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  • Old-T
  • 03-31-2015, 07:11 PM
The modern three stooges? Why yes, IB is dumber than those as well.
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WHAT THIS HAVE TO DO WITH CJOHNNY54 MONEY? It being used by TED CRUZ to fund DZUG CAMPAIGN! Tell govment to give CJOHNNY54 money back NOW! Last seen at Nau's in Clarksville!
I B Hankering's Avatar
You are a moron who has emoticons talk to you and provides answers to them. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
So you concede that intellectually superior cartoons have subjugated your stupid-ass and are using your handle to post in this forum, right, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp?

As usual you are so far off the mark it is laughable. There isn't anything special about your number of posts, it is all about the absurd reaction you have. Watching you self-immolate is the same kind of gratuitous fun people get by watching old three stooges films--only you are far stupider. Originally Posted by Old-T
That's a poor attempt at deflection from you piddling in your panties over a post count on a SHMB, Old-THUMPER, and your admission that your perversely abnormal fixation on a post number on a SHMB is akin to you watching reruns of a dated children's show says much about you, Old-THUMPER.

The modern three stooges? Why yes, IB is dumber than those as well. Originally Posted by Old-T
Yes, you watching reruns of a dated children's show reveals so much about you, Old-THUMPER.
So you concede that intellectually superior cartoons have subjugated your stupid-ass and are using your handle to post in this forum, right, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp?
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Asked and answered, but keep on asking you brain dead fuck. chicken dick the idiot.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Asked and answered, but keep on asking you brain dead fuck. chicken dick the idiot. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You're a lying cock-sucker talking out both sides of the dick stuck in your teeth, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp.

You repeatedly claim that when one replies to YOUR posts that they're replying to cartoons, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp. When challenged as to why cartoons are posting on a SHMB using YOUR handle, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp, you deny it.

So which fucked-up lie are you going to repeat today, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp?

BTW, it's very easy to imagine that intellectually superior cartoons did, in fact, hijack your account, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp. And COG is quite correct, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp, you are, by far, the "dimer" member in this forum. Take your nonsense about a "typo" and go screw your miserable, illiterate self, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp:

Two of our dimer lights talking to the departed. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You are just overstating the fact your bulb is getting dimer with each stupid thread. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Two of our dimer members who can't read the part that said on this board fucking retards. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
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  • Old-T
  • 04-01-2015, 07:52 AM
Ah yes! The king of all hijackers complains of someone hijacking a thread. That is so absurd as to be comical.

And for someone who complains about other people counting, he is so insanely fixated on typos.

Odd, don't you think?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Ah yes! The king of all hijackers complains of someone hijacking a thread. That is so absurd as to be comical.

And for someone who complains about other people counting, he is so insanely fixated on typos.

Odd, don't you think?
Originally Posted by Old-T
If your your stupid, lying, trolling-ass wants to talk about "hijacking a thread", Old-THUMPER, you'd do well to take your stupid, lying, trolling ass to post @ 231 where you "hijacked" this thread, Old-THUMPER.

And if you want to see something "absurd" and "comical", Old-THUMPER, all you need to do is look at what your stupid, lying, trolling-ass just posted and compare it to the post you are ridiculing; wherein, that post clearly referenced a "hijacked account" -- not "thread" -- as you so stupidly argue, you inveterate jackass. But of course, you're too stupid, or too drunk, to cognitively notice that little flaw in your stupid, lying, trolling-ass argument, aren't you, Old-THUMPER?

You are the odd SOB in that you're making analysis based on the children's cartoons you are still watching at your advanced age, Old-THUMPER, and you obviously suffer from a perverse fetish -- for over two years now -- of watching post counts on a SHMB.
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  • Old-T
  • 04-01-2015, 08:26 AM
Poor IB, leaping to conclusions that just wind up with him leaping into quicksand.

Let's see: how long have the 3 Stooges been around? That's right, many decades. They started long before I was born. And yes, I did occasionally watch it when growing up--when you are one of multiple siblings with one TV you occasionally watch things that are not your first choice.

And unlike you, my memory is still quite good, so I can actually recall the salient features of the shows even though I have not watched one in a very long time.

So tell me again why you think you scored any points with your stupid comment?

And while the TV shows one watches do say something about them (far less than you think it says), I would argue that your most recent post in this thread says much more about you--and none of it good.

Have a great morning in the basement!
You're a lying cock-sucker talking out both sides of the dick stuck in your teeth, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp.

