Jackie our girl Condalisa

MT Pockets's Avatar
Still fluffing and WKing for seArgent shitburner, huh MT ? Do YOU get to pick his dingleberries on the weekends or just on the days when assup is " under the weather " ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
That is it Gey Rey . I am not gonna let you lick Waco's shit off my dick now.
HFC is right! you are a weak minded person! carry on Originally Posted by gary5912
Look! There is suddenly an opening in my schedule. Get with Waco and coordinate the best time to hook up. I was gonna charge Rey. But I will give you a military "dickscount" if you want his spot.
That is it Gey Rey . I am not gonna let you lick Waco's shit off my dick now.

Look! There is suddenly an opening in my schedule. Get with Waco and coordinate the best time to hook up. I was gonna charge Rey. But I will give you a military "dickscount" if you want his spot. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Keep dreaming about having a dick , ya EUNUCH ! Caitlyn Jenner, is that YOU ?????
MT Pockets's Avatar
Keep dreaming about having a dick , ya EUNUCH ! Caitlyn Jenner, is that YOU ????? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Sure what ever you want, just close your eyes and imagine whomever you want when you fantasize about me. I hope your big tongue don't make my dick look small.

I can promise you this and you know its true. I will never let you touch my wiener no matter how much you beg.
herfacechair's Avatar
I will keep this real simple- would you like to join Av8R on a free one way cruise? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
I'll keep this simple, simply answer these questions, right on this thread, so that we could determine the true nature of your military veteran claims:

1. What was your MOS while you were in the Army?

2. Where did you go to Basic Combat Training/One Station Unit Training at?

3. Where did you go to Advanced Individual Training?

4. From what year to what year did you serve?

5. How long did it take you to get from one rank to the next one, starting from when you were an E-1? For example, E-1 to E2; E2 to E3;

6. What positions did you hold when you "were" a Sergeant? When you "were" a Staff Sergeant? When you "were" a Sergeant First Class? When you "were" a Master Sergeant? When you "were" a Sergeant Major? [This is a multi-part question; each part must be answered.]

7. You claimed combat deployments, where did you combat deploy, and what years?

8. What was your duty position when you combat deployed?

9. What's "REDCON1", without researching it, and when would you say it? Give an example of when you used it.

10. Where did you accumulate your points from?

11. What's a typical day in garrison like?

12. What's a typical day in the field like?

13. What's a typical day like when you go out to the field?

14. From the time you get information that you're about to go on a mission, till the time you go on a mission, what are the general things that happen?

This list will grow, if you truly served in the capacity that you claimed you served, you'd easily be able to answer these questions.
Sure what ever you want, just close your eyes and imagine whomever you want when you fantasize about me. I hope your big tongue don't make my dick look small.

I can promise you this and you know its true. I will never let you touch my wiener no matter how much you beg. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You are "saving " that weiner for YOUR hero Lubed Wide ass, aren't ya MT the White Knight ! Do YOU provide him with magnifying glasses and tweezers to " work " it for ya ? Keep defending and WKing for a lying loser. Ya know what they say about " tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who YOU are " ? !!! But, if YOU want to keep WKing for Lube, then go right ahead. Mebbe he'll have some " fresh " dingle berries for ya when ya get home tonight. He's had his ass ripped pretty good today, so YOU should be able to harvest quite a few of those " magic " berries that YOU love so much !
I'll keep this simple, simply answer these questions, right on this thread, so that we could determine the true nature of your military veteran claims:

1. What was your MOS while you were in the Army?

2. Where did you go to Basic Combat Training/One Station Unit Training at?

3. Where did you go to Advanced Individual Training?

4. From what year to what year did you serve?

5. How long did it take you to get from one rank to the next one, starting from when you were an E-1? For example, E-1 to E2; E2 to E3;

6. What positions did you hold when you "were" a Sergeant? When you "were" a Staff Sergeant? When you "were" a Sergeant First Class? When you "were" a Master Sergeant? When you "were" a Sergeant Major? [This is a multi-part question; each part must be answered.]

