler

Agree! We do need to plan a date soon So you can see this ass up close and personal