If the Feds Won't Do It...

atlcomedy's Avatar
. They are not the first in line upon a spouses death without a will:. Originally Posted by WTF
If you are f'ing dumb enough to not make your wishes clear in a will you deserve what you get....gay or straight...that is one of your poorest arguments in the last seven days
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  • WTF
  • 07-09-2010, 08:38 PM
And then there are hairdressers, waiters and interior decorators. Originally Posted by pjorourke
You know it, sister !!! Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I now pronounce you husband and husband.......

may God have mercy on any kiddo's you two may have!
atlcomedy's Avatar
I now pronounce you husband and husband.......

may God have mercy on any kiddo's you two may have! Originally Posted by WTF
am I in his will????
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  • WTF
  • 07-09-2010, 08:45 PM
If you are f'ing dumb enough to not make your wishes clear in a will you deserve what you get....gay or straight...that is one of your poorest arguments in the last seven days Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Well then men and women should not be afforded that right if they are to stupid to have a will.

Equal is Equal is my point. No matter how stupid one thinks that is.

Every right that a married man and woman have should be extended to two hot chicks that wanna have a civil union. I'd tack on a few more rights for the ladies if they would let me join in that union from time to time!
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  • WTF
  • 07-09-2010, 08:49 PM
am I in his will???? Originally Posted by atlcomedy

You not in his will but you're on his willy?
atlcomedy's Avatar
I'd tack on a few more rights for the ladies if they would let me join in that union from time to time! Originally Posted by WTF
You wouldn't believe the rights I'd grant to hot bisexual woman that were not monogamous :roflamo:
Rudyard K's Avatar
Because they do not get the same benifits that a married couple gets. They are not the first in line upon a spouses death without a will: they are not considered family by hospitals.....yadayadayada.

I don't give a shit if a church don't wanna a marry their gay ass but they should have equal rights.

I believe that each and everyone of us ought to be able to marry the one they love upon legal consent. Plenty of gay ass churchs for them to get married in!

For you that think the Fed's should not decide but the states should, why not take it even closer to the people and let each person decide. Denying them things that you or I can have is just not right. Once they decide to marry, they should legally be treated like any other married couple. Originally Posted by WTF
Hellfire! I didn't know we were headed all the way down to the individual. Why stop with above? What is "legal consent"? If its love its love. "Old enough to bleed" and all that stuff. I mean, if society is not to have anything to say about things at any locality level...where does all this 18 shit come from? What about sheep? I hear tell those T-Sips like that kind of thing. I mean were not neccesarily talking about promoting some kind of conception here. Its only love that matters. Somehow you're not being...what was it you call it?...Oh yeah, Linier, or something like that. If you're gonna draw the line under the individual...then draw it for everything.

And by the way, if you are gonna head all the way down to the individual on everything...I'm gonna need more time. Forget marriage and unions...I'll have a long list.

That does not mean that I have to like it but tough shit on what I like. Originally Posted by WTF
Hell, I think you're liking where this is headed more than you let on. Are you a T-Sip?

Now, if instead, we're gonna head back into some semblence of the real world...I'd agree that on a federal basis (i.e. federal taxes, federal benefits and such) that whatever kind of union is recognized by a state ought to be recognized for those federal purposes. But that doesn't mean that I think every state has to recognize the same set of rules for unions.
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  • WTF
  • 07-09-2010, 10:58 PM
. If you're gonna draw the line under the individual...then draw it for everything.
. Originally Posted by Rudyard K

OK....I think I did. You just aren't looking to hard. The point is Equality, not love. Plenty of straight folks get married that aren't in love.

All that Baaaaa got the sheep nervous! Nobody straight or gay gets to marry a sheep. That seems fair. What wouldn't seem fair is if I got to marry one because I was straight and you couldn't because you were gay. Same with age limits.

So that is pretty damn linear. Nobody straight or gay gets a sheep nor young'ens, nobody.

Kinda shoots down your line of reasoning there, now doesn't it?


Now, if instead, we're gonna head back into some semblence of the real world...I'd agree that on a federal basis (i.e. federal taxes, federal benefits and such) that whatever kind of union is recognized by a state ought to be recognized for those federal purposes. But that doesn't mean that I think every state has to recognize the same set of rules for unions. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Well if you want the states to have the final say then make damn sure that they do it equal is all I ask. I do not want them discriminating on the basis or race or gender or sexual preference. Either we all have equal rights or nobody does.

I do not understand what is so hard to understand about that. That is very linear.

No goats were harmed in the making of this film!
atlcomedy's Avatar

Well if you want the states to have the final say then make damn sure that they do it equal is all I ask. ! Originally Posted by WTF
Duly noted! Do you want to have someone send this to all the Governors and State Legislative leaders?

States do different things. Remember the topic of this thread when it started? Arizona will do differently than Vermont.

The answer to this, like so many of the other non-hooker related topics we debate here whether it is gay marriage, textbooks, or border jumpers is participate in your local gov't and get the local legislation you want. If you don't like your local legislation, move (although I know in many cases that isn't practical)
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  • WTF
  • 07-10-2010, 07:26 AM
Duly noted! Do you want to have someone send this to all the Governors and State Legislative leaders?

) Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Remember my prior post to Rudyard, I prefer everything that can handled to be handles from an individual level. That is to say, if I wanna hire a immigrant legal or otherwise, I do so. I would like to be able to hire the best person for the job.

But if we are going to keep hard workers out, keep them ALL oiut. Do not let one group of employeers that have sway over politicans make some farm ass exception.....yadayada.

Be linear is what I strive for, might not always get there but it is a lofty goal. One that needs plenty explaining here on this board!
John Bull's Avatar
Let's keep the sheep and the underage folks out of this. Strictly against Eccie rules, you know!
Let's keep the sheep and the underage folks out of this. Strictly against Eccie rules, you know! Originally Posted by John Bull
Are those federal, state or individual rules?
I was wondering if they were going to be treated equally.
I was wondering if they were going to be treated equally. Originally Posted by Ansley
The gays or the ECCIE rules?
The sheep and underage folks.