President Trump is a Liar.

Jaxson66's Avatar
How Trump’s insecurity is making the coronavirus crisis worse

Put President Trump in a room full of scientists, and he’s going to start to feel very insecure. Put him in a crisis he can’t boast his way out of, and things are going to go very badly.

That’s what we now face with the coronavirus. The crisis is not happening only in a foreign country, or in just one spot in America. It threatens to touch all of us. By all accounts, the president’s handling of it so far has been somewhere between awful and disastrous. Worst of all, from his perspective, it threatens the reality distortion field he works so hard to maintain.

Trump is plainly more concerned with how the virus affects his public image than how it affects Americans’ health. He blurted out that he wanted to keep a cruise ship off the coast of California “because I like the numbers being where they are. I don’t need to have the numbers double because of one ship.”
Jaxson66's Avatar
Fact check: Donald Trump made 115 false claims in the last two weeks of February

President Donald Trump made 115 false claims over the last two weeks of February, during which he faced a growing crisis over the coronavirus pandemic, visited India, held four campaign rallies and addressed the Conservative Political Action Conference.

Trump made 67 false claims from February 17 through February 23; that was the 11th-highest total of the 34 weeks we've fact checked at CNN. He added 48 false claims from February 24 through March 1; that week ranked 25th out of 34. As usual, many of the false claims were ones he has uttered before.

Trump made 55 of the 115 total false claims at the four rallies: 19 in Las Vegas, 17 in Phoenix, 10 in Colorado Springs and nine in North Charleston, South Carolina. He added 13 false claims in his speech to CPAC, nine in his press conference in New Delhi and six apiece at three events -- one of which was a press conference on the coronavirus.

As concerns about the possible economic impact of the virus mounted, Trump made 27 false claims about the economy. He made 16 about health care, 15 about trade, 14 about China.

Trump is now up to 1,990 false claims since July 8, when we started our counting at CNN. He is averaging about 59 false claims per week.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Fact check: Donald Trump made 115 false claims in the last two weeks of February

President Donald Trump made 115 false claims over the last two weeks of February, during which he faced a growing crisis over the coronavirus pandemic, visited India, held four campaign rallies and addressed the Conservative Political Action Conference.

Trump made 67 false claims from February 17 through February 23; that was the 11th-highest total of the 34 weeks we've fact checked at CNN. He added 48 false claims from February 24 through March 1; that week ranked 25th out of 34. As usual, many of the false claims were ones he has uttered before.

Trump made 55 of the 115 total false claims at the four rallies: 19 in Las Vegas, 17 in Phoenix, 10 in Colorado Springs and nine in North Charleston, South Carolina. He added 13 false claims in his speech to CPAC, nine in his press conference in New Delhi and six apiece at three events -- one of which was a press conference on the coronavirus.

As concerns about the possible economic impact of the virus mounted, Trump made 27 false claims about the economy. He made 16 about health care, 15 about trade, 14 about China.

Trump is now up to 1,990 false claims since July 8, when we started our counting at CNN. He is averaging about 59 false claims per week. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

CNN told you Clinton would win easy in 2016. did you believe that lie?
WOW Jaxson66 has a bad case of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome), Do you think 21 pages of post on a message board will help your cause? Or just make you look like a moron? Don't like Trump, get out a vote. Tell us how great Bernie or Biden are. LOL
rexdutchman's Avatar
Jaxson66's Avatar
Twenty one pages of documented lies by the fat lying bastard, and yet little defense by the trump piss boy club,

personal attacks? Absolutely, they all have the gift of internet insight.

threats of violence? You bet cha,

defense of the lying racist pig fucker? Nope!

Stand by, the fat lying bastard has scheduled another news conference so Pence can once again praise the almighty trump for his great leadership. I’m positive the fat lying bastard will lie today, and I’ll post it.
  • oeb11
  • 03-10-2020, 10:19 AM
Firemen with a two week education do not comprehend well.

J666 knows only One word - "Lie"!!!

Thanks - j666 - for your nonsense.

Fascist DPST supporter above - Right j666 - or is that a "Lie" also???
Jaxson66's Avatar
GOP congressman — who warned Trump about pandemics — offers pointed criticism of proposed CDC cuts

This was the day Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) has been warning about — and essentially predicted. Back in 2017, when the Trump administration first proposed steep cuts to programs that handle disease outbreaks, Cole said, “I promise you the president is much more likely in his term to have a deal with a pandemic than an act of terrorism. I hope he doesn’t have to deal with either one, but you have to be ready to deal with both.”

