Trump's First Year: An Amazing Success

Spew hatred? Please Ellen. The reason why Trump's popularity is so low both in this country and around the world is due to the hatred he has spewed towards others beginning with the primary campaign in 2016. It's not enough to simply disagree with others. Trump has to demean them. McCain. Cruz. Rubio. Bush. Fiorina. Perry. Santorum.

Then we can go on and look at all the people, both Republican and Democrat, that Trump has spewed hatred against since being elected. Comey. Ryan. McConnell. So many others.

Then we can talk about how many leaders of other countries and religions he has pissed off.
U.K., France, Germany, Mexico. Palestinians, Muslims. Blacks. The only countries where Trump's popularity is on the rise is Israel and Russia. Surprised?

The Pew Global Attitudes Project found that citizens in 35 out of 37 countries have less confidence in Trump than they did in former President Obama. In some cases, far less confidence.

For example, 86 percent of Germans said they had “a lot of confidence” or “some confidence” in Obama, but only 11 percent said the same of Trump.

Separately, the Pew Global Attitudes Project measures foreign opinion of the United States. That survey found that only two of the 37 countries have a more favorable opinion of the United States since Trump took office. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
It's daily too. Just yesterday he called the CBC un-American and treasonist for not standing when he was spewing mistruths about the black unemployment rate. He peddles in hate and then his cult followers try to complain about how much people hate him.
Separately, the Pew Global Attitudes Project measures foreign opinion of the United States. That survey found that only two of the 37 countries have a more favorable opinion of the United States since Trump took office.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Guess which 2 countries favor Agent Orange over Obama?

Think long and hard about it. I'll wait......

Israel and Russia? That's crazy talk. But true.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Labels and name calling are trademarks of being uniformed. TRUMP won on ideas that were articulated and consistent. Things like jobs, jobs, jobs and ending illegal immigration. What are the Demonicrat's ideas today? Oh yea, not TRUMP. How's that working out? Oh yea, they're dead broke - again.

I already told you the history of why Ferguson is a sh*thole. Have you ever been there? It is both sad and scary. Obviously, there is more to the story, but sufice to say, the citizens are held back by the belife in lies, i.e handouts, aka bribes, told to them by the people that want to stay in power by keeping the population under their control. Think what role drugs might play into that.
You are so ignorant to the fact that you are telling over 90% of a race that we are too dumb because we don’t want to vote for a party that doesn’t represent ideas. You are just too ignorant to understand that we know which party better serves are interest, that’s why we vote Democratic. Bigots like you love to bring up Baltimore and Chicago when trying to attack but refuse to look at the history and the underlining issues that have made those cities the way they are. Originally Posted by Austin Dude

Feel free to provide a verbatim quote of where TRUMP said ALL Blacks are Genetically Lazy. Go ahead. We got time. In the meantime, I'll gloss over some of your diatribe and remind you of actual history. Though we can skip over that part were many of the slave traders were black, rounding up their countrmen from sh*thole countries to sell to America and other nations. But yes, slavery sucked bigly. In fact, it nearly tore this country apart. It was so bad that it pitted brother against brother and was a bloddy mess. However, the Republican President believed so strongly in the cause to end the practice that the Southern Demonicrats wanted to preserve their cheap labor pool, that he risked destroying the nation. The Demonicrats fought hard against the change. Even going so far as to assassinate the President. Technically, it was a member of the Know Nothing Party, or something like that, but he was a Demonicrat sympathizer. The ones mostly responsible for the dreadful abuses inflicted were Demonicrats. So maybe your definition of who they are needs some refinement.