You repeatedly claim that when one replies to YOUR posts that they're replying to cartoons, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp. When challenged as to why cartoons are posting on a SHMB using YOUR handle, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp, you deny it.
LMAO you are one fucked up lying dickhead. When have I denied that ?
So which fucked-up lie are you going to repeat today, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp?
It is impossable to out lie you chicken dick.
BTW, it's very easy to imagine that intellectually superior cartoons did, in fact, hijack your account, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp. And COG is quite correct, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp, you are, by far, the "dimer" member in this forum. Take your nonsense about a "typo" and go screw your miserable, illiterate self, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp:
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Keep on replying to the emoticons chicken dick, they are. real words to your fucked up tiny brain. Try to have another meltdown again chicken dick you miserable little fuck it is very entertaining. Your stump and chimp have ruled your miserable life, and hijacked your handle you simple dimatard. Keep obsessing about dicks and mouth like you do at your glory hole cocksucker.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Keep on replying to the emoticons chicken dick, they are. real words to your fucked up tiny brain. Try to have another meltdown again chicken dick you miserable little fuck it is very entertaining. Your stump and chimp have ruled your miserable life, and hijacked your handle you simple dimatard. Keep obsessing about dicks and mouth like you do at your glory hole cocksucker. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You'd be the chicken-pluckin' mutha fukker who keeps saying intellectually superior emoticons using your handle are posting on this SHMB, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp.

Poor IB, leaping to conclusions that just wind up with him leaping into quicksand.

Let's see: how long have the 3 Stooges been around? That's right, many decades. They started long before I was born. And yes, I did occasionally watch it when growing up--when you are one of multiple siblings with one TV you occasionally watch things that are not your first choice.

And unlike you, my memory is still quite good, so I can actually recall the salient features of the shows even though I have not watched one in a very long time.

So tell me again why you think you scored any points with your stupid comment?

And while the TV shows one watches do say something about them (far less than you think it says), I would argue that your most recent post in this thread says much more about you--and none of it good.

Have a great morning in the basement!
Originally Posted by Old-T
Noticed how you scurried to abandon your "hijacked thread" tack, Old-THUMPER, once it was pointed out to your stupid, lying, trolling-ass that it was your stupid, lying, trolling-ass that, in fact, hijacked this thread and how "hijacked thread" wasn't the subject of the post you stupidly referenced, Old-THUMPER. Now, carry your stupid, lying, trolling-ass back to your mommy's basement, pour yourself another glass of your favorite bum wine and enjoy your children's cartoons, Old-THUMPER.
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  • Old-T
  • 04-01-2015, 11:31 AM
Oh my! IB is getting his little feelings hurt! Well, TOO BAD! You deserve every bit of ridicule and hostility directed your way. You have earned it by being the biggest pompous jerk on here.

Face it, you make so many stupid, wrong, and laughable statements that no one else could address them ALL. And even your occasional supporters know you are a thread hijacker, so it wasn't worth pointing out.

You are a buffoon, nothing more (and on many days, far less). You can't distinguish between serious discussion and raucous barbs. You can't distinguish between truth and your illusions. You equate any slight jab at you with all out nuclear war--but you can spew feces and homophobic comments and see nothing wrong with it.

I have met and dealt with many arrogant, egotistical, wrong, stupid, illogical people in my line of work, but you truly are the most perfect satiate or the most perfect example of non-productive protoplasm. It is truly hard to comprehend that you are as absurd as you come across.
You'd be the chicken-pluckin' mutha fukker who keeps saying intellectually superior emoticons using your handle are posting on this SHMB, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You'd be the same old lying, bombastic, repetitive, distorting, windbag. The queen of photoshop with the chimp, stump, chicken dick fetish.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Oh my! IB is getting his little feelings hurt! Well, TOO BAD! You deserve every bit of ridicule and hostility directed your way. You have earned it by being the biggest pompous jerk on here.

Face it, you make so many stupid, wrong, and laughable statements that no one else could address them ALL. And even your occasional supporters know you are a thread hijacker, so it wasn't worth pointing out.

You are a buffoon, nothing more (and on many days, far less). You can't distinguish between serious discussion and raucous barbs. You can't distinguish between truth and your illusions. You equate any slight jab at you with all out nuclear war--but you can spew feces and homophobic comments and see nothing wrong with it.

I have met and dealt with many arrogant, egotistical, wrong, stupid, illogical people in my line of work, but you truly are the most perfect satiate or the most perfect example of non-productive protoplasm. It is truly hard to comprehend that you are as absurd as you come across.
Originally Posted by Old-T
The stupid little troll here would be you, Old-THUMPER. You hijacked a thread and then embarrassed yourself by accusing someone else of hijacking the thread, Old-THUMPER. As if that wasn't stupid enough for you, Old-THUMPER, you stupidly misunderstood what was posted in the thread you were replying to, Old-THUMPER. To top off your conspicuous stupidity, Old-THUMPER, you stupidly resorted to using children's cartoons to support your *intellectual analysis* of current events.

You'd be the same old lying, bombastic, repetitive, distorting, windbag. The queen of photoshop with the chimp, stump, chicken dick fetish. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You seem to forget that you're same old lying, bombastic, repetitive, distorting, windbag who keeps saying intellectually superior cartoons are using your handle to post on this SHMB, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp.
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  • Old-T
  • 04-01-2015, 01:02 PM
I heard a rumor that the money has been shipped off shore to a money laundering outfit in the Galapagos islands. A shell game if you wish. Last seen, CJohnny was seeking passage on a slow cargo scow to the Pacific. I suspect he might report in when he gets there, but I don't know how good the internet connectivity is there.