Place your bets here - Electoral College and Senate

eccieuser9500's Avatar
50-50 on the Senate side....who'd thought Georgia would lose a Senate seats to the Dems!

. Originally Posted by WTF
Totally forgot about our poll. So Jam and SpeedRacer got it.

Congrats to them. Can't believe they would have guessed it would come down to this eventual day and such a percentage of a point.
Totally forgot about our poll. So Jam and SpeedRacer got it.

Congrats to them. Can't believe they would have guessed it would come down to this eventual day and such a percentage of a point. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
I never guessed it would eventually come down to this day. But I am happy about it
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I never guessed it would eventually come down to this day. But I am happy about it Originally Posted by Jam3768

Happy because of how it balanced out? Or because you ended up being right? Just curious.
Happy because the dems ended up with control of the senate. Especially after the attempted coup yesterday
rexdutchman's Avatar
y'all forgot to count the dead people
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Totally forgot about our poll. So Jam and SpeedRacer got it.

Congrats to them. Can't believe they would have guessed it would come down to this eventual day and such a percentage of a point. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Yes, I got the Senate outcome correct but not in the way I thought it would be. I thought Collins was a sure-shot to lose in Maine. I thought Warnock had a chance in Georgia but not Ossoff. I expected Democrats to hold the House and Republicans to pick up seats but they picked up more than I expected.

I stupidly over-estimated the victory margin for Biden in the electoral vote. I really didn't see him winning in Florida or NC. I did see him winning in Pa., Wisconsin, and Michigan and I liked his chances in Arizona. Georgia? No way in hell did I see him winning there.