7. You claimed combat deployments, where did you combat deploy, and what years?

8. What was your duty position when you combat deployed?

9. What's "REDCON1", without researching it, and when would you say it? Give an example of when you used it.

10. Where did you accumulate your points from?

11. What's a typical day in garrison like?

12. What's a typical day in the field like?

13. What's a typical day like when you go out to the field?

14. From the time you get information that you're about to go on a mission, till the time you go on a mission, what are the general things that happen?

This list will grow, if you truly served in the capacity that you claimed you served, you'd easily be able to answer these questions.
Originally Posted by herfacechair
# 12 ought to be real easy for him : Drag the honey buckets out of the field latrines. Pour in Diesel fuel. Ignite the honey bucket fuel / shit mixture. Stir occasionally. AND STAND DOWN WIND OF THOSE HONEY BUCKETS.
I'll keep this simple, simply answer these questions, right on this thread, so that we could determine the true nature of your military veteran claims:

1. What was your MOS while you were in the Army?

2. Where did you go to Basic Combat Training/One Station Unit Training at?

3. Where did you go to Advanced Individual Training?

4. From what year to what year did you serve?

5. How long did it take you to get from one rank to the next one, starting from when you were an E-1? For example, E-1 to E2; E2 to E3;

6. What positions did you hold when you "were" a Sergeant? When you "were" a Staff Sergeant? When you "were" a Sergeant First Class? When you "were" a Master Sergeant? When you "were" a Sergeant Major? [This is a multi-part question; each part must be answered.]

7. You claimed combat deployments, where did you combat deploy, and what years?

8. What was your duty position when you combat deployed?

9. What's "REDCON1", without researching it, and when would you say it? Give an example of when you used it.

10. Where did you accumulate your points from?

11. What's a typical day in garrison like?

12. What's a typical day in the field like?

13. What's a typical day like when you go out to the field?

14. From the time you get information that you're about to go on a mission, till the time you go on a mission, what are the general things that happen?

This list will grow, if you truly served in the capacity that you claimed you served, you'd easily be able to answer these questions.
Originally Posted by herfacechair
You are really an ass clown. I out rank you and for one second you think I am going to subordinate myself to you ? You realize I am your superior - apparently your training was not adequate.
herfacechair's Avatar

MT Cranial Cavity: Okay I skimmed through your latest Novel.

Like a typical liberal, see simple, straight forward questions destroying your argument, accompanied with a fact based, reasoned, logical argument that destroys everything that you say, and you respond by saying, "I only skimmed through your [fill in the blank]."

Yes, you were seething with anger, and emotion, that you couldn't wait to get to the end so that you could start rambling your nonsense, and start gracing us with your ignorance and with how emotional you get when we get under your thin skin.

MT Cranial Cavity: First of all if anyone is losing their shit it would be you.

The only thing that I lost, due to my laughing my arse off at how you reacted, was my composure. That delayed my response, and it wasn't until I could stop laughing at how you reacted, and stopped laughing at how I was going to hammer you next, that I could finally get through the quick and easy work of dismantling your post.

No, I didn't lose my shit, you did. You lost your composure, bearing, and everything because your emotions pulled you hard in response to my getting you in the jogular.

MT Cranial Cavity: You come back with a mile long rant to every fucking sentence that I type pretty much.

That's because you don't have a clue about what you're talking about, given the fact that you're driven by narcissism based emotion. My destroying you, point by point, gets under your skin, doesn't it? That doesn't rub your ego well, doesn't it? Deep down inside, you know that when you read my reply, and I'm taking you apart point by point, I'm proving to you how wrong you are. The more in error your argument, the longer my response.

Consider this as punishment for your stupidity, expect my next reply to you to be another scathing fact check to your baseless emotional rants.

MT Cranial Cavity: And most of what you type is ramblings.

Take it away MT Cranial Cavity:

"Your lame response to comments I make are like what a spoiled teenager would say when they are arguing with a parent." -- MT Brain Bucket

You're turning out to be my best ally in this argument against you. But yes, your dismissing my dismantling of your ignorant opinions as "ramblings" is equivalent to a teenager dismissing their parents' wisdom. It's easier for you to dismiss my replies as "ramblings" because it saves you from having to come to terms with the fact that my replies prove to you that you don't know WTF you're talking about.

