Odds on Trump's Impeachment

OverBought's Avatar
Just a suggestion.
Watch the Rachael Maddow Show MSNBC the last couple of nights.
You can also find it online.
She is doing a sort of time line of events and and piecing information together.
Substantiating some of the info in the Christopher Steele Dossier, along with other information.
I know that's like asking a Democrat to watch Fox (so I'm not doing that) ..but...it is interesting..
PeterBota's Avatar
Damn Peter. I thought we were making progress. I guess not. Oh well.

Im not going to be the President of the Hillary Clinton Fan Club anytime soon. But I think you might need to watch a few other channels besides Fox news. I dont doubt anything you might tell me about how corrupt the Clintons were/are. We are kind of like you DJT lovers. We didnt really give a shit about all those emails, and BS story about Benghazi. She went through 25 years of Rebulican BS. How come the news isnt blowing up with Pences emails?

Now it DJTs turn and his voters. He getting flamed by his own peeps. All those leaks, his peeps also. Do you really think at that level that all of them, including and especially DJT arent " International Criminals"?. Of course the Democrats wernt going to elect a Jewish Socialist.
I do admit I was surprised the Republicans elected a Russian Autocrat

As far as" hilda beast Clinton" "International criminal CUNT? I dont know what a CUNT is. I guess it takes one to know one Originally Posted by themystic
Cunt I mean friend. You are the hypocrite that voted for Reagan now you love to suck hilda beast ass while Obama screws you. You def know what a cunt is. Remember your ex wife ?? Now that we cleared that up. You turn your ass where ever the wind blows. The dems fucked themselves real good this time huh ?? Now they're crying like little bitchs. Maybe oprah will run in 2020 you can vote for her then.
Stumbling, truly. I wonder what truly makes Trump supporters, at this stage in the game, hang on so desperately. It's completely irrational to me.

Yes. And Russia succeeded here. Again, it's been confirmed. Doesn't that concern you in the least? If you're worried about the existence of our country being in danger, you really need to look no further than our own citizens. Because the weakness lies with them.

But they, and Breitbart and Tomi Lahren and Alex Jones, et al, don't have to succeed, do they? We aren't Russia and China, for the love of Pete. We are free people with open access to information. We have facts available to us all day long. There is literally no excuse for any voter in this country to be so clueless. Yet they are. Putin knew this. Trump knows this. Except Trump is no match for Putin.

That's an understatement.

He, in fact, "inherited a mess". And he did quite well.

Please tell me who brought in illegal immigrants. And all signs point to the poor getting the shaft right now.

Yeah, he's building a wall. That Mexico is paying for. Except they won't. So now, he is looking to cut funding for the Coast Guard and the TSA, along with other agencies that are tasked with protecting us from threats to national security. Why would he do this?

He doesn't get to de-legitimize it. He doesn't have a say. And Obama isn't making the police into the bad guy. Officers who are killing innocent people are the bad guys. It's happening. Unfortunately, it also reflects poorly upon the entire law enforcement community. Perhaps we should focus on improving the recruiting process. Instead of spending millions compensating the families of victims, invest in more effective and thorough screening of recruits. Because police officers don't come from some special pool of flawless humans. And they don't get unconditional respect because they wear a badge. The truth is positions of authority attract more of those who seek to abuse it. We should weed them out before handing them a badge and a gun. Or the keys to the White House.

As for the rest of it, I don't think there is any more I can say that will make a difference. I want him to be all the things you think he is, Fishy. I really, really do. But he's not. I'm trained to identify people like him, and I do, before I rub my eyes in the morning. But we don't have to be trained to do this. We simply have to be conscientious and informed. Being a true patriot and worthwhile contributor to humanity comes pretty easily after that.

