New Private Forum Proposal

In Before The Close-

I dunno how I missed this thread without putting in my two cents.

I think it's a great idea. It would be a great complement to those resources that already exist, and I don't see it as a competing entity unless the existing resources that I use develop something similar.

I haven't read through 20 pages of brainstorming and banter, so forgive me if my ideas have already been mentioned. The only thing I would add is that membership needs to be screened and verified for both those with goods and services to sell as well as those in for purchasing. Thus I imagine it could not be free of charge. Make the T & C clear and have revocation of privileges for those who violate.

Of the free resources I use, this one is awesome, but the WW has become a lot like Backpage or Eros, with the pimped girl du jour introducing herself, and I think there are some ulterior motives behind too many reviews both positive and negative. A paid, screened and private forum might eliminate some of these problems because everyone would have skin in the game (pun intended).

The paid resource I use, P411, has been by far the best resource for finding providers I'm seeking at that given time. They're screened, I'm screened and the people introducing us make sure we all stay above board. This resource would be better if it had forums and chat.

Of course, the devil is in the details. Membership should be paid for both clients and providers (keep out the pimped WW girls and cheapskate clients) but advertisers can keep membership costs down. Perhaps partnering up with an existing resource is an option.

Good luck!
DarthDVader's Avatar
+1 ... Besides, you can erase posts that don't meet the requirements ... This and a "vacation policy" is something that can be enforced in a private forum against the short availability thread that you tried before in Coed that was subject to a moderation limited action ...

Perhaps a short vacation, then. If they don't get the message the first time, then make it a longer one the second time, or even a permanent ban from the forum. Originally Posted by TinMan
pyramider's Avatar
Oh goodie ... Censorship will be the order of the day? There is no need of a private forum for that, just post in San Antonio or Austin.
TinMan's Avatar
Oh goodie ... Censorship will be the order of the day? There is no need of a private forum for that, just post in San Antonio or Austin. Originally Posted by pyramider
It's a single private forum, so if the rules state certain posts won't be allowed, so be it. You still have the same public forums to play in, so I'm not sure how anyone's "rights" will be trampled.
DarthDVader's Avatar
You have the wrong word: It is compliance and not censorship ... IJS
Oh goodie ... Censorship will be the order of the day? There is no need of a private forum for that, just post in San Antonio or Austin. Originally Posted by pyramider
offshoredrilling's Avatar
resistance is futile, you will be assimilated
Bestman200600's Avatar
What happened to EasyLover? Why is her sidekick banned? I think she had several handles that being one of them.
What happened to EasyLover? Why is her sidekick banned? I think she had several handles that being one of them. Originally Posted by Bestman200600
Hi Tara

Pretty sure you and I don't even remotely think or behave the same way. I was not even aware of the ban until I received a series of texts last night from a throwaway account (guess i know from who now - shocker).

I have no control over what other people do or post or what they do to cause themselves to get banned. Other people's business seems to be your department so since you are so intested: I have only met EL214 3x total over the past year and he is a VERY active hobbyist. I happen to be one of the many ladies he has voiced his adoration for. By many I mean like melanie starr, syeira pink, jerseygirl just to name a few that come to mind off the top of my head. If I researched it I could come up with more pretty quickly. Maybe you should try it.

I'm sorry you are not enjoying your "self-imposed" vacation from the boards "in order to avoid drama (kings)". Obviously, you (or they) still can't help themselves but to start shit where there is none.

Believe it or not, it is possible to play by the rules and still do well in this business. It sucks on so many levels that you are incapable of accepting and/or practicing that.

Thanks for stopping by though, Tara. I hope you enjoyed your holiday and new years.

If anyone, including Tara, suspects me of anything untoward or against the rules I STRONGLY URGE YOU to report it to admim so they can do a proper and thorough investigation.
Bestman200600's Avatar
I will tell Tara hi from you. Don't worry she will be back to enjoy you soon enough. Weren't you accused a couple months back of having multiple handles?
TinMan's Avatar
She was, and it was determined she and Darth weren't one and the same. Which looking back now seems very obvious.
Yes I was. A hobbyist, DarthDVader, kept bumping his review of me. This is frowned upon - and rightly so! It severed the arrangement he and i had at the time bc it wound up causing me so much trouble since i had no idea what was going on until it happend.