MT Cranial Cavity: Most of what you say is not even reality based.

In order to say that, you have to prove it with a fact based, reasoned, logical argument. You've repeatedly failed to do that. Instead, all you've done was disintegrate a lot worse than you disintegrated before each time I dismantle your screeds. I'm arguing based on the facts, and I'm presenting a fact based, logical, reasoned argument against your narcissistic emotional rants.

MT Cranial Cavity: You still do not know who Felicia is.

Felicia is the one that put a strap-on on, and ass raped you as punishment for your not being man enough. Felicia is the woman that has cockholded you, she's the woman that you watch have sex with other men as you hold your cock for both of them to make fun of. She rewards you by feeding you her cream pies.

MT Cranial Cavity: And I did not know you changed your name.

Nope, the only thing that changed is the resident in your MT cranial cavity. Your one brain celled activity got tired of being unutilized, so it rented your empty head out to the toy monkey that shows up occasionaly in your MT cranial cavity to bang its cymbals. Throwing your money at said toy monkey doesn't make your empty noggin a "pocket".

MT Cranial Cavity: Did you change your gender also?

That's the question that people keep asking you, right? After your cockhold mistress, Goddess Felicia, your dominatrix, subjected you to forced feminization, people kept wondering about whether you changed your gender or not. Now, just as you get confused as to which one of us said what, you're now confused as to which one of us, you in this case, is a drag queen.

MT Cranial Cavity: And you say I am frustrated that I can not control you?

Can't control me in the sense that you expect me to "go away" with your nonsense, can't control me in the sense that I keep hammering you the way I enjoy hammering you, yes. You've disintegrated in this debate, and you've gotten more emotional with your replies, because I won't do the things here that you expect me to do. What I'm durrently doing isn't something that you want me to be doing, isn't it? The fact that you'd bitch, whine, moan, and groan about taking your posts apart and addressing them point by point annoys you, doesn't it? Remember, I have you categorized in a psychological profile.

MT Cranial Cavity: Really? I mash the buttons on my keyboard a few dozen times and you spend all day typing a response like your life depends on it.

Since you're too retarded to figure this out, and to see the relationship between our replies and counter replies, let me break this down to you.

Let "X" be your replies to me.

Let "Y" be my rebuttals to you.

Now, are you ready for this? What's happening, between us, is this:

If "X", then "Y".

You control "X", I control "Y". You advance "X", I respond with "Y". Like I said before, I'm going to keep hammering you, "ad infinitum". The only way that "Y" will stop is if "X" isn't advanced.

Your statement above is an attempt to get me off your back, and you're frustrated that it's not working.

MT Cranial Cavity: I am also wondering if you are using a speech to text program

That's what I've been trying to tell you, you simpleton! I use speech to text when generating my replies. Or, did you see where I said that, and are now pretending to be wondering about that, just to give yourself an excuse to ignore the questions that I've asked you on the previous posts?

MT Cranial Cavity: because of your rambling Syntax.

Again, whenever a liberal dismisses a response as "rambling", or something similar, they're setting stress shields up to protect their ego from all attacks of reason... As what they're dismissing is a reasoned, fact based, logical argument destroying their arguments in a way that even they see that they're wrong.

MT Cranial Cavity: Are you paralyzed ?

Nope, I wouldn't be in the Army if I were paralyzed, you big dummy. But, I could tell that as far as this debate is concerned, you've been pulverized.

MT Cranial Cavity: If so then I can see how acting like a bad ass on the net would be good therapy for you.

There you go again, mistaking me for someone else. It's the guy, whose ass you have your MT cranial cavity stuck inside of, whose acting like the internet tough guy. Don't mistake my taking your arguments apart, point by point, in a way that gets you to see that you're wrong, as my "acting like a bad ass".

