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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
fucking old liar. that's fake and even you know it. fucktard. take a shit and wipe your old ass.

when you crap, your wifey who won't pull your old shriveled pud anymore, makes you go shit in an outhouse so the stink won't contaminate your clarksville trailer.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar Originally Posted by i'va biggen

i'll take a trump flip-flop over a socialist flip-flop any day chimp

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Yssup Rider's Avatar
This is fun! Whoda thunk just posted in the same kind of ignorant memes that SLOBBRIN, WaKKKo and the rest of the RWWipes post would make them lose their shit so easily!

Well this changes everything!

RINO titanic

By Kevin “Coach” Collins

Our nation is in deep trouble. Our world is burning down and an anti-American in the White House is fanning the flames. We the people who love America must do something to save ourselves now! We have been let down by the fake conservatives we sent to Washington to put out the fire and start fixing the damage. They have laughed in our faces. We have reluctantly put our faith in the Supreme Court to halt the advance of unconstitutional legislation; but the justices have stabbed us in the back and twisted the blade with smug talk about the fix being “up to the people.”

Until last summer we had no one to champion our cause. It was only us. That has changed with the emergence of Donald Trump as the frontrunner in the Republican primaries. We now have a once in a lifetime opportunity to fix what is wrong and save our country; and we simply cannot squander it.

Yet there are those whose demands for conservative purity have caused them to first scoff at Trump, then throw their “Flavor of the Month” candidate at him to take him out. Since that didn’t work they are lecturing us and pushing Ted Cruz, a man who is a proven liar. Worse still, more than a third of voters believe Cruz is not eligible to be the president. Ted Cruz is not an alternative, but just another way to pat us on the head and tell us to “run along.”

These chattering purists are frightened of losing their influence over us when Trump wins. With no particular credentials, save for knowing yesterday’s political rules, they presume to tell us we don’t know what is good for us. It’s time for them to get out of the way. Those of us who don’t want to keep rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic have to seize the moment and take control of our own lives.

Where our “betters” think they get the justification to tell us what is good for us is no longer important. They would rather look good and lose the country than look bad among themselves and support Trump.

Donald Trump is the only man in the field who can be successful in a general election. He has the talent and will to fix America’s problems.


Marco Rubio, George Soros, Rupert Murdock and Fox News are the Cheap Labor Gang. They are all in on a scheme to push amnesty down our throats. Here’s how it works: They win; we lose if we nominate Rubio.

While Iowans showed they aren’t concerned about illegal aliens, (just 11% saw them as important) the rest of America is very concerned about them. A September CNN survey showed an astounding 9 of 10 Americans see illegals as an important issue. Among those very concerned about illegal aliens are Marco Rubio, George Soros, Rupert Murdock, and Fox News. Their concern is seeing that America is flooded with cheap laborers who will take Americans’ jobs; and are actively working in concert to see that happen.

Marco Rubio would like those 90% of voters, who see illegal aliens as an important problem, to forget that just a few years ago when he had barely arrived in the Senate he was a member of another group, the Gang of Eight which included ultra-Liberal New York Democrat Chuck Schumer–another politician on Soros’ payroll. That Gang’s sole purpose was to slip amnesty past the America people. It failed but its efforts live on in Rubio’s candidacy.

One of Rubio’s close confidants is Cesar Conda who has served as his Chief of Staff. Conda is an amnesty zealot and worked as an editor for George Soros, the nation’s chief amnesty supporter.

Donald Trump has been the most consistent enemy of the Cheap Labor gang so he has been under constant attack by Fox News which is owned by Rupert Murdock. Murdock is a board member of the all-out amnesty pushing Partnership For a New American Economy which lobbied to support the Gang of Eight’s amnesty treachery.

Fox News’ Vice President Bill Sammon’s daughter Brooke is Marco Rubio’s national Press Secretary.

Is there any reason to think Rupert Murdock would not send his Vice President’s daughter the questions Fox News will ask Marco Rubio to keep his campaign and the Soros/Murdock dream of amnesty and no borders alive?

If we nominate Marco Rubio this is how it works. They win; we lose.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This is fun! Whoda thunk just posted in the same kind of ignorant memes that SLOBBRIN, WaKKKo and the rest of the RWWipes post would make them lose their shit so easily!

Well this changes everything!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

the only person losing their shit is you when it runs down your leg. didn't ya read the instructions? they go on yer ass, not on your head idiot.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
SLOBBRIN, Please post it bigger and bolder, so we can HEAR you!