NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

I still have to vent!!!

I don't know what Kubes is trying to prove by saying Schaub is still the starter. I guess he wants Schaub to tell him that he can't do it anymore, I don't know man! When a RB fumbles once Kubes yanks him out of the game, Dopey can pull this shit all fucking year and Kubes will stick with the noodle arm and keep calling his bullshit little short passes for Dopes to get picked.

My wrath is no longer on Dopey, I am switching my wrath to the dumbest motherfucking coach on earth and the stupidest fucking owner on earth. Gary Fucking Stupiak!!! He should have made this change long ago but doesn't have the stones to make a move. Coaches without nuts don't last very long unless you have a pitiful owner that is too fucking stubborn or stupid to do anything. McNothing the Owner. Remember McNothing your bold move to bring in Wade Phillips is getting fucked in the ass by Stupiak and his offensive genious!! I am worried even if we switch QB's we will still have the same bullshit playcalling so we are fucked. After 7 fucking years you would think Kubes would have found the side of Bacon on the Waffle House menu and not need it anymore and use that lump in his skull that used to be a brain!! But "Noooooo", he still studies it like something magical is gonna jump off it and save him. Turn the play calling over to whoever the fuck is our Offensive coordinator!! Maybe his brain hasn't turned to mush like Stupiaks!!

I guess in the end, I am the dumbass for owning season motherfucking tickets since the inception of these fuckups. Fuck me and all the other season ticket holders!! I would rather see a resurrection of Vince Young than the bullshit offense we have to view each fucking week.

Also Wade Phillips, I am watching you, you fat fuck!! The Stupiak suckfest appears to be rubbing off on you!!! Get your fat shit together!! if this fat fuck had his shit together it would be an easy switch to fire Kubes and put this fat fuck in as head coach. But I don't endorse that either. We need to clean house, out with the fuckups in with the new blood.

Come on McNothing do something!!! Or are you as nutless as Stupiak???
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 10-07-2013, 09:32 AM
Daddio, man I got your texts and after reading this, I gotta say you have a lot of valid points. I'm trying not to let this shit bother me too much and affect my personal life. It's so bad it's comical now.

But I need to remind you of a major reason why they are sticking to Dopey man. It's because they gave that fucker a $62 million extension after the first game last year. That was a major mistake and they have "hitched their wagon" to Dopey and they are in a fucked up situation now. So it's not a matter of what makes "sense" but what makes "cents"....

There is a "freecasekeenum movement" going on. Well, as much as I would like to see that too, here's the reality. First, we're stuck with Dopey for a while. Second the backup happens to be TJ. So all the people hoping for Case soon, I have bad news for you.

Carry on......
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Whoa.... Whoa....Whoa.... Wade is the son.... THE SON of Bum Philips.
Wade could honestly have Kubes job if we end up .500 or less. Though he SHOULDN'T be in my opinion.
Unless HIS defense starts giving up 500 yards/35pts a game* on THEIR OWN his job is safe.
You take away what our inept offense has done of late, & Blaine Gabbert could win with our defense.

*I mean JUST the defense. Not counting Special Teams or Offense.
I need some Snatch to ease my pain!!!

Yes as I was watching I was laughing at the idiot coach and wondering when he would pull him. As expected he waited until we had NO CHANCE to win before he made his move. I also laughed along with the douchebag announcers at the Texans!! They were laughing at us!! I wonder if McNothing was laughing along too??? I am laughing at you McNothing, "We don't need Peyton Manning, we have our QB"

When can we cut Dopey and not be salary cap fucked?
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 10-07-2013, 10:03 AM
Daddio, I can sort of feel your pain, these guys make ALOT of $, and just fuck up. That is why I have always liked college ball better, and even though that is big buisness also, and alot of the players get perks, or outright paid, it does have more of a purity to it. Makes it a bit harder to get pissed at a guy who is 19, or 20 yo, than some over paid 30 yo, jackoff, with his head up his ass, and laughs all the way to the bank. Just some of my fucked thoughts.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 10-07-2013, 11:02 AM
Seedy, man your thoughts are not jacked up, but make a lot of sense. I kinda feel the same which is why I refuse to let this destroy my whole week. The reality is they still get paid a lot and live a great life.