MT Cranial Cavity: I asked you about Asperger's. You do know that was a compliment don't you. You write like someone that has it


First, I know someone that has been diagnosed, by a certified physician, with Asperger's. I've known this individual for decades, and have been involved with his vocational development. There's no similarity between this individual and me.

Second, what I said earlier:

"Before, and after, I went to Iraq, I had interviews with therapists and psychiatrists. These folks were "certified" in their professions, and found me to be normal. Who should we believe? An idiot behind the keyboard that has never met me, who doesn't know WTF he's talking about, or a certified professional that has met me?" -- herfacechair

Who should we believe? People that are certified to make that determination, or you, who is emotional involved with a debate that he's getting his ass kicked in? What part of "they found me to be normal" did you not understand?

I stand by what I told you earlier. Like the other liberals, you attempt to accuse me of having a psychological issue simply because I thoroughly debunk your arguments. You used that as a means to attack in order to make up for the fact that you can't effectively defend your position.

MT Cranial Cavity: but actually you do not seen that smart.

Wrong. You're the one that's getting destroyed in this debate. Instead of doing the smart thing to do in this situation, bow out of it with the balance of your credibility, you chose to argue in an argument you've been thoroughly debunked and destroyed in. Not a smart move.

In fact, I've found that in the 13 years I've been debating against liberals, there's an inverse relationship between someone's "smarts" and their willingness to continue debating me. Meaning, the more someone is willing to debate me, the dumber they are. The less willing they are to debate me, the smarter they are.

I've witnessed this on Facebook, where the most successful people, on my friends list, bail out of an argument, that we're involved with, real quick. Those that aren't successful, or who could be labeled as "losers"? They insist on debated with me despite the fact that they've been destroyed.

I don't get involved with debates where the opposition knows more than me. In order for me to get involved with a debate, one of two things must be met:

1. I have to know more than the opposition, either through firsthand experience, researched experience, or both.

2. The opposition clearly has to be wrong.

If I'm debating with you, or anybody else, it's because these conditions are being met. The fact that you keep replying, under these conditions, speaks volumes to the fact that you're not as "smart" as you'd like to portray yourself.

What I've found is that the people, who fit your profile, or that of the others that I've debated with extensively, have exercised piss poor judgement outside the debate forum as they have inside the forum. You're exercising piss poor judgement on this thread, I refuse to believe that you'd exercise good judgment once you log out of this forum.

You've been thoroughly crushed on this thread, your intellect is trying to tell you that, but your narcissism is driving you to go against common sense and to continue an argument that has been disproven. Again, that makes you come across as someone that's breathing his own exhaust.

MT Cranial Cavity: Look I am only slightly above average from a IQ sense.

Based on your line of reasoning on this thread, I wouldn't be surprised if you're basing that on an average that falls in the retard range. A couple points above retard is still "above average" if average is full retard. Your actions on this thread argues against you having an above average IQ.

MT Cranial Cavity: But I know quite a few really smart people. Not only do I have several friends that are gifted I own a business that has me interact with folks daily that are brilliant. You sir are not. If you had an exceptional intellect you would not post such long winded fables about every little portion of a post on a Escort board.

I kept this group of sentences together, as it represents a contradiction. You insist that if I had exceptional intellect, I wouldn't be spending my time generating a reply that thoroughly debunks you on this thread. Really guy? If you were a real business owner, you of all people would know the futility of engaging in an activity that doesn't benefit you.

I'm working on my doctorate in business administration. I know people who are running businesses. None of them, that I know of, waste their time on something that doesn't benefit them. Their efforts are focused on activities that'd benefit them. Your wasting a large amount of your time on this thread, on this message board, argues against you being a business owner.

You're getting your ass kicked on this thread, and you're getting your ass kicked elsewhere on this message board. Instead of getting your ass kicked on this message board, you could be spending that time growing your business, and doing things that'd benefit your business.

Your actions here indicate that the person that you'd consider as "smart" and "brilliant" are the people that don't destroy you in argument. But, if someone destroys your arguments, thoroughly in a way that leaves you with no effective defense, all of a sudden, "that's not smart". This tells me that you're judging smartness from a partisan perspective, a subjective process to where those that don't destroy your ego "are" smart, and those that do destroy your argument, and ego, "are not" smart.