Wishing you all the very best. Originally Posted by Vivienne Rey
Wish you the best too vivienne. You are very well informed and have your wits about you. I can see where you are coming from. If you have ever played the game of "Mafia" You know that when you are watching and trying to figure out who is lying and who is telling the truth it can be tricky. Both sides are lying about a lot of things. It wouldn't surprise me if Trump has connections with Russia. I don't think he does at this point. We will see. As I said before though... The political dynasty of the DNC was decimated in 2016. If the Russians were needed to help that take place through Wikileaks and hacking the DNC then I would be all for a call in to them. It was the the Americans who undermined the English and went to their bitter rivals and enemies the French to overthrow a tyranny in 1776. It was a betrayal of the first order. Again though... There is a lot of things I have watched on the opposition side (DNC) that I consider to be more grievous. Thats why in this game of politics and life... I choose to pick Trumps lies over Hillarys.
TexTushHog's Avatar
For those of you who question the rationality of Trump voters, they aren't rational. But there is an explanation.

OverBought's Avatar
For those of you who question the rationality of Trump voters, they aren't rational. But there is an explanation.

http://www.alternet.org/election-201...g-isnt-problem Originally Posted by TexTushHog
This is I guess a portion of Trump supporters, and I doubt there were many cross-over voters from this catagory, but what about the voters that voted in the prior two Presidential elections? There are many that were just gambling that Trump would make good on his promises. I guess he gets credit for being a great salesman, even though many didn't buy it, just enough did.

What amazes me is he still holds onto to his 42-44% support. I guess some people don't watch the news, and have to wait until it actually hits their pocketbook.
themystic's Avatar
Cunt I mean friend. You are the hypocrite that voted for Reagan now you love to suck hilda beast ass while Obama screws you. You def know what a cunt is. Remember your ex wife ?? Now that we cleared that up. You turn your ass where ever the wind blows. The dems fucked themselves real good this time huh ?? Now they're crying like little bitchs. Maybe oprah will run in 2020 you can vote for her then. Originally Posted by PeterBota

Your right Peter. I am a hypocrite. Im a hypocrite for infering that you were a cunt. I appolgize for that. I was wrong. As far a voting for Regan that was a bipartisian decision on my part. I felt he was the best man for the job. My non Trump vote was exactly that, Non Trump
  • grean
  • 03-10-2017, 11:55 AM
For those of you who question the rationality of Trump voters, they aren't rational. But there is an explanation.

http://www.alternet.org/election-201...g-isnt-problem Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Now Tush, Don't you go blaming sweet baby jesus for us hicks problems.... bet your onna dem fancy talkers who thinks jesus wasn't white or that his hair wasn't long and flowing with sweet baby jesus blue eyes......
Women wantin' to be autonomous is just the Devil talking through their lost soles. I blame Obama....what happens when ya let a colored fella try in run the cuntry....women wanna get paid in shit.

You been readin' that thar fake news on cnn, thats the devils channel after all, and fake bible even!

Don't you worry nun bout that now though, you can send some money to Robert Tilton or Benny and they will save your lost sole too..

ROFL! I kill me.....

Edit: And God Bless Cris Kyle!

I know that's like asking a Democrat to watch Fox (so I'm not doing that) ..but...it is interesting..
Originally Posted by OverBought
Hey....if I can tune into CNN, MSNBC, etc every so often then Dems can pop on FoxNews once in a while, as well....it won't kill 'em. Besides, getting that "well rounded" political / news perspective is vital, don't ya think?

Plus....the added feature is Fox has some pretty nice lookin' ladies that like to chitchat up the news (Abby Huntsman, for example, is major-league smokin' hotttt...well, to me, at least.)
  • grean
  • 03-10-2017, 12:28 PM
Hey....if I can tune into CNN, MSNBC, etc every so often then Dems can pop on FoxNews once in a while, as well....it won't kill 'em. Besides, getting that "well rounded" political / news perspective is vital, don't ya think?

