NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

What odds did you get?
kerwil62's Avatar
Texans played like a bunch of hoes today. Offense can't do shit! They're not ready for the Seabirds, who just shitted all over Jacksonville today 45-17. It's been two years since the Texans been .500 during a season, and if they don't get their shit together this is what will happen.

What the fuck happened to the NY Giants???? 38-0 by Carolina???
BigLouie's Avatar
A couple of things are very clear from this game. Matt is just a so-so QB and it is time the team moved on. He cannot throw the deep ball, he is not very mobil. Kubiak is just a so-so coach who is out coached by just about half of the coaches in the league. While his plays are at time brilliant his over-all game plans are not very good. His ultra-conservative run based plan the first half cost us the game. The rest of the year does not bode well for the Texans. I expect a lot of bad things to happen.
TheDon's Avatar
We will be fine because the division still sucks for the most part. 10 wins should win the South. And the defense will come around because we have Cushing, Watt, and Reed, can't imagine them continuing to suck.

I do think we need a change in special teams coach, we've sucked in that for a while now.
We will be fine because the division still sucks for the most part. 10 wins should win the South. And the defense will come around because we have Cushing, Watt, and Reed, can't imagine them continuing to suck.

I do think we need a change in special teams coach, we've sucked in that for a while now. Originally Posted by TheDon
Are you kidding me? If they continue to play like shit the Colts will sweep the division.
jstone420's Avatar
Need a new Qb
Dopey can suck my FAT DICK!! I hate that mother fucker!!!! Originally Posted by Daddio
Kubiak can get a suck it too!!!!!! When will he open his fucking eyes and see that Dopey is the weak link!!! Fuck you Kubes!!! Originally Posted by Daddio
Somebody needs to talk him off of the ledge. He might actually jump this time!
TheDon's Avatar
Are you kidding me? If they continue to play like shit the Colts will sweep the division. Originally Posted by spear88
You're talking about a team that struggled to beat the Raiders at home in week 1 and lost to the Dolphins the week after.

I know Miami might be better, but Atlanta played without their starting RB and and a healthy Roddy White yesterday.
BigLouie's Avatar
The Colts just pounded one of the two teams from last years Super Bowl while the Texans got flattened by the other one
Wakeup's Avatar
My favorite Texans plays...

Third down, eight yards to go...throw a four yard crossing route to Daniels...
Third down and off tackle with Foster...
Fourth down and two yards...throw a screen pass four yards behind the line of scrimmage...

I love this team...
Come on big tex even you gotta see the bullshit, it's the same fucking script over and over and over. It's like the movie Groundhog Day!!!

Who was the dumb mother fucker that said "we don't need Peyton Manning, we have our quarterback"?????????? Kubes, Rick Smith, or McNair?????? Whichever one needs a cowboy boot right thru the nut sack uprights!!!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 09-24-2013, 11:20 AM
Daddio, man I understand how you feel bro...but lets keep it in perspective. It's 1 game bro & we got beat by the Super Bowl champs in their stadium. It doesn't quite make or break the season. Yeah, it was a beat down for sure, but the reality is we're 2-1 and in a relatively weak division.

The real question is how we respond this week and the coming weeks. If they turn it around and beat Seattle and San Francisco, everyone will forget about this. If we lose both games, then it's time to be concerned.

I guess I feel different because I supported them when they couldn't win a game if their life depended on it. Now we've won a couple division titles and have a couple playoff wins; now all of a sudden we expect them to win every game.

Come on man, you're better than that bro! I'll get you some hot snatch this week...I know that will make you feel better!!!! See you Sunday playa!...
TheDon's Avatar
Amen brother. And the funny thing is, Texans have played only about 30 good minutes of football all season lol.

There were a couple of positives in the game, Foster and Bullock looked better, not much but at least it's something. We are underdogs this week at home, can't remember the last time that was the case. Should be fun.

I think we're still fine. But hey, if there were ANY year you would want to have a shitty season, this would be it. The QB class for 2014 is going to be beastly. And I don't think either Yates or Keenum will be our future QB. This is looking pretty far ahead, but I'm just saying.

And I still think Schaub is good, I think he can lead us to the big one if the defense is great and if the run game is great, but so far that hasn't been the case. But as long as he cuts down on the pick six's, we should be okay.
MrClark's Avatar
When's the last time you saw a 40 or 50 yarder ,that the receiver did not have to come back to get? When's the last time you saw a 20 yarder the receiver could catch in stride? Shaub quote I take what the defense gives me ( a one yard pass usually). The Colts have a better QB less experienced but better and now a pretty good RB.
TheDon's Avatar
We can improve, no doubt.

We're haven't really played like a great team so far this season, but we're not scrubs either. We need to wait at least a month or so before we can make any real assessment about the team, we're going to be the underdog in the next two weeks, so we will likely be .500 or worse, lets see how the team responds to that. That is what I want to see.