Flynn reverses guilty plea!

LexusLover's Avatar
Lol. Old Wise Mr KIA. You provide photos, links, etc to almost every thread in here> Why not this one Lexy? Originally Posted by themystic
Ok, here's a "link" in response to your bullshit ....

... actually, I'll save you some time, since you may not be able to find it ....

Now, do you have a link for this "pearl of wisdom" by you?

Flynn is ratting out everybody IB. LMAO

Mr Clean is about to get dirty
You're surpassing Munchie and WhatThaFuckDoIKnow!!!!

For ignorant bullshit.
I B Hankering's Avatar
they had four different judges sign FISA warrants. So they all were conspiring? Originally Posted by themystic
"Four", mistake? That's amazing considering there are only three FISA judges in the Washington D.C. district.

The probability of getting at least one judge twice is astronomical, mistake. That they didn't, makes it look like someone was intentionally not bringing the same case to the same judge for further review, mistake.
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  • 03-09-2018, 08:45 AM
. Even Comey says Flynn didn't lie, mistake.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Yet Mike Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to an FBI agent.

Comey also thinks Trump was trying to influence his investigation and fired him when he would not do as asked. .
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yet Mike Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to an FBI agent.

Comey also thinks Trump was trying to influence his investigation and fired him when he would not do as asked. . Originally Posted by WTF
Coercion, extortion, bankruptcy and the full weight of the federal legal system will take its toll on the stoutest of men.
LexusLover's Avatar
People plead guilty for reasons other than they ARE GUILTY.

Just like GM, et al, settles cases for reasons other than they are liable for the injuries to the plaintiff(s) who were making the claim. But empty-headed little twerps like WTF don't realize that.

If they get a speeding ticket they just pay the fine, because if they got a ticket they believe they must have been speeding, i.e. guilty.
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  • WTF
  • 03-09-2018, 10:31 AM
Coercion, extortion, bankruptcy and the full weight of the federal legal system will take its toll on the stoutest of men. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Being caught on tape of course did not help his cause!

What was the 2016 slogan? "Lock him up!"
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  • 03-09-2018, 10:33 AM
People plead guilty for reasons other than they ARE GUILTY.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Prison is full of innocent prisoners you don't believe me just ask'em
themystic's Avatar
People plead guilty for reasons other than they ARE GUILTY.

Just like GM, et al, settles cases for reasons other than they are liable for the injuries to the plaintiff(s) who were making the claim. But empty-headed little twerps like WTF don't realize that.

If they get a speeding ticket they just pay the fine, because if they got a ticket they believe they must have been speeding, i.e. guilty. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Bottom Line Mr. KIA. Did Flynn change his plea? No.

You're a blowhard just like Trump

Defending Trump and his people is a losing battle. You are a fucking hypocritical loser

You should be ashamed of yourself
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  • WTF
  • 03-09-2018, 10:50 AM
Bottom Line Mr. KIA. Did Flynn change his plea? No.
Originally Posted by themystic
According to bambino and LL he has. Reality has been stricken from the dictionary!
LexusLover's Avatar
Prison is full of innocent prisoners you don't believe me just ask'em. Originally Posted by WTF
Believe you about what? You giving legal advice these days?

Oh, wait! You said "in prison," so I guess you are!
LexusLover's Avatar
Bottom Line .... Did Flynn change his plea? No. Originally Posted by themystic
THE BOTTOMLINE is ... he doesn't have to change it YET!

But I understand why you don't know that ...

... just like you didn't know "LEED" wasn't established 40 years ago!

And your bunk mate WTF predicted Zimmerman would be convicted of "something" in the trial for the killing of Martin!!!!

You too canaries talk the talk, but you've never walked the walk! A FACT!

You may be excused now.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Being caught on tape of course did not help his cause!

What was the 2016 slogan? "Lock him up!"
Originally Posted by WTF
What's notable is that Flynn was never charged for anything that was on that tape but rather for something entirely tangential ... and something Comey said he didn't do.
themystic's Avatar
THE BOTTOMLINE is ... he doesn't have to change it YET!

But I understand why you don't know that ...

... just like you didn't know "LEED" wasn't established 40 years ago!

And your bunk mate WTF predicted Zimmerman would be convicted of "something" in the trial for the killing of Martin!!!!

You too canaries talk the talk, but you've never walked the walk! A FACT!

You may be excused now. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You really are an idiot. I know when LEED started in Dallas. I did one of the first LEED projects. I didn't have to look it up on the Internet. I actually have a real and full life

You are just a keyboard warrior and certified douche bag
LexusLover's Avatar
I didn't have to look it up on the Internet. Originally Posted by themystic
Yes, you did!

You are so full of ...

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  • 03-09-2018, 11:26 AM
What's notable is that Flynn was never charged for anything that was on that tape but rather for something entirely tangential ... and something Comey said he didn't do. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Well then if Comey is now the Judge and Jury....Trump is the one in trouble! Isn't it ironic the one leading the "Lock her up!" chants is now the one pleading guilty.