Stockholm syndrome? Where they put us? How about where Republicans have put us…. in jails when they were tough on drugs (yet now that it’s white moms selling opioids to other white Americans, it’s an crisis not an epidemic). Or how the Republicans continue to try to suppress our votes. Or how about this contrast that ends your stupidity: the Democratic Party elected the first African American president - the Republican Party elected a racist who calls African countries shithouses, said that blacks are genetically lazy, led the birther movement, “fine people on both sides”, etc. That’s why we can’t vote for Republicans because too many of them share those opinions of us. And to be so tone deaf as to tell African Americans about the “worst form of slavery”. Dude the slavery that our ancestors went through was the worst form of slavery. To try to call your false narrative worse than lynchings, whippings, forced rapped, splitting of families, working for no money, being forced to be illiterate, etc. is just pure stupidity... Originally Posted by Austin Dude
What I am for is an environment where we can all enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. However, I have no interest in a department of happiness and I don't require happiness payments to be able to pay my heating bill. What I am for is for everyone to be judged based on the content of their character and not on the color of their skin. And I dang sure don't have any interest in drawing up teams to pit against each other based on anything that conflicts with any of those. Oh, one other thing, I'm pretty much against any form of labels and name calling. They are the trickery of the real slave masters.

...You’re too idiotic and privileged to understand that. People from my community could never stand shoulder to shoulder with a party that has people like you in it. We obviously don’t want what Trump or you are selling so stop pissing on us and telling us it’s raining. We aren’t Trump, we aren’t into that kind of stuff. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Then we can go on and look at all the people, both Republican and Democrat, that Trump has spewed hatred against since being elected. Comey. Ryan. McConnell... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I'll presume we can rest assured in your unwavering and continued admiration of those very same folk?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
It's daily too. Just yesterday he called the CBC un-American and treasonist for not standing when he was spewing mistruths about the black unemployment rate. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Soooo, the black unemployment rate is not the lowest rate it has been? Pah-leaze! Though I will say he apparently made a false assumption that the CBC members were elected to work for their salaries, not to mention that he was blithely unaware of the urgency of their members having to play Candy Crush during the SOTU while he was introducing Robert Mickens and Elizabeth Alvarado
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I'll presume we can rest assured in your unwavering and continued admiration of those very same folk? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I admire them for standing up for what they believe in. I don't necessarily agree with them all the time but they will disagree with Trump when they see fit. And then Trump will denigrate them when they do so. That is what I find so unappealing about Trump Disagree with him and "You're fired!". He has shown very little ability to get along with ANYONE other than his kids.
Speedracer -it's true. For example- let's take the black unemployment rate. I have not heard anyone say "hey,that's great and we want it to continue" Nooooooooo-they gotta argue that Obama did it. Who the fuck cares who did it as long as it's going down? It's still going down with Trump but those haters can not fathom that. So sad.

Spew hatred? Please Ellen. The reason why Trump's popularity is so low both in this country and around the world is due to the hatred he has spewed towards others beginning with the primary campaign in 2016. It's not enough to simply disagree with others. Trump has to demean them. McCain. Cruz. Rubio. Bush. Fiorina. Perry. Santorum.

Then we can go on and look at all the people, both Republican and Democrat, that Trump has spewed hatred against since being elected. Comey. Ryan. McConnell. So many others.

Then we can talk about how many leaders of other countries and religions he has pissed off.
U.K., France, Germany, Mexico. Palestinians, Muslims. Blacks. The only countries where Trump's popularity is on the rise is Israel and Russia. Surprised?

The Pew Global Attitudes Project found that citizens in 35 out of 37 countries have less confidence in Trump than they did in former President Obama. In some cases, far less confidence.

For example, 86 percent of Germans said they had “a lot of confidence” or “some confidence” in Obama, but only 11 percent said the same of Trump.

Separately, the Pew Global Attitudes Project measures foreign opinion of the United States. That survey found that only two of the 37 countries have a more favorable opinion of the United States since Trump took office. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Labels and name calling are trademarks of being uniformed. TRUMP won on ideas that were articulated and consistent. Things like jobs, jobs, jobs and ending illegal immigration. What are the Demonicrat's ideas today? Oh yea, not TRUMP. How's that working out? Oh yea, they're dead broke - again.