I don't watch or care for college football, but I can see you working. Those kids play their asses off and don't get shit. (Well some do, lol) while the pros live as millionaires and piss us off very Sunday.

Daddio, McNair may seem like an idiot to you man, but I gotta be honest. I don't know very many billionaires that are idiots. It's his team bro, let him fuck it up if he wants. He paid the money for us to have football, so all we can do is be mad every Sunday...lmfao!!!
I ask all rich guys this question, "Who did you fuck over to get Rich?" Most if not All the rich guys I have known have been dickwads and fucked somebody over to get theirs. I know McNothing is fucking all of us hard working season ticket holders in the ass. Trying to be mediocre!! Kubes the offensive genious my ASS!!! Hey and fat fuck Wade, teach your 3-4 to stop the mother fucking run!! I am watching you!!

It aint going to ruin my week, day, month or snatch. I am laughing at the fucking Texans brass myself. LOLLOLLOLLOLLOL. Me, Collonsworth, Michaels and all the jackoffs at ESPN and NFL network. Texans, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Schaub, LOLOLOLOLOL, Kubes LOLOLOLOLOLOL

The only ones not laughing are Andre Johnson, JJ Watt, Cushing and Foster. If I were brought in as coach or GM, or owner, someone would be fired or cut today!!! Keyshawn Martin, Schaub, Tate, Kubes, somebodies head would roll today. Just as a little reminder as who is in charge and to pull your head out of your ass!!!

I love college ball and agree although they are getting royally fucked by the NCAA.
Look I don't want to in any way seem like I am defending Schaub. But Kubiak is even more to blame. His sad, old, tired, pathetic offense has been figured out by the rest of the league at least since half way through last season. He put Schaub in a position to fail and it messed with his mind. At this point he is finished and sticking with him for any more time is just stupid. But of course we already know that Kubiak is both stubborn and in some ways very stupid.
BigLouie's Avatar
Our defense is just fine. In case you did not notice they actually limited Colin to just a few more passing yards that Matt had to 49ers. Expect Matt to remain starter the rest of year and a new QB to be drafted. Face it everyone. Our two backs are just that career back ups. As for Kubiak he scrips 15 plays to start game but it seems as if he stays with those 15 all game long. He may gave a huge sheet full if plays but stays with the same plays over and over.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Look I don't want to in any way seem like I am defending Schaub. But Kubiak is even more to blame. His sad, old, tired, pathetic offense has been figured out by the rest of the league at least since half way through last season. He put Schaub in a position to fail and it messed with his mind. At this point he is finished and sticking with him for any more time is just stupid. But of course we already know that Kubiak is both stubborn and in some ways very stupid. Originally Posted by spear88
Kubiak is the guy who opted for a three-year - rather than a four-year - extension. I gotta feeling he's gonna regret that decision.
Play Keenum!!!!!!!!!
We have nothing to lose, the seasons fucked anyway.
Wakeup's Avatar
Bring in Vince Young...
TX Bulldog's Avatar
Bring in Vince Young... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
If you want another side arm about Sonny Jurgensen...he's only 79 but least he's HOF.
TheDon's Avatar
Rick Smith fucked up. Giving Schaub that monster extension for just being a game manager was the move that has this team fucked, we could have saved much more money and signed a guy with just as much talent as Schaub.

In the last 18 games, Colts have beaten us, Seattle, Green Bay, and SF, they are clearly the front runners of the division now.

If we cut Schaub after the season, we will have the cap hit in 2015. JJ Watt is going to be the highest paid defensive player in history. So it's going to be hard to sign any big names in the next couple years, but that's the whole we put ourselves in with the Schaub contract.

Also, this Ed Reed signing is turning out to be a bust, I think he duped us by not telling us about his injury, he doesn't look 100% at all and will probably continue to get injured. Quinn would have cost much less and could have done a lot more.

We're probably better off to just tank and get a high draft pick for next season. The Chiefs had the worst record last year, and now they are unbeaten, Colts sucked 2 years ago, and are first place in the division.

One year of sucking might be the solution right now, the draft class next year is going to be LOADED. It's just a shame to waste a year away from Dre', he's not getting any younger. It's crazy to see how short of a window this team had to win a Superbowl.