Jackie our girl Condalisa

You are a sicko a very classless sicko Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
lustylad's Avatar
Chatting with you clowns is just foreplay to me. I love how you adore Hier Chairface. I wish I had a few minions to fuss over me. I will just have to settle for a few of you that have a crush on me for now... Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Who is "Hier Chairface"? Do you mean Herr, as you would address someone of Teutonic ancestry? Or do you mean Heir, as in someone who inherits something? I'm not familiar with the word "Hier"... please illuminate me on your word choice.

Speaking of crushes, I hope your crush on WTFagboy is reciprocated. Keep fussing over him and it may pay off.
Who is "Hier Chairface"? Do you mean Herr, as you would address someone of Teutonic ancestry? Or do you mean Heir, as in someone who inherits something? I'm not familiar with the word "Hier"... please illuminate me on your word choice.

I hope your crush on WTFagboy is reciprocated. Keep fussing over him and it may pay off. Originally Posted by lustylad
He appears to " searching for true love " with LUBE and assup too. What, with all of his " fluffing " for them and WKing for them too !
MT Pockets's Avatar
Who is "Hier Chairface"? Do you mean Herr, as you would address someone of Teutonic ancestry? Or do you mean Heir, as in someone who inherits something? I'm not familiar with the word "Hier"... please illuminate me on your word choice.

Speaking of crushes, I hope your crush on WTFagboy is reciprocated. Keep fussing over him and it may pay off. Originally Posted by lustylad
Wow you are actually gonna say you are too dumb to know who I am talking about? Childish!

As for WTF and I agreeing , your theory means that you and Lexus , DSK ,Budman,Rey Lengue and gary are all a swishy bunch of knob scobbers. with HFC being your pimp. LOL!
Wow you are actually gonna say you are too dumb to know who I am talking about? Childish!

As for WTF and I agreeing , your theory means that you and Lexus , DSK ,Budman,Rey Lengue and gary are all a swishy bunch of knob scobbers. with HFC being your pimp. LOL! Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You get sucked in every time don't you MT Brain Bucket maybe you can go help retarded SGM Luke with his appointment with Av8R that way you can polish each other's knob
MT Pockets's Avatar
You get sucked in every time don't you MT Brain Bucket maybe you can go help retarded SGM Luke with his appointment with Av8R that way you can polish each other's knob Originally Posted by gary5912
Actually LL says you are the one getting sucked by his theory, or doing the sucking. I cant wait for Av8him to run his mouth in there and get tore up. Not by me I am just a teeny little fairy LOL!
Actually LL says you are the one getting sucked by his theory, or doing the sucking. I cant wait for Av8him to run his mouth in there and get tore up. Not by me I am just a teeny little fairy LOL! Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Oh I had no idea you were a fairy! MT Brain Bucket you should be careful how you present yourself in this forum, you and Retarded SGM Luke will be everybody's bitch, but its good to know I'm pushing the right buttons that keeps your well capped ass twisted like a pretzel
Oh I had no idea you were a fairy! MT Brain Bucket you should be careful how you present yourself in this forum, you and Retarded SGM Luke will be everybody's bitch, but its good to know I'm pushing the right buttons that keeps your well capped ass twisted like a pretzel
Baaaaaaaaaaaa Originally Posted by gary5912
Mebbe MT can go be a " cheerleader " for LUBE at the MMA event with Av8R ! MT can wear his rainbow thong in support of LUBE on behalf of the reach-around crew and all of LUBE'S white knights !
MT Pockets's Avatar
Oh I had no idea you were a fairy! MT Brain Bucket you should be careful how you present yourself in this forum, you and Retarded SGM Luke will be everybody's bitch, but its good to know I'm pushing the right buttons that keeps your well capped ass twisted like a pretzel
Baaaaaaaaaaaa Originally Posted by gary5912
Like I said before you can imagine me to be whatever you want little buddy. Hey did I tell you I was a midget also? A Black, blind left handed, gay and dyslexic chimera one at that!
For me to be your bitch as you say that would mean you are having an affair with a man. Are you gay? Remember I do not care. Does your wife know?
lustylad's Avatar
I am just a teeny little fairy LOL! Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Are you gay? Remember I do not care. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Oh, I think you do care, little fairy! Otherwise you wouldn't be asking all the time...