He has since apologized and we have both moved on and remain friends. Its a shame some of you can't accept the findings from the lengthy investigation (which actually ended up exposing corrupt mods rather than a corrupt provider) and do the same.

In a nutshell, Houston and Dallas mods, Mojojo and Bob Valdez (and others I suspect) saw an IP correlation incident that (unbeknownst to them) I had actually brought to admins attention when it happened two weeks before they "found it". Based on this "evidence" they thought they had, they then shared my PRIVATE IP info with a member of the general hobby community - daaaaaman - who in turn thought to start a convo in chat that accused me of having multiple handles.

Obviously, mojojo and bob didn't know the background story as to why I had to log on from another person's computer when I couldn't log on from ANY of my devices - laptop or mobile - or about the email I sent to admin notifying them that i logged on from a hobbyist's computer the second i did it or they would have realized i was in the clear before they made an organized effort to try and get me banned. Instead they ended up looking like a bunch of idiots huddled around a bomb that never went off - except my outburst in chat when I was alerted to the accusations being made which I took a public flogging for when I tried to apologize but I digress....

Here are the findings of the multiple handles investigation in case you missed it the first second or third time its been brought up by you people who can't seem to let it go for some strange reason. Maybe its time for some counseling to help yourselves get over an accusation that was proven false months ago.

That last post by SD2011 is to a great degree my fault. I have been looking over this thread and the review for some time and I got the two confused. I gave a warning in the review that no more "quacking" would be allowed without proof

I got it mixed up and thought he had continued quacking when in fact he had never posted to the review. Earlier today, I apologized to him by private message, recognized my mistake and removed the infraction that he didn't deserve. He seemed genuine in accepting my apology and I consider that issue now resolved.

It is hard to differentiate the good guys from the villains in this drama thread. Maybe there aren't any villains or good guys, just people who got carried away with their posts and accusations. On most days, this would simply amount to a he said/ she said drama thread that eventually stops getting hits when a new drama pops onto the radar screen. Typically the mods would simply let it run its course and be done with it, with little to no involvement. Unfortunately things aren't that simple this time, but I wish they were.

The drama didn't start in chat, and it wasn't dman DDV, Shep or THN who got this drama rolling. It was a member of staff who brought this review up to the Dallas mods' attention, suggesting it was a fake review. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this action, when the intention is to protect the integrity of reviews. We usually encourage others to help in this regard. Everything after that report just went downhill in this case. If you want to blame anyone first, blame some of us for not holding up our roles as moderators of ECCIE . We have a mod quacking the review while we were investigating it, we have another mod discrediting a new member in public for daring to make a harmless offer to help. Those are not our roles as forum leaders and these two individuals need to take an introspective look and determine if they are serving the community at large, or are serving a master of their own choosing.

Not that this matters much to many of you, but here is an interesting number from the front page

Members: 200,316

With these many members, it is extremely important that we extend the same customer service to every member. The staff can't afford to show preference to their close hobby friends at the expense of others. On behalf of all members of staff, I'd like to offer an apology to all members for multiple failures on our end. In an ideal world I shouldn't have to offer this apology, and the mods that needed to apologize should be typing their own mea culpa, but after three days of waiting, I am done holding my breath for their post. For the record, Namssa was trying to assist me while I researched the initial claim, so I am not referring to him.

The worst part of all this, is that whether intentional or not, this whole episode paints some of us as willing to be proxies so that some members with off board conflicts can initiate attacks against other members of the site. Again, that is not what a forum leader does and we should be careful of what actions we take..

Regarding the parties involved, there are too many things going on here that do not add up. To put one issue to rest, the sharing of IPs and computers has been examined in detail and the explanation accepted. The staff can't find fault on any of this. On the dates that this occurred, THN contacted a site administrator explaining her access issues.and revealed she was using a friend's computer and connection to test if the access error was on her end or if it was a board-wide issue. Someone doing this deceptively would have been nailed on this one, but there was a record of the communication with staff. She actually announced to us of what she was doing weeks before we questioned her actions.

