Trump legal going ons

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Instead we have a lunatic laughing about ice cream when tragedies are happening all around him....

And then he turns that shooting into his PERSONAL loss of his son.... who did NOT die of gunshot wounds.

He can't even relate on a rudimentary level.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
I suppose you think Trump was relating when after Charlottesville, he said there were “very fine people on both sides”

White supremacy. Relating.
Cheeto Jesus saves

Biden Relieved After Learning The President
Being Indicted
For Shady Financial Dealings Is Just Trump
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Keep tryin to deflect...just like yer Master..

Meanwhile, this party is just starting.

Georgia, the Justice Department...all waiting in the wings.

Y'all need to give up on yer boy, he ain't electable any longer. Get focused on DeSantis. He's gonna need all the help he can get. I used to thinck he was a shoe-in. Not any more. He's a petty dope who is just gonna keep pissing off undecided Independents.

All he has to do is keep his damn mouth shut, lay low.

But he can't. He's his own worst enemy.

His support of extreme abortion laws will probably be enough to sink him. And he is very vulnerable to criticism about whatta goddam mess Florida is...

"Oh, lookit me, I kept the economy open and wouldn't let them mask little kids in school!"

Yeah...and his schools suck, no one can afford eggs or rent, health care is a joke, he's wasted Millions on a pissing contest with Disney, and the whole state is an environmental catastrophe. But at least he is keeping CRT outta schools...WHEW!!

(not like the Dems have a viable candidate either, tho...we are all so fucked..)

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Cheeto Jesus saves Originally Posted by JONBALLS
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Agreed. And this would never happen in Canada.
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