If the forum for all posters or just a few?

WTF, pjorouke, RK et al. Can I drop in sometime? Originally Posted by SP Hunter
Any time bud!
PJ makes a great point (not just directed at Nina, but to every single one of us) that assuming you have respect until proven otherwise (and, I'll add, giving respect freely until someone actively/intentionally does something to dis-earn it) would make for smoother sailing.

Charles, you're right, PJ's not perfect but I think he's pretty good about keeping his cool, not holding grudges, not taking things uber-personally, picking on everyone equally, etc. I think he's been a pretty nice guy to most of us most of the time. For me personally he made me feel welcome back in the ASPD days when I was brand-new, and he's the one who invited me here, which has lead to some new friendships that I value. So that's why I thanked him
Tell me WTF, given the purpose of this forum (as repeated above), why do YOU post here? Do you have expensive tastes, a lavish lifestyles, or an appetite for upscale entertainment? Or do you just like to kick shit on the floor? Originally Posted by pjorourke
I see him out and about in town every once in a while. WTF is wildly sexy and does pretty well for himself. Although he can manage to stir the pot now and then .

That said, WTF you asked about if non-PC exists. It does. We are given the right that all people are created equal. We aren’t given the right that everyone will have an equal outcome. People forget that. Entitlement has run a muck. PC is a labyrinth of bullshit that is party legislated and then overly managed by the zealous as it gushes through society. Maybe we should all accept we aren’t entitled to everything , drop the "trust me" I know better than you what is best, and let good manners and taste keep people’s behavior and the niceties of life.
PJ's not perfect Originally Posted by Natalie
I'm not????
Mazomaniac's Avatar
I'm not???? Originally Posted by pjorourke
That'll teach ya to tip better next time.

I assume I'm one of those to which you are referring.

I agree there are certain groups of people who design their potshots for other groups on the board. It leads to some back-and-forth one upsmanship, which I'm sure you perceive as part of the problem. Your beloved PJ is not innocent in this respect, nor is he alone. There are a host of us who engage in this "dialogue."

I don't know if it's possible to achieve what you want. But I'm sure that if we do you'll find a warmer venue. We'll be sorry to see you go. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Sure, you're one, but far from the only one. I think you're probably a pretty nice person too and you've said a lot of things I find really intelligent. I was disappointed with your reaction to Lauren's cows post, simply because I don't totally believe that it was heartfelt and sincere as much as a chance to call someone out and criticize her. That is, I have a hard time believing that you read her post about cows and sincerely felt hurt or bad about yourself afterwords. I don't think it hurt your feelings, shot down your dreams of success, encouraged violence toward you or anyone in your community, or did any of the other things that truly harmful, malicious stereotyping is capable of accomplishing. It's sort of dismissive of the truly horrible reality of real racism, to be comparing it in any way to Lauren's post (which criticizes governments and corporations, not individuals or ethnic groups). I personally think (sorry if I'm wrong?) you just wanted an opportunity to engage in this one-upmanship you've witnessed here before (and I have too). Indulging in the problematic behavior further doesn't solve it.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
WTF just gets bored.
WTF is wildly sexy and does pretty well for himself.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Originally Posted by ninasastri
Sure, you're one, but far from the only one. I think you're probably a pretty nice person too and you've said a lot of things I find really intelligent. I was disappointed with your reaction to Lauren's cows post, simply because I don't totally believe that it was heartfelt and sincere as much as a chance to call someone out and criticize her. That is, I have a hard time believing that you read her post about cows and sincerely felt hurt or bad about yourself afterwords. I don't think it hurt your feelings, shot down your dreams of success, encouraged violence toward you or anyone in your community, or did any of the other things that truly harmful, malicious stereotyping is capable of accomplishing. It's sort of dismissive of the truly horrible reality of real racism, to be comparing it in any way to Lauren's post (which criticizes governments and corporations, not individuals or ethnic groups). I personally think (sorry if I'm wrong?) you just wanted an opportunity to engage in this one-upmanship you've witnessed here before (and I have too). Indulging in the problematic behavior further doesn't solve it. Originally Posted by Natalie
Some people you seem to defend engage in malicious stereotyping all the time. Bad Jokes aside ...... Didn`t you say you want to move on? Or shall we start discussing this thread from the beginning again??
Slide! Slide!!!
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Slide! Slide!!! Originally Posted by pjorourke
still sliding........
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-15-2011, 03:41 PM
WTF, pjorouke, RK et al. Can I drop in sometime? Originally Posted by SP Hunter
SP, I got the feeling you are kinda like me an Grouch Marx. I wouldn't belong to no freaking club that would have me as a member

WTF just gets bored. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Could be worse MA...I could be just boring

Originally Posted by Marshall
Come down to Houston and let me whisper sweet nothings in your ear Marshall...

still sliding........ Originally Posted by ninasastri
You gotta admit PJ, it don't take her long to get with the program!

WTF is wildly sexy and does pretty well for himself.
. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Olivia I told ya I would pay good money for the embellishment

Although he can manage to stir the pot now and then .

. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
But......Shhhhhhhhhhhhh, you didn't have to add that!
Rudyard K's Avatar
WTF, pjorouke, RK et al. Can I drop in sometime? Originally Posted by SP Hunter
Absolutely. But we still need to get the group together for the beer at F. I understand the spook is back in town.
Some people you seem to defend engage in malicious stereotyping all the time. Bad Jokes aside ...... Didn`t you say you want to move on? Or shall we start discussing this thread from the beginning again?? Originally Posted by ninasastri
Nina, sorry you feel that way. If you think Lauren or PJ (the two I specifically defended) engage in malicious stereotypes all the time, I can't say I agree, but I feel for you if someone has said something here that truly hurt your feelings. Perhaps I haven't read the posts you're referring to. In any event, feeling unwelcome or stereotyped, even in Internetland, can be really annoying/hurtful, and I'm truly sorry if you've ever experienced that here. I hope it doesn't happen again and I hope I don't contribute to it in any way! Because I think you're very intelligent and have offered some good opinions here. For me, boards like this have provided a safe space to talk about things that I need to keep private in (much of) my personal life—not because I'm ashamed, but because I understand that being too honest about my work, in this sex-phobic society, would limit other opportunities that I'm trying to keep open for myself. So it's quite important to me that people feel comfortable here, and safe from any malicious stereotypes—particularly when women in our line of work already experience this much too regularly.

And yes, I truly do want to move on; perhaps I should have responded Charles' comments through PM.