I also questioned the two of them in many different ways and their answers checked out OK. I ran as many internal checks as I could behind the scenes and things are fine. There is no acceptable evidence to continue smearing their names about a fake review or the abuse of multiple handles.

THN's claims in chat, per all the comments posted here, were out of line. She has recognized that ( posted this thread ) and repeated herself on follow up replies. While we can sit here and cast stones at her, I have seen worst reactions from other members when their character was under attack. Most male members can just drop their hobby account and create a new one. Yes, so can many women. The difference is that when a woman is well established, she can't fool anyone for too long. They don't have the luxury of pulling a disappearing act as easily as the guys can. I understand her getting angrier than the guys. Her board identity and business is deeply attached to the handle.

dman, I am scratching my head on this one. For what is worth, normally I tend to side with a guy when things are this murky ( guys tend to be here for years while the women tend to have a short presence on the board ), but this whole scenario confuses me. The evidence shows that you play this game fast and hard ( no pun intended ), but it is like you forgot the fun aspect of it with this one. For starters, the scenario that this review casually came up for conversation,.the timing of it, along with the review being brought up to the staff's attention is just too convenient. The fact that you seem surprised at her reaction after you questioned the credibility of the review is silly. Look at how many posts you have invested on both the review and this thread. Compare her posts and yours and on many aspects, it could be said you both mirrored each others. The glaring difference is that you have a support crew it seems. I won't invest more time in recalling things from this thread, and I don't blame you for getting mad at being called certain names, but you should be able to pause momentarily and see how some of this was caused by your careless comments. Just like you know that missing appointments affects a provider's income, you should know that a conversation or *rumor* can have a deep impact on a woman's ability to make a living. Again, you seem to have forgotten the fun aspect of the hobby in this mess.

Shep, I don't know what to say. When I have had contact with you. you have always seemed like an OK guy to me. You tend to bring a lot of information to the site. When I have reached out to you, I have always felt you have given me straight answers. I haven't reached out to you in this one because I really could not find reasons to do so. Per the comments posted here, you were not in chat when your name got thrown out there. If I had been the one who was called that, my reaction might have been more visceral, I think. My main concern here is that this whole thing doesn't look like an spontaneous disagreement that just blew out of proportion, with many proxies involved and I will leave it at that for now. You know how to reach me if you wish to continue this portion of the post in private conversation. We should all strive to make this site a welcoming place for those who choose to partake of this hobby.

Hopefully all parties involved have learned something from this, and can now move on.

Originally Posted by Matador

I know I learned A LOT from it and have since moved on. Like I said, its a shame others can't do the same. On the bright side, every time one of you brings it up I get to highlight how Houston and Dallas mods shared a provider's personal IP info with their hobby friends in the general community.

Can you say "invasion of privacy" or "safety risk"? How about "civil suit" for sharing a woman's protected private info with male members who are not allowed to have access to that info? Good thing for them I'm not in the habit of employing lawyers. I probably wouldn't win but it would certainly make their lives hell for about year or so - not to mention putting a major dent in their hobby budget (joke not lost there) by having to defend themselves in civil court.

Keep bringing it up though y'all! I love pointing out how crooked those POS are and that your private information may be compromised by one or both of them. Mine sure as hell was. Thanks again Bob Valdez and Mojojo. Talk about discretion on the hobby.

I'm getting back to writing the stickies for the new forum now. Nice try, Tara.

Please make sure to get this message to Bestman:

Bestman, can you please take Tara back to that beach. She obviously didn't manage to dislodge her panties from her crack the first time. Poor showing on your part sir. This community expects much better from Tara's biggest fan. Please keep her happy so she can focus on bettering her inner self. She's gonna need it pretty soon and its your job as her biggest fan to help prepare for her for that. Time to pony up, sir.

On behalf of everyone that Tara still manages to harass and stalk even though her account is no longer active, id like to thank u in advance for trying to keep that one on a beach somewhere, too happy to care about the lives of people she doesn't know. Thank you bestman.