I already told you the history of why Ferguson is a sh*thole. Have you ever been there? It is both sad and scary. Obviously, there is more to the story, but sufice to say, the citizens are held back by the belife in lies, i.e handouts, aka bribes, told to them by the people that want to stay in power by keeping the population under their control. Think what role drugs might play into that. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
If labels and name calling are the trademarks of the uninformed, you are calling Trump uninformed. Ergo, why should we vote for an uninformed racist? How is not Trump working out for Democrats so far? Alabama? Wisconsin? Virginia? Look at the results of those elections.

You again are telling African Americans that they are too stupid to see what’s going on and now you are talking about them being on drugs too. Wow.

Feel free to provide a verbatim quote of where TRUMP said ALL Blacks are Genetically Lazy. Go ahead. We got time. In the meantime, I'll gloss over some of your diatribe and remind you of actual history. Though we can skip over that part were many of the slave traders were black, rounding up their countrmen from sh*thole countries to sell to America and other nations. But yes, slavery sucked bigly. In fact, it nearly tore this country apart. It was so bad that it pitted brother against brother and was a bloddy mess. However, the Republican President believed so strongly in the cause to end the practice that the Southern Demonicrats wanted to preserve their cheap labor pool, that he risked destroying the nation. The Demonicrats fought hard against the change. Even going so far as to assassinate the President. Technically, it was a member of the Know Nothing Party, or something like that, but he was a Demonicrat sympathizer. The ones mostly responsible for the dreadful abuses inflicted were Demonicrats. So maybe your definition of who they are needs some refinement. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Donald Trump:
“Besides that, I’ve got to tell you something else. I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is. I believe that. It’s not anything they can control. . . . Don’t you agree?”

I’m still waiting on the 1,100 lies told about Trump though since you asking for verbatim quotes. Feel free to provide. We got time. In the meantime..

You are trying to lay the blame of slavery at the feet of black people? You’re fucking moronic. Also you want to leave out key points of history to try to make a point. Yes Lincoln was a Republican and helped free the slaves. But maybe go back and read some of what Lincoln said about slaves and slavery and why he wanted to free them before heaping all that praise. But back to your “history lesson”. You were speaking some facts until you go to the good part and stopped. The Republican Party that helped end slavery isn’t the same one today. You omit the party about white Southern Democrats being upset at the Democratic Party trying to push civil rights, so they left the party and became Republicans and hence they are the bases of the party today. It’s funny you omitted that part or maybe you aren’t as brushed up on your history as you just pretended to be. But yeah that’s a key point to mention when trying to show that Republicans aren’t racist because Lincoln freed the slaves. But since you want to demonize the Democrats of old and preach as though the Republicans continue to be the party of Lincoln… why is it that the majority of the people pushing for these “monuments” to people who were sharing these views that risked destroying the nation, they tend to be Republicans. Wouldn’t the party that supposedly cares about African Americans want to help ended that stain on our history? Wouldn’t they push for these things to be a in museum where they go and not in public? I don’t see many statues of Hitler around Germany, yet Republicans are fine with status of treasonist racists everywhere.

But even with all of that, you still haven’t proven how this “new slavery” that only exist in the minds of idiots like you is the worst? How is it worst than all that I mentioned before? You never really said, you just went on another diatribe about “the history” of the end of slavery. How is it the worst? Or where you speaking in hyperbole/lies again?

What I am for is an environment where we can all enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. However, I have no interest in a department of happiness and I don't require happiness payments to be able to pay my heating bill. What I am for is for everyone to be judged based on the content of their character and not on the color of their skin. And I dang sure don't have any interest in drawing up teams to pit against each other based on anything that conflicts with any of those. Oh, one other thing, I'm pretty much against any form of labels and name calling. They are the trickery of the real slave masters. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
No one is asking for happiness payments, who asked for that? You’re making shit up again. But we do want equity, we do want respect and we want people to stop talking to us like we don’t know what’s going on. That’s what you’ve continuously done. You keep talking about African Americans as though we are too stupid to see what’s happening and that’s why we keep voting Democratic. You refuse to accept that we aren’t stupid. We aren’t going to fall for the bullshit that people like Trump try to spew. You bastardize MLK’s words to try to make some point. You don’t have the moral aptitude to understand the words of Dr. King. You support a man who routinely pits us against each other. You support man whose always using labels and name calling. So I guess you are saying that Trump is a “real slave master”? I don’t know, I haven’t heard of this “new slavery” that’s the worst. I will wait on you to tell me more about it. Since apparently Trump is a master of it.
Soooo, the black unemployment rate is not the lowest rate it has been? Pah-leaze! Though I will say he apparently made a false assumption that the CBC members were elected to work for their salaries, not to mention that he was blithely unaware of the urgency of their members having to play Candy Crush during the SOTU while he was introducing Robert Mickens and Elizabeth Alvarado Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

