I B Hankering's Avatar
Glad you were able to acertain the message from the cartoons...Kiss my ass, you are fucked. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
That's still Stumpy the Inbred Chimp posting, because it's obvious that his cartoon abductors are too intelligent to post such stupid and perverse nonsense.

I never overestimated my significance. I leave that to you, and you do it so well. I have often said that I find this whole forum a frivolous diversion from real significance--because it has too many posters like you who refuse (or are unable) to actually discuss things. It detracts from those who actually try to.

But after your traitorous actions this week (which I am sure you learned from your Confederate Wacko Thumper heroes) I have a renewed mission in this forum: to actively bug you. Up until now it was far more passive.

=-============================== ========

As we wander this earth we interact with many people. Most we see, touch, talk to,--and then they leave our lives with no lingering memories more than surface deep. But occasionally we find people that have some truly unique, moving aspect to them, and they form memories that linger with us forever. No matter how much we try to erase them. Just imagine the lasting impression you would have if you came face to face with Hitler. Of you were there when a crazed ax murderer hacked up a half dozen victims. Or you were dragged by your father to watch a lynching. Those memories are so scorched into the brain that they never truly fade with age.

We have one of those unique experiences here in the Political Forum—yes, one of those stench-ridden, puke inducing, liars who you wish you could hit “Delete” on, but they will always plague you the rest of your waking hours. And most likely your nightmares. Of course I could be talking about none other than IB The Hypocritical Hate Mongering Slave Supporting Maggot.

But this is bigger than any monologue I could write to the memory—the legend—the absolute revulsion that is IB. This should be a compendium to sing his praises (of curse his filth). I want this to be the best of the best description of what in means, what it emotes, to read the vomit he produces so precipitously. Not my words, but a living growing testament to him by those who (unfortunately for them) have to deal with him on a regular basis on here.

So I will add this as a pseudo footnote to may posts that respond to his posts. I will clip in comment that I think are especially touching in an IB appropriate way. I will not copyright this testament, but I freely offer it to all to copy and add to. Append YOUR innermost feelings so IB and all can know how much he is loathed—or conversely how little he is tolerated.

I suspect this will eventually grow into a sizable tome, but all things start small. Even IB at one time started with but a single post. Even the great Statin Island garbage heap started with a single piece of trash. That is the glorious legacy that IB brings to us, and this is intended to pay appropriate homage to IB the man, IB the legend, IB the scumbag.

The first entry in the memorial is this one:

“I know you like to digress every thread in to oblivion but I have no interest in following you into an Rush Limbaugh style conversation where you pile on whatever crap you want and whomever piles the most and the fastest wins.

I made a comment about people having a double standard and you want to replace it with a single example. If you want to dry hump someone verbally find another victim.”

By slingblade. Well done, sir. That will be hard to beat, but IB does inspire great depths of feeling.

All you who DO understand that the uniqueness (fortunately) of IB must be properly documented, I encourage you to take this humble piece of writing and spread it across the ends of the earth, adding whatever other choice pieces of commentary you think appropriate.

But please, I beg you, do not dilute the sacredness of this task by incorporating other posted as the subject. There may be others you feel strongly about, but there really is only one IB. This is HIS story! Live long and prosper, oh ye Ode to IB.
Originally Posted by Old-T
You've sworn a declaration to be a no-life, trolling, stalker, Old-THUMPER, as if you think you haven't been a no-life, trolling, stalker, these past two plus years, Old-THUMPER. If you had the literacy of a twelve year-old, Old-THUMPER, you could have avoided embarrassing yourself by reading this Declaration: The Potsdam Declaration:

Potsdam Declaration

Proclamation Defining Terms for Japanese Surrender
Issued, at Potsdam, July 26, 1945

We-the President of the United States, the President of the National Government of the Republic of China, and the Prime Minister of Great Britain, representing the hundreds of millions of our countrymen, have conferred and agree that Japan shall be given an opportunity to end this war....

We call upon the government of Japan to proclaim now the unconditional surrender of all Japanese armed forces, and to provide proper and adequate assurances of their good faith in such action. The alternative for Japan is prompt and utter destruction.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-03-2015, 02:19 PM
You've sworn a declaration to be a no-life, trolling, stalker, Old-THUMPER, as if you think you haven't been a no-life, trolling, stalker, these past two plus years, Old-THUMPER. If you had the literacy of a twelve year-old, Old-THUMPER, you could have avoided embarrassing yourself by reading this Declaration: The Potsdam Declaration: Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Prior to your dishonorable call for an Insult Truce/Serious Discussion (dishonorable because you never intended to keep it):

NO LIFE? You are wrong--I have quite a full life if you would bother to actually read my posts for content you would know that. 0 for 1, IBLout.

