Young girls with LOW prices?

cluefinder's Avatar

Plz make it stop!!! You women are turning me on with yalls bad self!!!! tisk tisk growl!!! lol!!! I'm already touching myself!!!
SerenityXX's Avatar

Plz make it stop!!! You women are turning me on with yalls bad self!!!! tisk tisk growl!!! lol!!! I'm already touching myself!!! Originally Posted by cluefinder
Tht video was funny
SerenityXX's Avatar
God damn Serenity, this fucked up thread is trying to die. Shut the fuck up and suck my dick! Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
Well im sorry u feel tht way. Thanks but no thanks tho sweetie.
Well hell. I just got a warning for my last comment in this thread. I was actually trying to tone it down. But I guess I screwed up by using language that I thought the lady might associate from our last meeting. Mods govern here and I accept that - somebody has to. But damn. Meant no harm whatsoever. And had the lady's comments come in before the mod's, I'd have reconsidered.
  • Sandy
  • 10-28-2015, 01:49 AM
Girls should charge what they want and give services they feel like giving.
Blw? What is a Rtm button? I just see the like button.
  • tyson
  • 10-28-2015, 05:50 AM
Obviously, miss Dallas, you are young and hot and charge 300 per hr and seem to be successful, but what works for you doesn't work for all. I agree that if you are young and hot, you should charge more, but it all depends on your business model.

You have been in this game for a while it seems and you appear to be in it for the long haul, but maybe these young hot new providers are only in it for say, a month. In this situation it would work best to maximize your business and then get out. I would venture to guess that a young lady would get quite a bit more calls at 150-200 per hr than 300-500 per hr here in central AR. Maybe in the more wealthier states, such as VA, CA, or TX they could get away with that price point and consistently garner business. This is just one scenario, there are many other reason's for diff price points, just do you and let other's do themselves .

From a client's pov, there are too many options for me to settle for a 300 per hr date, even with the small market here in LR. I have never had the pleasure of visiting Selena, but she is a prime example of why I wouldn't need to spend 300 to have an amazing time, and she has a great attitude to boot! I never thought I would say this but, as hot as some of you providers are your attitude is like a bucket of cold water lol. Just reading some of the replies and how some of you correspond with your clientele on matter how much I like your outer appearance, your personality would prevent me from "reaching my full potential", if you get my drift lol
BabyDallass's Avatar

Obviously the ones I'm Referring to are the two named in my comment but if the shoe fits Baby pls lace Tht shoe up and wear it
Originally Posted by SerenityXX

Girl please I don't even know you or care to. Stop quoting rap songs and go suck some 100 dollar dicks. This all started because you and your little friend thinks this thread I guess is all about you two?? Lol it's not...I didn't even know yall were that cheap until this thread stop thinking someone is hating on you, lol give me a reason to hate on you first baby girl. No comparison with me and you....
BabyDallass's Avatar
As a provider there are too many guys willing to pay what I ask. I will work at Dillard's before I set my prices to 100 bucks. That's just me though...don't get mad now or say I'm hating because I don't do what the rest do lol
BabyDallass's Avatar
Facts boils down to this....when you have kids, habits you can't shake, a boyfriend/pimp/...then you will be seeing yourself settle for 100 calls you, have to do them or you wouldn't Make it...I guess since I'm kid free and pimp free I don't have to work extra hard and see tons of guys to support my life.
BabyDallass's Avatar
& the same goes for a lot of you guys attitudes on here....I have turned lots of guys away on ec because I didn't like how they conducted themselves...goes both ways....BP guys with references seem to be better than most EC men anyday or the ones who troll and don't post...I'll see those two kinds of guys anyday!
i hate to get involved in this but my only question is this, it was stated that this thread was started in ref to the irls on bp, so why post it on eccie?, we all know the girls on bp are not on eccie, the only ones who are are ginger, b dallas, selena and serenity, that im aware of so why wasnt this posted on bp to target the girls is was meant to.
im wrong mb is too and im not ssure selena and kk are to be honest, but still if it was intended for the bp girls it should have been posted there, not here
  • tyson
  • 10-28-2015, 07:08 AM
As a provider there are too many guys willing to pay what I ask. I will work at Dillard's before I set my prices to 100 bucks. That's just me though...don't get mad now or say I'm hating because I don't do what the rest do lol Originally Posted by BabyDallass

Well now there are always exceptions to the rule, outliers if you will..for example, when young and hot body samantha was providing, she was only charging me 200 per hr at most, i would have gladly paid 300 hell even 400 for her! She had that It factor, damn i miss her, i would drink her bathwater lol. But i suppose thats more to your point Dallas, she was young and hot and was waaayyy below her market value in terms of what she charged. I suppose the guys that continue to pay your rate must deem you worthy if they keep coming back so kudos to you.

but again, the market dictates to me that there's better value out there for 200 or less. Selena, Madison, bp brooks, Carmen (well carmen circa 2014), and my very hot and young utr , just doesn't make sense for me unless you just have that It factor.
BabyDallass's Avatar
This thread totally went over everyone's heads. The point I was trying to make was the girls who charge less are worth more and could get more if they asked...damn this thread now is just annoying and retarted! I see that nobody has not one time got the true meaning of my shows how immature ALOT of you all are...shows a lot of yalls TRUE colors....I'll be glad when this thread dies along with all the other bull shit on here..
BabyDallass's Avatar
Tyson, you are the closet one that actually got what I was trying to say! Kudos to you!!