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  • WTF
  • 10-28-2013, 09:14 AM
LLIdiot strikes again.

still can't find Clarksville. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
These stupid SOB's bitch about a law that they (the GOP) were the one's to first propose!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-28-2013, 09:54 AM
These stupid SOB's bitch about a law that they (the GOP) were the one's to first propose! Originally Posted by WTF

These stupid SOB's bitch about EVERYTHING .
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  • WTF
  • 10-28-2013, 12:07 PM
These stupid SOB's bitch about EVERYTHING . Originally Posted by CJ7
I wonder if Sara Palin fucked Obama who they would bitch about the most? Blazzin Saddles redo
LexusLover's Avatar
It is hare brain, hare brain. For you "hair" fits better.

Does any of your hair have any brains?

You claim to be old. Did I ever say I was "old"? ... I thought I said I was "older" ... as in "older" than you are ... (acting) or (actually) ... I just try to keep myself healthy, and wise. You ought to try it sometime to stay ahead of the power curve ...

and the death panels you want for old folks.
Originally Posted by WTF
Do your parents know you hate old folks?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Do your parents know you hate old folks? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Didn't you really say something about you had been eating at Naus since "before you were born." Or maybe you meant before I was born. I don't know how old that would make WTF, but if you were speaking to me, LLIdiot, then you're probably too old to scratch your ass without help; been on Medicare for a long time and probably are so used to living in the closet, that it doesn't bother you. Chit, everybody on ASPD knew you were a closet queen. Not that there's anything wrong with it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-28-2013, 02:17 PM
Didn't you really say something about you had been eating at Naus since "before you were born." . Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
He always uses that ''I was doing such and such when you were in diapers'' routine. Now he acts all surprised when he gets called an old fart.

Do your parents know you hate old folks? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I do not hate old people.,...I hate ignorant/selfish ass logic, the majority of which you Tea Wipes display in spades. That most of you are old white men is beside the point. All that does is prove another point. Ya'll are not fans of people that drive Escalade's and are not Uncle Toms. You fuckers are scared of change. You hated Medicare until you got used to it and now you cling to it like you do your Bible and guns.

LexusLover's Avatar
He always uses that ''I was doing such and such when you were in diapers'' routine. Now he acts all surprised when he gets called an old fart.

The way you, and some on here, post .. "doing such and such when you were in diapers" could have been last year!!!!! This post is a perfect example!

I do not hate old people.,... You just want them dead prematurely.

I hate ignorant/selfish ass logic, .. I see a part of the problem now, you hate yourself.

the majority of which you Tea Wipes display in spades. You don't know shit so you just make up shit. I've never been to a tea party (meeting) party and don't plan on attending one. Not even sure if I have ever met one and don't intend to go out of my way to do so. But continue to be delusional, and you'll soon get Medicaid!!!!

That most of you are old white men is beside the point. Racist and prejudice all balled up in one sentence.

All that does is prove another point. Ya'll are not fans of people that drive Escalade's and are not Uncle Toms. I am not fans of people who apply for food stamps and welfare benefits, but spend money (they are not supposed to have) on $40,000 -50,000 cars and who need to burn off some extra sugar to lower the costs of the health care on the taxpayers's tit, while loading their "grocery" cart up at Walmart with 1/3 "twinky" type snacks and 1/3 sugar laden sodas and 1/3 fast frozen food loaded with salt that retains water in their body, which further bloats it ... and increasing their health needs and expenses ... while they are sitting around on their fat asses in their section 8 home they are trashing with impunity when they bail out and leave their landlord holding the repair bill bag. I don't give a fuck what color they are.

FYI: You are the racist, by the way. You discriminate. Not me.

You fuckers are scared of change. I want change... but I won't change your diapers .. or the neighbors. Help yourself, ass wipe.

You hated Medicare until you got used to it and now you cling to it like you do your Bible and guns. More bullshit.You don't know shit so you just make up shit. I pay "taxes" for Medicare still and have since it first went on line and the government started drawing it out. In fact, I just paid. I believe it's the 3rd 1/4? Do I hate it? Someone has benefitted from my contributions all these years .. wish I had them in an account of my own, so your Medicaid heroes wouldn't be draining down the reserve for those who have paid in all these years.