Plus....the added feature is Fox has some pretty nice lookin' ladies that like to chitchat up the news (Abby Huntsman, for example, is major-league smokin' hotttt...well, to me, at least.) Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Watch Fox, watch ABC , watch CNN & NBC.... they will all say something about something. Just take the common points they all say and agree on as the news. the flavor and spin each put on those facts can be ignored.
OverBought's Avatar
Watch Fox, watch ABC , watch CNN & NBC.... they will all say something about something. Just take the common points they all say and agree on as the news. the flavor and spin each put on those facts can be ignored. Originally Posted by grean
You have a point.
themystic's Avatar
Watch Fox, watch ABC , watch CNN & NBC.... they will all say something about something. Just take the common points they all say and agree on as the news. the flavor and spin each put on those facts can be ignored. Originally Posted by grean
Totally agree. I watch them all as well. Its like Obama once said, after throwing out the ceremonial first pitch at a a baseball game, " Fox news reported I didn't get one single batter out,, and MSNBC reported I threw a no hitter"

Kind of like CB pointed out to me, correctly, about being careful with the word absolute. Ill just wait and see what keeps happening and enjoy the show in the meantime. I'm ABSOLUTELY convinced of very little. In politics even this thing with ex General Flynn doesn't have enough absolutes to prove anything yet. we shall see
It's interesting reading you all talk about the news and that you are not tuning into
Breitbart or Drudgereport.
Not one mention. It was not Fox or NBC that got Trump elected. If you think you are getting fair and balanced with the networks you mentioned then it is little wonder you are so sold.
Breitbart and Drudge. The only place to know whats really happening. I watch CNN too occasionally and Fox to get a feel what the MSM is spitting. Fox and CNN are bad IMO. Bill O'reilly has good insights and he is fair and educated in his opinions.
It's actually somewhat funny watching the MSM try and figure out Trump. It's all laid out on Breitbart and Drudgereport. They got him elected. His chief strategist and Senior advisor was the head of Breitbart. He is the brain behind the policy. Trump is the salesman. Trump is a shiny object. He is not some mastermind. He is a showman. He is all everyone says about him. They just can't bring him down because he can't be reasoned with.
He speaks in vague and general terms
We are going to build a wall
We are going to get rid of ISIS so quick your head will spin
We are going to get the economy moving Big League
We're going to make our military so strong no one will mess with us
These are broad brushes on the canvas. Trump doesn't have to focus on the details. He never has.


Just today we see the headline for CNN is how badly the Attorney General handled the firing of 46 US attorneys.
Breitbart is CELEBRATING the act.
The opposite of CNN is not FOX. The opposite is Breitbart. Fox is irrelevant. Time to get up to speed. if Fox was in charge then Rubio would have won the Republican primary. Fox still is trying to figure out what is happening.
OverBought's Avatar
News today......In November Trump transition team was informed of Flynn's being potentially a foreign agent, and I guess it didn't matter to them.


and...Pence was informed acording to this:

This is I guess a portion of Trump supporters, and I doubt there were many cross-over voters from this catagory, but what about the voters that voted in the prior two Presidential elections? There are many that were just gambling that Trump would make good on his promises. I guess he gets credit for being a great salesman, even though many didn't buy it, just enough did.

What amazes me is he still holds onto to his 42-44% support. I guess some people don't watch the news, and have to wait until it actually hits their pocketbook. Originally Posted by OverBought
They Won't wake up until TRUMP pushes the WRONG goddam button, kicks their ass out of the US, or plays with their tax money like it's free hobby money. I am willing to bet a year's pay, if we were able to do a do-over, TRUMP would not be elected. The people took this election for granted. Just look at all the people protesting in all those states. Just like in 911, you have to attack the US in a way that no one expects, and the Russians found their patsy in TRUMP.


News today......In November Trump transition team was informed of Flynn's being potentially a foreign agent, and I guess it didn't matter to them.


and...Pence was informed acording to this:

http://www.businessinsider.com/elija...obbying-2017-3 Originally Posted by OverBought
I am not a bit surprised, wait until they discover the rest of those Russian double agents, spy's, or infiltrators. The white house is loaded with them now. lol


Chaco20's Avatar
Business Conflicts or Russian Collusion

Anyone wanna predict how long till he is impeached and removed from office?

I say within 2nd year if that.

Anyone think he will be impeached but remain in office? Originally Posted by grean

0% just another liberal pipe dream to try and not have to face the reality of Hilly losing.