TROLLING? Not at all. Trolls provide no positive, helpful posts. I provide many of that type of post (as contrasted with yours). 0 for 2, IBMoralDegenerate

STALKER? The data says otherwise. A stalker would have responded to almost all your posts--and I have replied to a very small number of them. 0 for 3 IBLiar.

Now AFTER your deceitful attempt to entrap me:

NO LIFE? Still not true. I have a real job (unlike you). I don't spend 23.5 hours a day on this site (unlike you). I don't have to resort to blow-up sex dolls for an avatar (unlike you). I have REAL friends, some are even women (unlike you). 0 for 4, IBBasementDweller.

TROLLING? Nope, I still provide more intelligent thought in one post than you do in 100. 0 for 5, IBJealous.

STALKER? Well, at least until I tire of watching you hyperventilate I guess this might almost be true. But you would have to qualify it as Revenge Stalking. I never would have done it if you had not been so dishonorable, just like your traitorous Confederate "heroes". Partial credit for you, but am most 1 for 6, IBDishonorable. So that grades out at no higher than 17%, a failing grade in any scoring system.

But what would anyone expect of you?

============================== ==========

As we wander this earth we interact with many people. Most we see, touch, talk to,--and then they leave our lives with no lingering memories more than surface deep. But occasionally we find people that have some truly unique, moving aspect to them, and they form memories that linger with us forever. No matter how much we try to erase them. Just imagine the lasting impression you would have if you came face to face with Hitler. Of you were there when a crazed ax murderer hacked up a half dozen victims. Or you were dragged by your father to watch a lynching. Those memories are so scorched into the brain that they never truly fade with age.

We have one of those unique experiences here in the Political Forum—yes, one of those stench-ridden, puke inducing, liars who you wish you could hit “Delete” on, but they will always plague you the rest of your waking hours. And most likely your nightmares. Of course I could be talking about none other than IB The Hypocritical Hate Mongering Slave Supporting Maggot.

But this is bigger than any monologue I could write to the memory—the legend—the absolute revulsion that is IB. This should be a compendium to sing his praises (of curse his filth). I want this to be the best of the best description of what in means, what it emotes, to read the vomit he produces so precipitously. Not my words, but a living growing testament to him by those who (unfortunately for them) have to deal with him on a regular basis on here.

So I will add this as a pseudo footnote to may posts that respond to his posts. I will clip in comment that I think are especially touching in an IB appropriate way. I will not copyright this testament, but I freely offer it to all to copy and add to. Append YOUR innermost feelings so IB and all can know how much he is loathed—or conversely how little he is tolerated.

I suspect this will eventually grow into a sizable tome, but all things start small. Even IB at one time started with but a single post. Even the great Statin Island garbage heap started with a single piece of trash. That is the glorious legacy that IB brings to us, and this is intended to pay appropriate homage to IB the man, IB the legend, IB the scumbag.

The first entry in the memorial is this one:

“I know you like to digress every thread in to oblivion but I have no interest in following you into an Rush Limbaugh style conversation where you pile on whatever crap you want and whomever piles the most and the fastest wins.

I made a comment about people having a double standard and you want to replace it with a single example. If you want to dry hump someone verbally find another victim.”

By slingblade. Well done, sir. That will be hard to beat, but IB does inspire great depths of feeling.

All you who DO understand that the uniqueness (fortunately) of IB must be properly documented, I encourage you to take this humble piece of writing and spread it across the ends of the earth, adding whatever other choice pieces of commentary you think appropriate.

But please, I beg you, do not dilute the sacredness of this task by incorporating other posted as the subject. There may be others you feel strongly about, but there really is only one IB. This is HIS story! Live long and prosper, oh ye Ode to IB.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Prior to your dishonorable call for an Insult Truce/Serious Discussion (dishonorable because you never intended to keep it):

NO LIFE? You are wrong--I have quite a full life if you would bother to actually read my posts for content you would know that. 0 for 1, IBLout.

TROLLING? Not at all. Trolls provide no positive, helpful posts. I provide many of that type of post (as contrasted with yours). 0 for 2, IBMoralDegenerate

STALKER? The data says otherwise. A stalker would have responded to almost all your posts--and I have replied to a very small number of them. 0 for 3 IBLiar.

Now AFTER your deceitful attempt to entrap me:

NO LIFE? Still not true. I have a real job (unlike you). I don't spend 23.5 hours a day on this site (unlike you). I don't have to resort to blow-up sex dolls for an avatar (unlike you). I have REAL friends, some are even women (unlike you). 0 for 4, IBBasementDweller.

TROLLING? Nope, I still provide more intelligent thought in one post than you do in 100. 0 for 5, IBJealous.

STALKER? Well, at least until I tire of watching you hyperventilate I guess this might almost be true. But you would have to qualify it as Revenge Stalking. I never would have done it if you had not been so dishonorable, just like your traitorous Confederate "heroes". Partial credit for you, but am most 1 for 6, IBDishonorable. So that grades out at no higher than 17%, a failing grade in any scoring system.