By the way I am gay. What about you? Originally Posted by MT Pockets
herfacechair's Avatar
Time to get that guy, who doesn't know WTF he's talking about, back in here.

WTF: First off, you are a pussy if you think herface is anything other than a blowhard,

False, he is telling it like it is when he's telling you people that I am carpet bombing this thread. You guys like to throw the "long-winded" and "blowhard" label when you guys come face-to-face with the response that destroys your arguments to the point that even you guys know that defending what has just been destroyed would be futile. Throwing those labels is a sign that I knocked you guys back so hard that you are resorting to playground tactics of calling the winner "dumb".

WTF: a Francis in Stripes is best how to describe him.

Says the guy that's best described as Gomer Pile in the first part of the Full Metal Jacket movie. But, the comparison between an actor and me is in error. Try Lee Ermey in Full Metal Jacket, or even this, which describes an aspect of what I do here, hence my not backing down when it comes to destroying you guys' arguments:


WTF: Carpet bombed relentlessly? Is that really something to be proud about?

Yes the fact that I relentlessly destroy you guys' arguments, and persistently showing you guys that you guys don't have a clue about what you are talking about, is something to be proud about. And, calling a stolen valor phony out is also something to be proud about, here or in other threads.

WTF: I mean you're proud to be part of 10 posters picking nonstop on one poster and mostly about his weight?

I'm seeing where he's getting his butt handed to him on the other thread regarding his weight, as well as regarding his phony claims and antics. Had you been in the military, you would know that a bunch of veterans hammering him for his weight is something that would naturally happen. Had he been overweight in the military, he would have experienced the same treatment given the attitude that he displays. That is assuming that he had some military time.

You, claiming to be in the age range that you are in right now, should know better when it comes to whether someone would hammer someone else regarding his/her weight or not. You would have had to observe, by now, how people would ignore people's flaws if those people were not idiots who attacked others. It's when these idiots start attacking others when their flaws all of a sudden become glaringly obvious.

If Private Luke Wyatt had more integrity regarding what he actually did in the military, if he served, or regarding not claiming to be in the military if he has no military experience, and had he refrained from attacking others, I doubt that they would be making fun of his weight.

Private Wyatt pointed out how most hobbyists are overweight. How many of those hobbyists are hammering each other for being overweight? Not much, considering that you, being as old as you are, would know that people would generally overlook someone's weight until that someone acts like Private Luke Wyatt, or you.

WTF: I go one on one with any of you fuckers but if 9 other posters jumped in on my side, I'd let up, it's called empathy. Is that how you'd teach your children to act? Come on man lighten up on the fat bullshit and the huge 10 vs 1 disparity. Yall are better than that.

Really guy? Are you telling me that you liberals are incapable of what any one of us conservatives could do? Earlier on this thread, I linked to a thread where I consistently took on multiple liberals in debate. Did I go running to the moderators in that message board to complain about the others?

No, I consistently demolished their arguments. They, despite outnumbering me, not only suffered defeat, but reacted to consistently getting destroyed, by running to the moderators and getting that thread locked. They, despite their numbers against me, got butthurt and did the equivalent to running, crying and screaming, to a parent or to a teacher. I flamed them back where they flamed me.

Also, for someone that claims to have all the military experience under his belt, at the rank that he claims to have, he would have long ago grown a thick skin. The fact that he does not have a thick skin speaks volumes to the fact that he did not serve in the military as long as he would like us to believe, and that he did not achieve the rank of SGM.

His attitude, towards those addressing him, in a way that he does not like to be addressed, speaks volumes that he did not serve in the NCO ranks if he served in the military at all. He would have given those, who tried to provide him with constructive feedback, a hard time. This would have backfired on him, leaving him to be assigned to shit details. Rey Lengua, a veteran, sees that and constantly teases him about being a latrine orderly.

