Tucker Carlson reports

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dilbert firestorm's Avatar
those tapes, did they come from cohen?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
those tapes, did they come from cohen? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

yep. he taped roid boy cuomo.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
yep. he taped roid boy cuomo.

BAHHAAHA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

why would anyone trust cohen????
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
why would anyone trust cohen???? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

exactly. it's the liar's conundrum .. is he lying or isn't he lying? who knows!!

this is why court testimony of known liars is risky for either side, prosecution and defense. you risk the jury disregarding anything the witness says.

which makes taking anything Cohen claims as truth has risk. this won't stop the leftist press from embracing him of course.
  • oeb11
  • 09-10-2020, 02:36 PM
it does not matter to the Cuomos and their LSM propaganda machine.

if a talking point against trump can be invented - they will run with it.

Perhaps their desperation is shown - bringing in a Convicted felon who will repeat any scripted Lie for a moment out of his cell.

XiNN - if it were not for their Lies - XiNN would be Silent.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
tonight's Tucker take down of the far left

the GOAT speaks


what's this?

time for another thrilling episode from the GOAT!

mugshots of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party!

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hmmm. they look Lily-white to me .. and sons and daughters of wealthy Long Islanders. who knew?

the GOAT destroying the annoying .. again!



Meet the New Afrikan Black Panther Party

I was struck with deja vu as I viewed the mugshots of the White Privileged people of Manhattan who joined the New Afrikan Black Panther Party to riot and cause mayhem in the luxury stores that cater to them. Democrats are bringing back the 1970s with the spoiled spawn of American elitists following the violent footsteps of Bill Ayers.

They are Patty Hearst-wannabes whom the Symbionese Liberation Army would reject.

As these privileged people went on their window-busting rampage last week, they shouted, "Every city, every town, burn the precinct to the ground!"

Now they are sobbing to the $1,000-an-hour lawyers their parents hired. The police nabbed them and charged them with felonies that could get them years in prison. The argument will be that wrecking businesses that men and women sweated to build was just a peaceful protest.

They hope to get a Bill Ayers dismissal of charges. But that was the Chicago Way. Daddy was well-connected. I don't think New York City or the Trump administration will be as kind. But history shows that there are two systems of justice. One for the privileged, one for the rest of us.

The irony is protesting this was their excuse for rioting.

The New York Post profiled one of these day-tripping revolutionaries, Clara Kraebber, 20.

The newspaper wrote, "Kraebber’s mother, Virginia Kindred, runs Kindred Arch.Works, a Manhattan architect firm that has designed spaces for Columbia University and NYU, and worked on numerous school and business spaces throughout the city.

"Her father is Markus Kraebber, an Upper East Side child and adolescent psychiatrist who teaches at the Columbia University Department of Psychiatry.

"In 2016 the family paid $1.8 million for their 16th-floor apartment on East End Avenue. The family also owns a 1730 home — featuring four fireplaces, according to property listings — in tony Litchfield County, Connecticut."

Clara Kraebber has been rooting for wrecking towns since she was 14, starting with her joining a Manhattan rally to support the 2014 demolition of Ferguson, Missouri. She told the New York Times, "We don’t have much political power right now, being youths, but this is something we can do."

Now 6 years later, she is showing her power.

The Post said she attended Rice University and worked for Beto O'Rourke's Senate campaign in 2018.

After her arrest, she went to the family's home in Connecticut, likely to force New York to seek extradition if she is indicted.

This was not a few bricks thrown through windows. It was a Labor Day Weekend looting.

The Post reported, "The damage during the three-hour vandalism spree extended more than 2 miles, from Foley Square up to 24th Street."

I hope against hope that these 20-something jerks do serious time. Lock Her Up as the saying goes.

Hat tip: The Tatum Report. His headline was, "BUSTED: The Privileged Protesters Who Took Time Out From Their Yacht Club Lives And Modeling Careers To Riot In Manhattan."

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
the GOAT exposes the ..

New Afrikan Black Panther Party

won't see this on MSDNC or CNN


The New Afrikan Black Panther Party (NABPP) is a revolutionary Maoist organization in the United States, largely based in prison[1] and referred to as the New Afrikan Black Panther Party – Prison Chapter (NABPP-PC). The party is built as a modern-day continuation of the Black Panther Party prison chapter developed by George Jackson and W. L. Nolen.[2]

rich spoiled white libtards fighting for a cause they don't understand just to piss off their rich white parents

go figure!!

rexdutchman's Avatar
^ right
  • oeb11
  • 09-11-2020, 08:36 AM
let 'em learn reality in a prison - and the reality of black prison gangs and how much they like their fellow white ass prisoners.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
from tonight's show from the GOAT

Carlson 2024!

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more from the GOAT

Carlson 2024!

"Mother Earth is angry" - Nancy Pelosi


The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
in tonight's report from the GOAT .. "how to fuck up Thanksgiving, Bill de Blasio style"


tomorrow night's report from the GOAT is MUST SEE. that is if you want to see an interview with a Chinese virologist that you most certainly will not see on CNN or MSNBC discussing the true origins of the Wuhan virus.

stay tuned GOAT fans!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
the GOAT exposes the ..

New Afrikan Black Panther Party

won't see this on MSDNC or CNN


The New Afrikan Black Panther Party (NABPP) is a revolutionary Maoist organization in the United States, largely based in prison[1] and referred to as the New Afrikan Black Panther Party – Prison Chapter (NABPP-PC). The party is built as a modern-day continuation of the Black Panther Party prison chapter developed by George Jackson and W. L. Nolen.[2]

rich spoiled white libtards fighting for a cause they don't understand just to piss off their rich white parents

go figure!!

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

more of ecky9.5k's "social justice warriors" ..

the revolution ... is stillborn!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
more revolutionary freaks of the Portland freakshow ..


the freakshow revolution ..