Owner of a lonely heart

Hey, you've already started the thread, might as well go all the way and post the photos! And I'll second what Sixx said, it is good to see you posting again. Originally Posted by Fratelli
Yes post some NEW pics can't wait to see the new klovve
I've heard she looks different now but,
I bet she's as good as ever welcome back pretty girl!
^^you are still awake! Wow, I haven't pulled an all nighter since college and I am STILL in my 20s!

As requested:
Staff Edit...Per request.....Spacemtn
Wait, why am I upside down.
Mmmmm, looks ok to me!
Longhorn in Texas's Avatar
Upside down - likey that ;-)
trapperkeeper2000's Avatar
Gotta love that runners body!!
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah took this h'yar young filly out ta eat fer Valemtime's Day. Now, Ah'm a-purty shore she'd been a-partyin' a-fore hand, gittin' likkered-up 'r sumpin', but she wuz a fun gal. Ah got thar first an' snagged us a table an' she showed up 'bout 15 minutos later. We wuz a-waiting fer our food when all uva sudden she git up an' screams at tha top o' her lungs, " 'Cos I'm FUCKIN' (xxx name withheld fer privacy vvv)". E'ery few minutes while we wuz a talkin' she'd do thet. Sometimes, she'd change it up a l'il an' scream, " 'Cos I'm (xxx first name withheld fer privacy vvv) FUCKIN' (xxx last name withheld fer privacy vvv)" and e'ery oncet inna while she'd add a "motherfuckers" or two. Well, the management asked her to stop. But she kept on a-keepin' on 'til tha police came to escort us off'n tha property. Ah never even got ta finish ma meal. Ta this day, Ah am banned from Chuck E. Cheese fer life. FER LIFE! An' ain't even tha one thet wuz a screamin' like a banshee. Ain't thet sum bullshit.
Typing that grammatical tsunami must have taken forever! Dedication, I admire that
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Typing that grammatical tsunami must have taken forever! Dedication, I admire that Originally Posted by klovve
Not really, sugarbritches, thet's jus' tha way Ah talk. Bin a-doin' it thet a-way since Ah wuz knee-high ta a grasshopper.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
An' technically, sugarpuss, tha term y'all wuz a-lookin' fer wern't "grammatical". It wuz "vernacular". Y'all's publick skools taday don't do much uva job teachin' proper English.
No, I meant grammatical your contraction and conjunction choices are.....interesting.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Read yer Faulkner, toots. We'uns both use a Suthern kinda vernacular. Ain't nobody e'er 'ccused Ol' Willy-boy o' writin' in tha grammatical.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
An' a-fore yew say Ol' Willy-boy wrote inna Suthern dialect, 'member this: That's whut vernacular means. (Them italics is mine)

ver·nac·u·lar adjective \və(r)-ˈna-kyə-lər\
1 a : using a language or dialect native to a region or country rather than a literary, cultured, or foreign language
b : of, relating to, or being a nonstandard language or dialect of a place, region, or country
c : of, relating to, or being the normal spoken form of a language
Precisely, vernacular relates to how an individual SPEAKS and the words they choose to say. I am directing my comments to your TYPING. Your printed word, your grammar usage. Now please correct me if I am mistaken, but Faulkner - or "ole Willie", as you so candidly reference him as - did not tarnish the English language with bullshit and justify it as "southern".

Now, since you seem to understand google and the copy/paste function of your keyboard please allow me to elaborate further:


the language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region.

I stand by my comment, your "grammatical tsunami" is an eyesore.

JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Well, shoot me in the foot.

(this one might be a keeper, Miss Mynx)