Do you think Colonel Peters is correct?

You implied that folks get yearly physical!!! (digital rectal examination) . I'm 55 and have had two digital rectal exams in my life.

I had a colonoscopy last year. I'm 55 and had put it off for 5 years. How many digital rectal exams have you had , not counting the one's lustylad gives you for free with his weenie? Originally Posted by WTF
Lustylad, among many others, give him for free with their weenies.

Fuk'n Fags!
LexusLover's Avatar
[SIZE=3]I'm 55 and had put it off for 5 years. Originally Posted by WTF
It has been my understanding that 5 years is customary if one has no signs of growths or other problems at the "last" scoping.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and the U.S. Census Bureau ARE government entities, speedy. My neighbor -- a policeman -- wouldn't even answer the door to talk to the Census rep sent to his home because he didn't fill out the form, speedy. Lest you think he was some paranoid, RW militia type, you'd be wrong. He might be paranoid about the government infringing on his privacy, but he is African American, speedy.

BTW, speedy, Gallup says that the number of households having guns stands around 47% and has been on the rise in recent years.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Not at all sure what your 1st paragraph is getting at.

The Gallup poll you cited is from 2011. The poll in the 2nd article I cited is from 2013. Got anything more recent that supports your POV?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
It has been my understanding that 5 years is customary if one has no signs of growths or other problems at the "last" scoping. Originally Posted by LexusLover
True. Once every 5 years is enough for me. The "cleansing of the bowels" is not fun.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I dunno know.......roll the dice or put up a Texas State Penal Code Sign 30.06
Or put up two post 4" or larger in diameter with 12" of purple paint around the tops of them. Place these 100 feet apart on your property, then all trespass is forbidden by law. Originally Posted by rioseco
To me the answer is simple -- you ask permission of the homeowner whether or not it is okay to bring a handgun into his home. If you are invited over to someone's home for whatever type of function, you don't bring children unless you ask if it is okay to do so. You don't bring an animal such as a dog unless you ask if it is okay to do so. If you are single, you don't bring a date unless you ask if it is okay to do so. And you don't bring a handgun into someone's home unless you ask if it is okay to do so.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You must be a transplant if you believe that everyone has to either ask or volunteer that they have a gun. The whole idea of concealed carry is that no one knows except you. Though you have not responded to some of the things I've pointed out I will do it again, it seems that at your house you have to fill out a questionaire with questions like; do you have a communicable disease? do you have any fruit or plants? do you have fleas? do you have halitosis? does your mattress have bedbugs? are you incontinent? do you have trouble hitting the bowl when you pee?

I don't want these things in my house and I demand that you volunteer that information.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You are a fucking idiot.

I do not allow firearms in my house and let people know. Businesses that do not allow firearms post a sign. Your rights to walk around with a weapon are no more important than my right to protect my family and property ...

Of course this is hypothetical. I'd never have a redneck dipshit like you into my house. In fact, the neighborhood watch would grab report you before you got within a half a mile!
rioseco's Avatar
Brilliant! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

How easily impressed you are.........
Stupid Musselman loving moron !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What the fuck is a Musselman, you dimwitted Trog?

Embarassing. And you don't even know it.

You're like the idiot who walked into the convenience story and shouted: "Hands in the air, this is a fuckup!"

"You mean stickup," said the clerk.

"No," said the idiot, "I meant fuckup. I forgot my gun!"

rioseco's Avatar
You are a fucking idiot.

I do not allow firearms in my house and let people know. Businesses that do not allow firearms post a sign. Your rights to walk around with a weapon are no more important than my right to protect my family and property ...

Of course this is hypothetical. I'd never have a redneck dipshit like you into my house. In fact, the neighborhood watch would grab report you before you got within a half a mile! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Thats some neighborhood watch you tout. You must live in the Kremlin
Your avatar (BROWNEYE) is code for you love taking it in the ass.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-20-2015, 08:02 AM
Good deflection Rio. Nothing substantive to say so make a homophobic comment. Well done.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-20-2015, 08:05 AM
It has been my understanding that 5 years is customary if one has no signs of growths or other problems at the "last" scoping. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I believe that is correct but I also believe that you are supposed to have your first one at 50, I put it off until 55 dreading the procedure. Not really smart on my part. I had several polyps removed , they seemed to think it was routine.
<LI class=firstli>50 years or older African American 45 years or older
<LI class=lastli>40 years old or 10 years younger than the age at which a first degree relative was diagnosed with colon cancer
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-20-2015, 08:11 AM
You must be a transplant if you believe that everyone has to either ask or volunteer that they have a gun. The whole idea of concealed carry is that no one knows except you. . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD it seems that you , a gun owner seem not to respect the wishes of your fellow private property owners.

Am I missing something here boardman?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You must be a transplant if you believe that everyone has to either ask or volunteer that they have a gun. The whole idea of concealed carry is that no one knows except you. Though you have not responded to some of the things I've pointed out I will do it again, it seems that at your house you have to fill out a questionaire with questions like; do you have a communicable disease? do you have any fruit or plants? do you have fleas? do you have halitosis? does your mattress have bedbugs? are you incontinent? do you have trouble hitting the bowl when you pee?

I don't want these things in my house and I demand that you volunteer that information. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What you do in your home is up to you and what I do in my home is up to me. Every ridiculous thing you mentioned has little chance of killing me. A handgun, even in the hands of the most well-intentioned person, can kill me. Accidents happen, and I want to minimize such accidents to the best of my ability.

I never said that a person carrying a concealed handgun has to volunteer that information to other. But are you familiar with the word "compassion"? It has several meanings, one of which is taking into consideration the impact of your actions on others.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-20-2015, 08:20 AM

I never said that a person carrying a concealed handgun has to volunteer that information to other. But are you familiar with the word "compassion"? It has several meanings, one of which is taking into consideration the impact of your actions on others. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
JD seems to have no respect for private property owners wishes. Probably because he owns none. He been on the government tit his whole life...