If you were above average, in the smartness category, you wouldn't be dismissing my fact based, reasoned, logical arguments as "longwinded" rants or fables about every little portion of a post.

Let's be honest here. You're doing what other liberals have done over the past 13 years that I've debated against... Attempting to beg me to quit hammering you. Guess what? As long as you keep replying, keep expecting a rebuttal from me taking your post apart point by point.

MT Cranial Cavity: As soon as you start talking about someone shitting in another ones mouth you are just internet trash like the rest of us.

BWAAAAHAAAAHAAAA! I got you good with that one, didn't I? I laughed my arse off after I posted that, I would've loved to seen the reaction on your face when you read that. I'm serious when I say that I take sadistic pleasure in destroying arguments like yours, this is why I've been destroying liberal debate over the past 13 years.

Like Private Luke Wyatt, the guys whose ass has your MT cranial cavity, you're sensitive, have a thin skin, and are easily spun like a top. Given the amount of crap that you've spewed in this thread, I wouldn't be surprised if you were into that.

MT Cranial Cavity: So watch this, I demand you respond to this post with another bestiary filled with your astonishing wit.

My responding to you is almost as guaranteed as death and taxes, "commanding me" to reply to you is like commanding me to breath, or commanding the sun to raise in the east tomorrow. Again:

Since you're too retarded to figure this out, and to see the relationship between our replies and counter replies, let me break this down to you.

Let "X" be your replies to me.

Let "Y" be my rebuttals to you.

Now, are you ready for this? What's happening, between us, is this:

If "X", then "Y".

You control "X", I control "Y". You advance "X", I respond with "Y". Like I said before, I'm going to keep hammering you, "ad infinitum". The only way that "Y" will stop is if "X" isn't advanced.

Your statement above is an attempt to get me off your back, and you're frustrated that it's not working. Guess what? My replies to you are almost as guaranteed as death and taxes. If you reply to me, expect me to reply to you. That's a given.

MT Cranial Cavity: Hurry! I am hanging by a thread

Yes, your statements on this thread hint on the fact that you know that you're hanging by a thread in this debate.

MT Cranial Cavity: waiting to be filled with your wisdom.

I'm sorry, but your narcissism won't let you do that. But do know this. My replies to you are almost as guaranteed as death and taxes. Expect it.

Ah oh, it looks like something is taking MT Brain Bucket over again...

Hello everyone, I'm the toy monkey, banging its cymbals, that someone alluded to on this thread. As was mentioned, I enter his empty noggin and attempt to take him over, and it appears that I succeeded better this time than before. Why did I chose to bang my cymbals here?

Well, it started when I couldn't find a nice place to just bang them. The others got annoyed, so I had to find a new place. Then this single brain cell approached me. Told me that I could rent a spot, in a spacious, cavernous, place where I could bang my cymbals until my heart was content. That's when I discovered this empty brain cavity.

I banged my cymbals here and enjoyed listening to the distant echoes of my cymbals banging each other. At other times, I attempted to take MT Pockets over. This is something that the single brain cell recommended I do... he enjoyed doing it and thought I'd enjoy it to. He was right.

For a while, he and I shared this place, and came and go as we pleased. MT Pockets tried to bribe me when I started playing my cymbals. Thought I was an actual monkey doing tricks, you know, like people throwing coins at a man next to the monkey doing tricks in the park. This is why he calls his empty head "a pocket" or "pockets". He's that stupid, and that's what makes taking him over enjoyable.

