Look on the bright side.No shitttttttttttttttttt. Gotta love that some of these new Saints will get their horn's exposed if anyone care to take a peek-a-boo!
All of the inflated memories from the old P will stop.....................becau se now, we can check.
The ISO alone makes it worth it.
Too many people re-inventing themselves. Originally Posted by dearhunter
However, with their history of lack of planning, I would just be hesitant to make the recommendation to anyone to "try again." Originally Posted by ferdburfWhy are you projecting the actions of someone deceased onto her family members and friends?
In my view double dealing moderation is what drives people from one site to another. Competition should be good for posters in that regard. Let's hope they do not share moderators! Originally Posted by WTFAmen.... There is no way anybody can take the time to handle more than one of these sites nor do I believe they can switch hats from one site to the other where sites have different philosophies....
Why are you projecting the actions of someone deceased onto her family members and friends?Because plans for a family business should be talked about in advance, if it's desired that the business enterprise be ongoing, especially when it's known that the family member/owner is dying.
How are the actions of someone deceased relevant to the credibility of Deuce or Angelimnot? Originally Posted by Whispers
My family has no input on my estate planning. Nor do I have any on that of my Mother who will be leaving behind quite a mess of her own by her refusal to deal with her own mortality. Originally Posted by WhispersThen your family will benefit/suffer by solely your/your mother's planning.
I didn't see that post but let me officially 2nd that opinion..... Your consistent bashing of how someone deceased screwed you over and how you feel their surviving family should cowtow and kiss your ass in some manner is definitely without class.... Originally Posted by WhispersThe post is above in this same thread. However, Angelimnot deleted her post after my response was posted. Since most everything I've said on this matter is contained in this thread, I'll invite you to find one single sentence that suggests "bashing" or that it's my feeling that the "surviving family should cowtow and kiss my ass."
Do this and it don't make a fiddling fuc what they delete.Hell, I'm still working on getting some class. What, you expect me to get class and intelligence all in one day?
Come on ferdburf....this ain't that hard to figure if ole WTF can ace it.Originally Posted by WTF
If ferd choses not to pay to be on that sight, who is whispers to judge that. Originally Posted by dearhunterahh... But NOONE HAS to pay.... They have stated that they will grant 2 mnths BCD access for 1 review and will announce plans for continued earned BCD access....
yeah... well...... I was bored.....
If ferd choses not to trust the new ownership, that is his right as well.
But, let's be honest. What he is really trying to do is goad them into responding in this thread............he is beating this horse too hard for it to be otherwise....and whispers is not helping.
But, that is his right too.