Trump legal going ons

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Originally Posted by Zollner
I usually dont involve myself in these political threads but after seeing Lindsey Graham in tears on the news last night I can't resist.
For all of the sniveling and groveling he does, hands down, Lindsey Graham HAS GOT TO BE THE ONLY MAN who is allowed to cum in Trumps mouth.
Lindsey was very likely a virgin until he met Trump. For the record Lindsey is not married, hes never been married, and he claims hes never even had a girlfriend.

So, I have 2 questions.
1.After Lindsey cums in Trumps mouth and Trump cums in McCarthys mouth is it the same as Lindsey also also cummed in McCarthys mouth?
2.Who gets Trumps 1st conjugal visit, Ivanka or Lindsey?

Even if he finds his way out of this one he still gets to brag about being the first ex president to ever be indicted.
mad469s's Avatar
Even if he finds his way out of this one he still gets to brag about being the first president to ever be indicted. Originally Posted by IamVictoryasSecret
rooster's Avatar
I usually dont involve myself in these political threads but after seeing Lindsey Graham in tears on the news last night I can't resist.... Originally Posted by IamVictoryasSecret
Luv this post. Lindsey is such a douchebag. I mean...the Dems have a ton of embarrassing idiots, almost too many to name. But the GOP...faaak. Just unbelievable.

Zollner's Avatar
All of Don's MAGA Fucking Crazies right now are Don's criminal Accomplices in crime. Don the Con told them, if I go down I will take you ALL with me!!! This is WHY they are all squealing like stuck pigs so loudly now!!!

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