If he were a CSM, he would be responsible enough to know that if he were to simply shut his mouth, and quit behaving the way he's behaving that's causing him to get hammered, this time would be easier here.
herfacechair's Avatar
who do you outrank in the real world?

fatass Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The "private" and the "seaman" ranks, in the Army and Navy respectively, evolved from a period when private citizens were liable for militia service, and private citizens were recruited for temporary service on naval or merchant ships. Those who were mustered into the militia were mustered in the rank of "private". "Private" as in "private citizen". Private Luke Wyatt, with no military affiliation, is just that, a private citizen. He has no rank in the military. Based on his own description of his body, he is not able body. Consequently, he is not a part of the reserve/unorganized militia of the United States or of the state he resides in. He is nobody's superior. But, given the amount of cum he's receiving from his fellow ECCIE Dutch Rudder Gang members, "semen" would also be a good title for him.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Oh, I think you do care, little fairy! Otherwise you wouldn't be asking all the time... Originally Posted by lustylad
Wow you must really have a crush on me. You posted the same thing in two threads. https://eccie.net/showpost.php?p=105...&postcount=170

I guess you are desperate for some dick. Like I said you should of said something sooner. Let me know when and I will let you have a taste of a real man.
herfacechair's Avatar
He's been getting ass fucked for a couple days now. Originally Posted by R.M.
He's been getting raked through the coals for a long time. All he has to do is come clean. This should start with an apology to the military and veteran communities for making false claims of military service and valor. Then, he should follow that up with describing what he actually did. If he served, what was the actual nature of his service. If he didn't serve, the fact that he never served. He should follow that up with a statement expressing not just shame, but a willingness not to claim to be one of us in the future; to only ride on what he had accomplished if he had some service time.

If he were to do that, and actually walk the walk, we veterans would let off on him. We would leave him alone regarding his claims related to the military. We would, instead, treat him like we would any other liberal.
herfacechair's Avatar
How about you tell everyone about the first pm you sent me ? That would prove you are a filthy liar. Did you not in so many words say that you admire me and want to achieve my rank ? Let's be truthful Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
False, it was a short message. If the moderators would let me, I would be glad to quote my initial message here.

A major point, that you missed with that first PM, is the fact that when we start reviewing someone, for potential stolen valor, we
give the potential phony the benefit of the doubt first. Hence, my jumping right into attempting to initiate a conversation with you that I would have done with someone that was a real veteran.

I will paraphrase what I told you.

I started by mentioning the fact that I saw your signature listing "retired CSM". I followed that up by mentioning the fact that I am in the retirement process, from the same service that you claimed to be from. Now, remember the part about "benefit of the doubt"? That's when I talked about "following your footsteps" into retirement. Then, I asked you when you retired. I followed up with general military veteran related questions that military veterans, who served in the Army, would be able to answer.

Again, this was designed to initiate the conversation with someone that I was giving the benefit of the doubt.

I've yet to meet a real Command Sergeant Major, or Sergeant Major, who didn't enjoy the fact that someone wanted to follow in their footsteps.

You failed to demonstrate the common SGM/Senior NCO reaction that I normally get when I make statements similar to what I sent your way. Instead, you reacted defensively, as if you didn't know the answer to those questions.

Had you responded the way a veteran would've responded, I would've gladly come on here and let everybody know what I saw was the nature of your military service. But, you got defensive and did what other phony veterans have done when confronted with similar questions.

Now, how about answering these questions?

These questions are colored green, as these questions are to your phony persona what kryptonite is to superman:

1. What was your MOS while you were in the Army?

2. Where did you go to Basic Combat Training/One Station Unit Training at?

3. Where did you go to Advanced Individual Training?

4. From what year to what year did you serve?

5. How long did it take you to get from one rank to the next one, starting from when you were an E-1? For example, E-1 to E2; E2 to E3;

6. What positions did you hold when you "were" a Sergeant? When you "were" a Staff Sergeant? When you "were" a Sergeant First Class? When you "were" a Master Sergeant? When you "were" a Sergeant Major? [This is a multi-part question; each part must be answered.]

7. You claimed combat deployments, where did you combat deploy, and what years?

8. What was your duty position when you combat deployed?

9. What's "REDCON1", without researching it, and when would you say it? Give an example of when you used it.

10. Where did you accumulate your points from?

11. What's a typical day in garrison like?

12. What's a typical day in the field like?

13. What's a typical day like when you go out to the field?

14. From the time you get information that you're about to go on a mission, till the time you go on a mission, what are the general things that happen?