Ah took this h'yar young filly out ta eat fer Valemtime's Day. Now, Ah'm a-purty shore she'd been a-partyin' a-fore hand, gittin' likkered-up 'r sumpin', but she wuz a fun gal. Ah got thar first an' snagged us a table an' she showed up 'bout 15 minutos later. We wuz a-waiting fer our food when all uva sudden she git up an' screams at tha top o' her lungs, " 'Cos I'm
FUCKIN' (xxx name withheld fer privacy vvv)". E'ery few minutes while we wuz a talkin' she'd do thet. Sometimes, she'd change it up a l'il an' scream, " 'Cos I'm (xxx first name withheld fer privacy vvv)
FUCKIN' (xxx last name withheld fer privacy vvv)" and e'ery oncet inna while she'd add a "motherfuckers" or two. Well, the management asked her to stop. But she kept on a-keepin' on 'til tha police came to escort us off'n tha property. Ah never even got ta finish ma meal. Ta this day, Ah am banned from Chuck E. Cheese fer life. FER LIFE! An' ain't even tha one thet wuz a screamin' like a banshee. Ain't thet sum bullshit.