1) No one plays Candy Crush anymore... how fucking old are you?

2) The CBC members work for the people who elected them and not Trump. So they did the right thing by their constituents. We don't need Trump lying and them supporting those lies.

3) It's the lowest but the issue is that Trump said thanks to his policies.. what policies? It's been going down since 2010. He never mentions the work Obama did to get it down and the fact that he called those numbers fake. He tries to take all the credit for it, and that's disingenuous. Also it only went down 1.1% under Trump and guess what? It went up a full point in the month of January. So the gain that he got in his first year all but went away.

Again, you must think people are stupid and uninformed. There are reasons to all of these and Trump is too stupid to see that a majority of the people aren't going to fall for his lies.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Speedracer -it's true. For example- let's take the black unemployment rate. I have not heard anyone say "hey,that's great and we want it to continue" Nooooooooo-they gotta argue that Obama did it. Who the fuck cares who did it as long as it's going down? It's still going down with Trump but those haters can not fathom that. So sad. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Pointing out FACTS is far different than spewing hatred. Is it spewing hatred to point out to people that the decline in the black unemployment rate under Trump, which he listed in the SOTU address as one of his accomplishments in his first year in office,
was minor compared to what happened under Obama?

The point that is being made is that Trump makes a big deal about it when the black unemployment rate goes down.

“African-American unemployment stands at the lowest rate ever recorded, and Hispanic-American unemployment has also reached the lowest levels in history,” Trump said at the top of his State of the Union speech, while listing the accomplishments of his administration during his first year of his presidency.

Okay, true statement. But the gain under Trump has been minimal when you compare it to the gain made under Obama. The Obama-haters fail to mention THAT. I think it's ridiculous to brag about bringing down black unemployment 1%. For 8 years I watched and listened as Republicans put down everything Obama did, and people are still complaining a year later. Trump brings so much on himself with his inflammatory comments on an almost daily basis. I keep saying -- if he would shut his mouth, stop tweeting, and simply focus on fulfilling his duties as POTUS his popularity would soar.

The unemployment rate among African Americans has been steadily declining since March 2010, when 16.8 percent of African Americans were unemployed. By the time Trump entered office in January of 2017, the African American unemployment rate had already decreased 9 points. While Trump was in office, it decreased by one point — keeping up a trend that had already been in place.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
1) No one plays Candy Crush anymore... how fucking old are you? Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Not as old as her I guess... Rep. Brenda Lawrence, D-Mich., decided a video game deserved more of her attention than President Trump's State of the Union address on Tuesday.The Michigan Democrat was caught by a Getty Images photographer playing Candy Crush on her phone during the speech.

2) The CBC members work for the people who elected them and not Trump. So they did the right thing by their constituents. We don't need Trump lying and them supporting those lies. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Guessing there weren't direct representatives for Elizabeth Alvarado and David Mickens or Evelyn Rodriguez and Freddy Cuevas, which would explain why the CBC sat on their hands as they were introduced.
3) It's the lowest but the issue is that Trump said thanks to his policies.. what policies? It's been going down since 2010. He never mentions the work Obama did to get it down and the fact that he called those numbers fake. He tries to take all the credit for it, and that's disingenuous. Also it only went down 1.1% under Trump and guess what? It went up a full point in the month of January. So the gain that he got in his first year all but went away. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
The three main policy pillars are jobs, jobs, jobs. Plus reducing regulations that inhibit jobs, jobs, jobs. His job at the SOTU is NOT to deliver somebody else's SOTU, only his own.