Now that the potential pandemic has come, Cole is re-upping his long-standing criticisms of the Trump administration’s posture toward preparedness. And on Tuesday, he offered a little bit of an “I told you so,” even suggesting that the situation might not be as bad if the administration had listened to him.

I doubt Hannity will interview mr Cole.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Thanks, Jaxson, for continuing to post the truth. Maybe one of the "Trump is perfect!" people will realize Donald is not on their side (just his own side).
  • oeb11
  • 03-10-2020, 07:19 PM
j666 thinks he knows all about the response for coronavirus - better than Tony fauci and the medical team Trump heads with Pence.

Gee- I am so assured the experts like Schumer, Pelosi, and j666, 9500, ftw all roundly berate Trump- but have nothing constructive to offer at all.

Empty suits - all they are. If j666 wears one on Sundays. O/W it is the emperor's clothes for j666.
Just Narrative Fascist DPST Truth for these who bow down and praise their narrative regardless!!!
Jaxson66's Avatar
j666 thinks he knows all about the response for coronavirus - better than Tony fauci and the medical team Trump heads with Pence.

Dude, you’re totally fucking delusional.

Gee- I am so assured the experts like Schumer, Pelosi, and j666, 9500, ftw all roundly berate Trump- but have nothing constructive to offer at all.

I believe kicking the lying bastard out of office is very constructive.

Empty suits - all they are. If j666 wears one on Sundays. O/W it is the emperor's clothes for j666.

My suit consists of shorts and sandals and my church is a beach bar. If you’re god is looking for me, that’s were I’ll be.

Just Narrative Fascist DPST Truth for these who bow down and praise their narrative regardless

The only faction on their knees is your group, especially Pence, giving his daily blowjob to the fat lying bastard.
!! Originally Posted by oeb11
  • oeb11
  • 03-11-2020, 07:40 AM
All you got is Bash trump for political purposes - the Fascist DPST's and etc, j666.

You are not competent to propose anything constructive Re- coronavirus - or evaluate proposals.

Not that j666 would understand who tony Fauci or his credentials are - but matters not - All there is from the Marxists is bash Trump- and now -Per Omar - your heroine- it is "racist" to criticize China for their coverup and lack of cooperation and communication.

What idiots these DPST's be!!!!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Did Trump Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

Amid warnings from public health officials that a 2020 outbreak of a new coronavirus could soon become a pandemic involving the U.S., alarmed readers asked Snopes to verify a rumor that U.S. President Donald Trump had “fired the entire pandemic response team two years ago and then didn’t replace them.”


But, but, but Hillary’s emails cry the sniveling clut.
HoeHummer's Avatar
All you got is Bash trump for political purposes - the Fascist DPST's and etc, j666.

You are not competent to propose anything constructive Re- coronavirus - or evaluate proposals.

Not that j666 would understand who tony Fauci or his credentials are - but matters not - All there is from the Marxists is bash Trump- and now -Per Omar - your heroine- it is "racist" to criticize China for their coverup and lack of cooperation and communication.

What idiots these DPST's be!!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
What a hypocritical POS!

You spend your day attacking anyone who points out Trumps many weaknesses and criminal activities.

And then call them idiots.

Jaxson66's Avatar
Justice Department must disclose secret Mueller grand jury evidence to Congress, appeals court finds

The Justice Department must release to congressional Democrats secret grand jury evidence lawmakers are seeking in ongoing investigations into President Trump, a federal appeals court in Washington ruled Tuesday.

The divided ruling, which can be appealed, is a victory for Democratic lawmakers in one of a set of separation-of-powers lawsuits filed before the House voted to impeach President Trump in December and before the Senate acquitted him in February.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit upheld a lower court order that gives Congress access to certain secret material from Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

The 2-to-1 decision is unlikely to be the final word and does not mean the redacted material from Mueller’s final report will be immediately turned over to Congress. The ruling can be appealed to the full court or to the Supreme Court.

Judge Judith W. Rogers found the House in its impeachment investigation was legally engaged in a judicial process that exempts Congress from secrecy rules that typically shield grand jury materials from disclosure. Grand jury records, she noted, are court records — not Justice Department records — and have historically been released to Congress in the course of impeachment investigations involving three federal judges and two presidents.

“Where the Department is legally barred from handing over grand jury materials without court authorization, judicial restraint does not empower Congress; it impedes it,” wrote Rogers, who was joined by Judge Thomas B. Griffith.

Stay on the lying bastards ass Nancy.