But what would anyone expect of you?

============================== ==========

As we wander this earth we interact with many people. Most we see, touch, talk to,--and then they leave our lives with no lingering memories more than surface deep. But occasionally we find people that have some truly unique, moving aspect to them, and they form memories that linger with us forever. No matter how much we try to erase them. Just imagine the lasting impression you would have if you came face to face with Hitler. Of you were there when a crazed ax murderer hacked up a half dozen victims. Or you were dragged by your father to watch a lynching. Those memories are so scorched into the brain that they never truly fade with age.

We have one of those unique experiences here in the Political Forum—yes, one of those stench-ridden, puke inducing, liars who you wish you could hit “Delete” on, but they will always plague you the rest of your waking hours. And most likely your nightmares. Of course I could be talking about none other than IB The Hypocritical Hate Mongering Slave Supporting Maggot.

But this is bigger than any monologue I could write to the memory—the legend—the absolute revulsion that is IB. This should be a compendium to sing his praises (of curse his filth). I want this to be the best of the best description of what in means, what it emotes, to read the vomit he produces so precipitously. Not my words, but a living growing testament to him by those who (unfortunately for them) have to deal with him on a regular basis on here.

So I will add this as a pseudo footnote to may posts that respond to his posts. I will clip in comment that I think are especially touching in an IB appropriate way. I will not copyright this testament, but I freely offer it to all to copy and add to. Append YOUR innermost feelings so IB and all can know how much he is loathed—or conversely how little he is tolerated.

I suspect this will eventually grow into a sizable tome, but all things start small. Even IB at one time started with but a single post. Even the great Statin Island garbage heap started with a single piece of trash. That is the glorious legacy that IB brings to us, and this is intended to pay appropriate homage to IB the man, IB the legend, IB the scumbag.

The first entry in the memorial is this one:

“I know you like to digress every thread in to oblivion but I have no interest in following you into an Rush Limbaugh style conversation where you pile on whatever crap you want and whomever piles the most and the fastest wins.

I made a comment about people having a double standard and you want to replace it with a single example. If you want to dry hump someone verbally find another victim.”

By slingblade. Well done, sir. That will be hard to beat, but IB does inspire great depths of feeling.

All you who DO understand that the uniqueness (fortunately) of IB must be properly documented, I encourage you to take this humble piece of writing and spread it across the ends of the earth, adding whatever other choice pieces of commentary you think appropriate.

But please, I beg you, do not dilute the sacredness of this task by incorporating other posted as the subject. There may be others you feel strongly about, but there really is only one IB. This is HIS story! Live long and prosper, oh ye Ode to IB.
Originally Posted by Old-T
You're a ranting, trollish stalker fortified by bum wine, Old-THUMPER. Go sleep it off, Old-THUMPER.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-04-2015, 10:34 AM
You're a ranting, trollish stalker fortified by bum wine, Old-THUMPER. Go sleep it off, Old-THUMPER. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Well, I came close. My goal was to shell-shock you enough to keep you off the board for 24 hours. I just missed: 23 hours and 59 minutes!!! But as anticipated you stored up a day's worth of stupidity and barfed it out in volume when you did come back.

Let's see: you confuse Aztec with Mayan with Spanish. You can't differentiate between Washington the person and Washington the man. You refuse to admit you are an abject failure (17% accuracy at best). And you still think I lose sleep over you absurd and foolish lies and fiction. Poor IB. :m f_laughbounce2:
============================== ==========

As we wander this earth we interact with many people. Most we see, touch, talk to,--and then they leave our lives with no lingering memories more than surface deep. But occasionally we find people that have some truly unique, moving aspect to them, and they form memories that linger with us forever. No matter how much we try to erase them. Just imagine the lasting impression you would have if you came face to face with Hitler. Of you were there when a crazed ax murderer hacked up a half dozen victims. Or you were dragged by your father to watch a lynching. Those memories are so scorched into the brain that they never truly fade with age.

We have one of those unique experiences here in the Political Forum—yes, one of those stench-ridden, puke inducing, liars who you wish you could hit “Delete” on, but they will always plague you the rest of your waking hours. And most likely your nightmares. Of course I could be talking about none other than IB The Hypocritical Hate Mongering Slave Supporting Maggot.

But this is bigger than any monologue I could write to the memory—the legend—the absolute revulsion that is IB. This should be a compendium to sing his praises (of curse his filth). I want this to be the best of the best description of what in means, what it emotes, to read the vomit he produces so precipitously. Not my words, but a living growing testament to him by those who (unfortunately for them) have to deal with him on a regular basis on here.