Thanks Tara. Good luck! Send me an ecard from cancun should you be miserable enough to even remember my name once u get there.
DarthDVader's Avatar
If you are weak minded or lack life values, certainly you can be easily assimilated ...

resistance is futile, you will be assimilated Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Bestman200600's Avatar
Yes I was. A hobbyist, DarthDVader, kept bumping his review of me. This is frowned upon - and rightly so! It severed the arrangement he and i had at the time bc it wound up causing me so much trouble since i had no idea what was going on until it happend. He has since apologized and we have both moved on and remain friends. Its a shame some of you can't accept the findings from the lengthy investigation and do the same which actually ended up exposing corrupt mods rather than a corrupt provider.

In a nutshell, Houston and Dallas mods, Mojojoand Bob Valdez (and others I suspect) saw an IP correlation incident that (unbeknownst to them) I had actually brought to admins attention when it happened two weeks before they "found it". Based on this "evidence" they thought they had, they then shared my PRIVATE IP info with a member of the general hobby community - daaaaaman - who in turn thought to start a convo in chat that accused me of having multiple handles.

Obviously, mojojo and bob didn't know the background story as to why I had to log on from another person's computer when I couldn't log on from ANY of my devices - laptop or mobile - or about the email to admin notifying them that i logged on from a hobbyist's computer the second i did it or they would have realized i was in the clear before they made an organized effort to try and get me banned. Instead they ended up looking like a bunch of idiots huddled around a bomb thot never went off - except my outburst in chat when I was alerted to the accusations being made which I took a public flogging for when I tried to apologize but I digress....

Here are the findings of the multiple handles investigation in case you missed it the first second or third time its been brought up by you people who can't seem to let it go for some strange reason. Maybe its time for some counseling to help yourselves get over it.

I know I learned A LOT from it and have since moved on. Like I said, its a shame others can't do the same. On the bright side, every time one of you brings this up I get to highlight how Houston amd Dallas mods shared a provider's personal IP info with their hobby friends in the general community. Can you say "invasion of privacy" or "safety risk"? How about "civil suit" for sharing my protected private info with members who are not allowed to have access to that info? Good thing for them I'm not in the habit of employing lawyers. I probably wouldn't win but I could certainly male their lives hell for a year or so not to mention put a major dent in their hobby budget (joke not lost there) just having to defend themselves. Keep bringing up y'all! I love pointing out how crooked those POS are and that your private information may be compromised by one or both of them. Mine sure as hell was. Thanks again Bob Valdez and Mojojo. Talk about discretion on the hobby.

I'm getting back to writing the stickies for the new forum now. Nice try, Tara.

Please make sure to get this message to Bestman:

Bestman, can you please take Tara back to that beach. She obviously didn't manage to dislodge her panties from her crack the first time. Poor showing on your part sir. This community expects much better from Tara's biggest fan. Please keep her happy so she can focus on bettering her inner self. She's gonna need it pretty soon - its your job to help her prepare for that. Time to pony up, sir.

On behalf of everyone that Tara still manages to harass and stalk even though her account is no longer active, id like to thank u in advance for trying to keep that one on a beach somewhere, too happy to care about the lives of people she doesn't know. Thank you bestman.


Thanks Tara. Good luck! Send me an ecard from cancun should you be miserable enough to even remember my name once u get there. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
You are one jealous person aren't we? Making threats to Tara on the board? You need to be watching your own self sweetie of what is coming your own way
DarthDVader's Avatar
Bestman/Tara, you are projecting yourself ...
Not everyone has 2 handles ... Why the accusation now? ... Jealousy? affected interests? Hummmmmmm ...
Many people here know me personally without the need of any technical ruling ...
So Bestman/Tara ... Go and F ...nevermind

I will tell Tara hi from you. Don't worry she will be back to enjoy you soon enough. Weren't you accused a couple months back of having multiple handles? Originally Posted by Bestman200600
You are one jealous person aren't we? Making threats to Tara on the board? You need to be watching your own self sweetie of what is coming your own way Originally Posted by Bestman200600
