
It's funny you mentioned that. The other night I was doing laundry in my apartment building and when that spin cycle came around.... let's just say I was praying no one else in the building needed to do laundry at that moment.

Whew. Did I mention I get a "slight" case of Spring fever? Originally Posted by LayneLaughlin
Remind me to bring my laundry next time we meet, Layne. I'll watch the door.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
It all comes down to the common denominator it seems. The verbose.
Friction and imagination.
Soon all is like a blade of grass. Wither and die. Tears lost in the rain.
M.A.'s Blade Runner references aside, the statute was pretty easy to find:

Section 28-801: Prostitution; penalty
(1) Any person who performs, offers, or agrees to perform any act of sexual penetration, as defined in subdivision (6) of section 28-318, with any person not his or her spouse in exchange for money or other thing of value commits prostitution.

"Money or other thing of value" is the catch all phrase.