OH SHIT!!! Even Chicago Tribune says Obamacare is a Shit Law and Obama is acting like a Communist!

flghtr65's Avatar
You missed the point, Flighty, your lazy, ignorant demagogue-dimotards didn't even read the legislation they voted into law! And they ignorantly don't think it's their job to read the legislation they pass! Morons!

Johnson claimed that she doesn’t plan to read the entire set of regulations. She stated, “I don’t think that that’s my responsibility to do it.” Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Johnson not reading the bill is a minor issue. I would bet you there were republicans who did not read the entire bill either, before casting their vote. The real issue is this: When an uninsured person goes to the emergency room of some local hospital to get their inflamed appendix removed, and the bill comes to $80,000, who is paying for this? The answer the taxpayer(especially anyone who gets a W2). So, in this case this person's health care is being paid for by some one else. The hospital did not eat that charge. If this is not socialism, then Obamacare is not socialism either. The prescription drug plan that was put in by Bush to help seniors pay for their medications is an entitlement. Is this socialism? if not then Obamacare isn't either. With you repubtards, when a republican implements an entitlement it's ok. When a democrat implements an entitlement, it's socialism. Romneycare has the same mandate that Obamacare has, you are required to purchase insurance or pay a tax. How come you republicans don't have a problem with Romneycare?
'So much wrong' with Obamacare sites: Aetna CEO

Aetna (AET)'s CEO gave a harshly critical review of the federal government's Obamacare marketplace Tuesday, saying "there's so much wrong, you just don't know what's broken until you get a lot more of it fixed."

Asked on CNBC's "Squawk Box" if he knew the roll-out of the federal Healthcare.gov website would be problematic, Aetna chief Mark Bertolini said his giant insurance company's role as an alpha tester for the system gave it a sense of how many problems the health insurance marketplace was facing on the eve of launch.

"We were pretty nervous as we got further along," Bertolini said. "As they started missing deadlines, we were pretty convinced it was going to be a difficult launch."

Since then, Bertolini said his fears have been realized, and the technological debacle seen at Healthcare.gov is one similar to just the handful he's witnessed in his career.

"It's nothing you ever like to repeat," he said. "Because it's very difficult. I've been there. It's career-ending in a lot of cases."

'On the fly'

"It's all been on the fly," Bertolini said of the construction of the marketplace, and the integration of insurers like Aetna whose plans are being offered for sale to up 40 million customers.

"We didn't get code drops until the last month before the system went live," he said.

Healthcare.gov was besieged by visitors to the site went it launched Oct. 1, and has struggled since then to deal with a raft of software problems, including transmitting data to insurers and even allowing people to shop for plans.

It is not clear how many-or how few-people have even enrolled in insurance plans sold on the website.

Asked how long the marketplace, also known as an exchange, will take to fix, Bertolini said, "That's the big question."

"I think the bigger issue is: Will enough people sign up to make it work?" said Bertolini, whose company, like other insurers, is counting on enough young, healthy people enrolling in the insurance plans to offset the costs that come from providing benefits to older, sicker Americans.

"I think the attention span of the younger generation in using technology is that if it doesn't work the first time, it's going to be pretty hard to get them back the second time," he said. "If the program blows up because people don't sign up, then the program's not going to move ahead either all that well."

Open enrollment in the Obamacare policies closes March 31 . Asked if that was enough time to correct the system's problems, Bertolini said, "I don't know."

'I would have' delayed

Asked if he would have delayed the launch of the exchange given its earlier problems, Bertolini said, "I would have, if I'd been in their seat."

But "the politics got in the way of a good business decision," he said.

However, Bertolini also said, "It's the law of the land, number one. Number two, public exchanges are going to be here to stay, so we need to make them work somehow ...The question is: How do we get from here to there?"

He predicted that it could take three years or so before the marketplace's problems are fully sorted out.

uh huh uh huh - Abandon Ship. Libtards Abandoning Ship
uh huh uh huh - Abandon Ship. Libtards Abandoning Ship
uh huh uh huh - Abandon Ship. Libtards Abandoning Ship