Again, you must think people are stupid and uninformed. There are reasons to all of these and Trump is too stupid to see that a majority of the people aren't going to fall for his lies. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
No actual thinking required. Sometimes it's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
And yesterday we had the largest one day drop in the history of the stock market erasing all the gains for 2918.
Keep it up, Don. Yaaay! Originally Posted by chuckles
Ooops, back up 5 hundo today. Looky thar Rocky. It that a dead cat bounce? Ahh, I'll wait another day before buying back into the market. Who knew the markets could go both up or down on any given day?!?
Not as old as her I guess... Rep. Brenda Lawrence, D-Mich., decided a video game deserved more of her attention than President Trump's State of the Union address on Tuesday.The Michigan Democrat was caught by a Getty Images photographer playing Candy Crush on her phone during the speech.

Guessing there weren't direct representatives for Elizabeth Alvarado and David Mickens or Evelyn Rodriguez and Freddy Cuevas, which would explain why the CBC sat on their hands as they were introduced.

The three main policy pillars are jobs, jobs, jobs. Plus reducing regulations that inhibit jobs, jobs, jobs. His job at the SOTU is NOT to deliver somebody else's SOTU, only his own.

No actual thinking required. Sometimes it's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

They "sat on their hands" because Trump introduced those people while ranting about DREAMERS. So if they had stood up it would seem like they were supporting that. They aren't stupid like you think they are. To pretend that this sitting while the other side stands is something new is dumb. It's the way the SOTU's have been and how they will always be.

None of Trump's policies wear geared toward raising the black unemployment rate, yet he pretends they were. He doesn't have to give someone else SOTU but he can't expect people to stand up at his SOTU for the works of another person. That's the whole point. No one said he had to give someone else's SOTU or even mention Obama, but he can't then tout the progress someone else made and expect people to go along with it.
Yes, that's great news about the black unemployment rate - but again-m I have not heard anyone say - that's great --let's get it lower. Trump has had to fight since he got into office - no other President had to endure the hatred that he gets on a daily basis. And when he hits back - cuz he will - then people go berserk with all their hatred. They'll learn - you hit Trump - he'll hit you back - no more of pussy Obama -- thank you God.

Pointing out FACTS is far different than spewing hatred. Is it spewing hatred to point out to people that the decline in the black unemployment rate under Trump, which he listed in the SOTU address as one of his accomplishments in his first year in office,
was minor compared to what happened under Obama?

The point that is being made is that Trump makes a big deal about it when the black unemployment rate goes down.

“African-American unemployment stands at the lowest rate ever recorded, and Hispanic-American unemployment has also reached the lowest levels in history,” Trump said at the top of his State of the Union speech, while listing the accomplishments of his administration during his first year of his presidency.

Okay, true statement. But the gain under Trump has been minimal when you compare it to the gain made under Obama. The Obama-haters fail to mention THAT. I think it's ridiculous to brag about bringing down black unemployment 1%. For 8 years I watched and listened as Republicans put down everything Obama did, and people are still complaining a year later. Trump brings so much on himself with his inflammatory comments on an almost daily basis. I keep saying -- if he would shut his mouth, stop tweeting, and simply focus on fulfilling his duties as POTUS his popularity would soar.

The unemployment rate among African Americans has been steadily declining since March 2010, when 16.8 percent of African Americans were unemployed. By the time Trump entered office in January of 2017, the African American unemployment rate had already decreased 9 points. While Trump was in office, it decreased by one point — keeping up a trend that had already been in place. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
gfejunkie's Avatar
Ooops, back up 5 hundo today. Looky thar Rocky. It that a dead cat bounce? Ahh, I'll wait another day before buying back into the market. Who knew the markets could go both up or down on any given day?!? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Don't wait too long. Stocks went on sale yesterday. Folks are cleaning up today.