You are the one who hates; not me. You're just an angry, miserable discontented intellectual amoeba, who doesn't have an original thought to share.

So you take it out on others who do, to hid your own deficiency,
Originally Posted by WTF

Where's the golf club and the score cord?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Adios Amoeba!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-28-2013, 02:54 PM
I am not fans of people who apply for food stamps and welfare benefits, but spend money (they are not supposed to have) on $40,000 -50,000 cars and who need to burn off some extra sugar to lower the costs of the health care on the taxpayers's tit, while loading their "grocery" cart up at Walmart with 1/3 "twinky" type snacks and 1/3 sugar laden sodas and 1/3 fast frozen food loaded with salt that retains water in their body, which further bloats it ... and increasing their health needs and expenses ... while they are sitting around on their fat asses in their section 8 home they are trashing with impunity when they bail out and leave their landlord holding the repair bill bag. I don't give a fuck what color they are.

Originally Posted by LexusLover
You don't give a fuck about the facts if it fucks up your lying ass narrative. Please point to all these rich welfare getting folks.

Let’s get this one thing straight: there are no Welfare Queens out there driving Cadillacs, having five kids specifically to get extra financial benefits from the government, getting free iPhones, and somehow getting rich off “your” money. NONE. There never were.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
LLIdiot, the NEW IBSyndrome!

Its only fitting that these idiots bel modem together under the same genus.
LexusLover's Avatar
You don't give a fuck about the facts if it fucks up your lying ass narrative. Please point to all these rich welfare getting folks. Originally Posted by WTF
Just got back from the cleaners ... someone driving an Escalade bitching about the cleaning job on a low end shirt ... claiming "they" promised to get it clean .... shouldn't have to pay for the cleaning job ... (ever hear a cleaners "promise" to get the stains out?) ......

my next stop was drug store ... guess what ... there it blows ..again ... whining about .... Lord knows what .. .... something about not wanting generics ... but her .... uhhhhhh .... yep you guessed it ..... card didn't authorize payment for brand name prescriptions ... IF A GENERIC WAS AVAILABLE ....

If I had had your phone # she would be calling you ... 'cause I know the guy to bitch at.

It took my over the counter vitamins and headed for the front register!

Oh, she had cash for the cleaners ..... bitched about the bill ... one item was ...

.. had to replace the zipper and let out the "hem" in the ass!!!!! Growing pains.

Oh, BTW, by your standards you're a liar ... I never said Medicaid recipients were "getting rich" ... they are driving the middle class into the poor house though.

Unlike you, I respect and appreciate those who are older than I, because for the most part they worked their asses off, continued to make ends meet without whining, helped their kids when the were in need, and kept this country speaking English as the predominant language as opposed to Japanese or German. I try to do my share be reducing the "drain" I put on the elders in my family while at the same time reminding them it is their money the earned and saved and not the kids. Unfortunately families have kids who look at their parents' and grandparents' money as the kids' money.

Also unlike you, I believe those same older people have every right to live as long as their body and medical science will allow, because they, for the most part, earned the right to live until they are ready to die, if that is possible. You haven't as far as I am concerned. .... so "my Death Panel" would pull the dough from your account to feed theirs ... so as to maintain just a little more decency for just a little longer.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-28-2013, 05:51 PM
[QUOTE=LexusLover;1054371001]Just got back from the cleaners ... someone driving an Escalade bitching about the cleaning job on a low end shirt ... claiming "they" promised to get it clean .... shouldn't have to pay for the cleaning job ... (ever hear a cleaners "promise" to get the stains out?) ......

my next stop was drug store ... guess what ... there it blows ..again ... whining about .... Lord knows what .. .... something about not wanting generics ... but her .... uhhhhhh .... yep you guessed it ..... card didn't authorize payment for brand name prescriptions ... IF A GENERIC WAS AVAILABLE ....

If I had had your phone # she would be calling you ... 'cause I know the guy to bitch at.

It took my over the counter vitamins and headed for the front register!

Oh, she had cash for the cleaners ..... bitched about the bill ... one item was ...

.. had to replace the zipper and let out the "hem" in the ass!!!!! Growing pains.


You must run around in one shitty neighborhood. I have never seen any people buying things on Welfare/Medicaid/Foodstamps. You sound kinda jealous of her though. I take that back, I had one white chick use what I thought was a food stamp credit card like in front of me at HEB. Good looking girl.