Well, I'm alone now, been alone, and using this place by myself, since his one brain cell got lost when it went out wondering. Ah crap, looks like he's going to regain contr...
Originally Posted by MT Pockets
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You are really an ass clown. I out rank you and for one second you think I am going to subordinate myself to you ? You realize I am your superior - apparently your training was not adequate. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

who do you outrank in the real world?

herfacechair's Avatar

I'll keep this simple, simply answer these questions, right on this thread, so that we could determine the true nature of your military veteran claims:

1. What was your MOS while you were in the Army?

2. Where did you go to Basic Combat Training/One Station Unit Training at?

3. Where did you go to Advanced Individual Training?

4. From what year to what year did you serve?

5. How long did it take you to get from one rank to the next one, starting from when you were an E-1? For example, E-1 to E2; E2 to E3;

6. What positions did you hold when you "were" a Sergeant? When you "were" a Staff Sergeant? When you "were" a Sergeant First Class? When you "were" a Master Sergeant? When you "were" a Sergeant Major? [This is a multi-part question; each part must be answered.]

7. You claimed combat deployments, where did you combat deploy, and what years?

8. What was your duty position when you combat deployed?

9. What's "REDCON1", without researching it, and when would you say it? Give an example of when you used it.

10. Where did you accumulate your points from?

11. What's a typical day in garrison like?

12. What's a typical day in the field like?

13. What's a typical day like when you go out to the field?

14. From the time you get information that you're about to go on a mission, till the time you go on a mission, what are the general things that happen?

This list will grow, if you truly served in the capacity that you claimed you served, you'd easily be able to answer these questions.
Originally Posted by herfacechair
You are really an ass clown. I out rank you and for one second you think I am going to subordinate myself to you ? You realize I am your superior - apparently your training was not adequate. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Really? You "outrank me" and that you're my "superior"? BWAAAAHAAAAAAHAAAA! And then you had to bring military training into the picture. Well, glad you could do that, because if you were an NCO, you'd recognize this:

"I know my Soldiers and I will always place their needs above my own. I will communicate consistently with my Soldiers and never leave them uninformed."

So tell me, where did that come from, Mr. Phony NCO? Because, if you were truly "my superior", then you'd understand that my needs supersede yours. And, right now, I need you to answer my questions. Meaning, your desire to avoid my questions have to be subordinated to my need for you to answer them. You'd fulfil that portion that I quoted.

But, you've proven that you never were an NCO.

Had you served in the military in the capacity that you claim, you'd know that IF you were a retired SGM, you wouldn't be in my chain of command. You, not being in my unit, wouldn't be my superior. You'd know that as an SGM, you'd be in an NCO support channel if you were assigned to a unit, NOT chain of command.

Do continue to prove to me, through your statements, that you're a phony NCO, retiree or otherwise. How about answering those questions Private Stolen Valor?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
luke fart is getting reamed big time.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 05-16-2017, 10:25 PM
He's been getting ass fucked for a couple days now.
Really? You "outrank me" and that you're my "superior"? BWAAAAHAAAAAAHAAAA! And then you had to bring military training into the picture. Well, glad you could do that, because if you were an NCO, you'd recognize this:

"I know my Soldiers and I will always place their needs above my own. I will communicate consistently with my Soldiers and never leave them uninformed."

So tell me, where did that come from, Mr. Phony NCO? Because, if you were truly "my superior", then you'd understand that my needs supersede yours. And, right now, I need you to answer my questions. Meaning, your desire to avoid my questions have to be subordinated to my need for you to answer them. You'd fulfil that portion that I quoted.

But, you've proven that you never were an NCO.

Had you served in the military in the capacity that you claim, you'd know that IF you were a retired SGM, you wouldn't be in my chain of command. You, not being in my unit, wouldn't be my superior. You'd know that as an SGM, you'd be in an NCO support channel if you were assigned to a unit, NOT chain of command.

Do continue to prove to me, through your statements, that you're a phony NCO, retiree or otherwise. How about answering those questions Private Stolen Valor? Originally Posted by herfacechair
How about you tell everyone about the first pm you sent me ? That would prove you are a filthy liar. Did you not in so many words say that you admire me and want to achieve my rank ? Let's be truthful
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 05-16-2017, 10:37 PM
Why don't eat shit and jump off the first building a crane can host you onto.
Why don't eat shit and jump off the first building a crane can host you onto. Originally Posted by R.M.
You first CUNT