Oh, BTW, by your standards you're a liar ... I never said Medicaid recipients were "getting rich" ... they are driving the middle class into the poor house though.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You implied that they were doing great with the Cadillac remark. That is code for 'black folks' ,of course I do not need to tell you the code words to use!

Unlike you, I respect and appreciate those who are older than I, because for the most part they worked their asses off, continued to make ends meet without whining, helped their kids when the were in need, and kept this country speaking English as the predominant language as opposed to Japanese or German. I try to do my share be reducing the "drain" I put on the elders in my family while at the same time reminding them it is their money the earned and saved and not the kids. Unfortunately families have kids who look at their parents' and grandparents' money as the kids' money.

Also unlike you, I believe those same older people have every right to live as long as their body and medical science will allow, because they, for the most part, earned the right to live until they are ready to die, if that is possible. You haven't as far as I am concerned. .... so "my Death Panel" would pull the dough from your account to feed theirs ... so as to maintain just a little more decency for just a little longer. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I respect those that are older than me than aren't bitching and moaning and doing nothing but taking from society.

They have every right to live as long as the retirement money they saved lasts. Not a day longer if they are one of those 'smaller government' bitchers. Let them harvest wtf they sew...
So WTF, give me a breakdown, on who is 'walking' on their ER bills that is causing so much pain in healthcare system. Other than "people without insurance." Originally Posted by gnadfly
Are you Jim DeMint's bastard child?

In 1989, the Heritage Foundation was at the forefront of advocating for a requirement to purchase coverage through as system of regulated health care marketplaces, the very centerpiece of Obama’s health care reform, and later lobbied Congressional Republicans to offer the initiative as an alternative to President Bill Clinton’s health proposal. Originally Posted by WTF
A typical WTF non-answer. Let me help you out moronic buffoon. You complain that there's all these people burdening the ER and not paying, letting the public pick up the tab.

Guess what. Under Obamacare that still happens in spades. The Mexican kid who breaks his arm is still not going to have health insurance. The 27 yo guy who rides his crotch rocket but didn't buy health insurance because it was too expensive. The mother who is too lazy to sign her kids up for CHIPS...I bet a bunch of hospitals get stiffed because say a guy has a $15000 bill and has insurance but cannot pay his deductible.

There are tons of everyday scenarios that happen that will still happen - very frequently. Now the new 2-3 million who will get expanded Medicaid will have some type of insurance - but its paid for by the public.

The law is already written to increase you dumbshit. Next you will claim it was because of you. Originally Posted by WTF
You are correct by 2016 the fine is supposed to increase to $695 or 2.5% depending on income. Thanks Obama. You said you wouldn't raise taxes on families making less than $250K. Liar. Again.

At least the person on Medicare PAID (or INVESTED) into the system. Many people in Medicare haven't put in dime one...and will never put in dime one. The people in Medicaid EXCEEDS the number in Medicare. 99% of the people in Medicare will never be MDs.

We are talking numbers and you think killing Granny will save Obamacare. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Really...that Granny that never worked a day in her life paid into SS and Medicare?

It will help save Medicare. Tell me why you think it is ok to have Granny drain the system for two more months of life? Tell me why she or her family should not pay for their own end of life care. Not transfer all her assets into some trust so that the government can pay for her end of life care instead of the family. Originally Posted by WTF
I meant to say 99% of the people in Medicaid will never be MDs.

So how is Obamacare going to save Medicare? How is Obamacare going to save Medicaid? You keep pointing to some incremental numbers and use a "help" argument but they don't come close to covering costs.

But yet my health insurance continues to increase despite was Obama says. The tax cuts which you despise occur in the form of health insurance subsidies.

I think your "Fuc Granny" argument has been repeatedly disproven.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So the Heritage Foundation at one time endorsed an individual mandate. So? A stupid idea is a stupid idea, whether promoted by Heritage, FreedomWorks, or Like every non-liberal has to take Heritage as Holy Scripture.

Heritage wants as much control as libtard groups. Who gives a rat's ass what they say?
The Good Names Are Taken's Avatar
I'll just pay the $92 fee. Went from paying nothing for nothing to -$92 for nothing. -_-