So I will add this as a pseudo footnote to may posts that respond to his posts. I will clip in comment that I think are especially touching in an IB appropriate way. I will not copyright this testament, but I freely offer it to all to copy and add to. Append YOUR innermost feelings so IB and all can know how much he is loathed—or conversely how little he is tolerated.

I suspect this will eventually grow into a sizable tome, but all things start small. Even IB at one time started with but a single post. Even the great Statin Island garbage heap started with a single piece of trash. That is the glorious legacy that IB brings to us, and this is intended to pay appropriate homage to IB the man, IB the legend, IB the scumbag.

The first entry in the memorial is this one:

“I know you like to digress every thread in to oblivion but I have no interest in following you into an Rush Limbaugh style conversation where you pile on whatever crap you want and whomever piles the most and the fastest wins.

I made a comment about people having a double standard and you want to replace it with a single example. If you want to dry hump someone verbally find another victim.”

By slingblade. Well done, sir. That will be hard to beat, but IB does inspire great depths of feeling.

All you who DO understand that the uniqueness (fortunately) of IB must be properly documented, I encourage you to take this humble piece of writing and spread it across the ends of the earth, adding whatever other choice pieces of commentary you think appropriate.

But please, I beg you, do not dilute the sacredness of this task by incorporating other posted as the subject. There may be others you feel strongly about, but there really is only one IB. This is HIS story! Live long and prosper, oh ye Ode to IB.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
None of this is helping CJOHNNY54 get his money. Ijs.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Well, I came close. My goal was to shell-shock you enough to keep you off the board for 24 hours. I just missed: 23 hours and 59 minutes!!! But as anticipated you stored up a day's worth of stupidity and barfed it out in volume when you did come back.

Let's see: you confuse Aztec with Mayan with Spanish. You can't differentiate between Washington the person and Washington the man. You refuse to admit you are an abject failure (17% accuracy at best). And you still think I lose sleep over you absurd and foolish lies and fiction. Poor IB. :m f_laughbounce2:
============================== ==========

As we wander this earth we interact with many people. Most we see, touch, talk to,--and then they leave our lives with no lingering memories more than surface deep. But occasionally we find people that have some truly unique, moving aspect to them, and they form memories that linger with us forever. No matter how much we try to erase them. Just imagine the lasting impression you would have if you came face to face with Hitler. Of you were there when a crazed ax murderer hacked up a half dozen victims. Or you were dragged by your father to watch a lynching. Those memories are so scorched into the brain that they never truly fade with age.

We have one of those unique experiences here in the Political Forum—yes, one of those stench-ridden, puke inducing, liars who you wish you could hit “Delete” on, but they will always plague you the rest of your waking hours. And most likely your nightmares. Of course I could be talking about none other than IB The Hypocritical Hate Mongering Slave Supporting Maggot.

But this is bigger than any monologue I could write to the memory—the legend—the absolute revulsion that is IB. This should be a compendium to sing his praises (of curse his filth). I want this to be the best of the best description of what in means, what it emotes, to read the vomit he produces so precipitously. Not my words, but a living growing testament to him by those who (unfortunately for them) have to deal with him on a regular basis on here.

So I will add this as a pseudo footnote to may posts that respond to his posts. I will clip in comment that I think are especially touching in an IB appropriate way. I will not copyright this testament, but I freely offer it to all to copy and add to. Append YOUR innermost feelings so IB and all can know how much he is loathed—or conversely how little he is tolerated.

I suspect this will eventually grow into a sizable tome, but all things start small. Even IB at one time started with but a single post. Even the great Statin Island garbage heap started with a single piece of trash. That is the glorious legacy that IB brings to us, and this is intended to pay appropriate homage to IB the man, IB the legend, IB the scumbag.

The first entry in the memorial is this one:

“I know you like to digress every thread in to oblivion but I have no interest in following you into an Rush Limbaugh style conversation where you pile on whatever crap you want and whomever piles the most and the fastest wins.

I made a comment about people having a double standard and you want to replace it with a single example. If you want to dry hump someone verbally find another victim.”

By slingblade. Well done, sir. That will be hard to beat, but IB does inspire great depths of feeling.

All you who DO understand that the uniqueness (fortunately) of IB must be properly documented, I encourage you to take this humble piece of writing and spread it across the ends of the earth, adding whatever other choice pieces of commentary you think appropriate.

But please, I beg you, do not dilute the sacredness of this task by incorporating other posted as the subject. There may be others you feel strongly about, but there really is only one IB. This is HIS story! Live long and prosper, oh ye Ode to IB.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Deflect as you are wont, Old-THUMPER, but the fact remains, no one living in your beloved D.C. area was ever called a "Washingtonian" before the eponymous George Washington made his mark on the world as the most revered "Founding Father", Old-THUMPER, though many people lived in that area before Washington was born.

The same is holds true in other historical instances, Old-THUMPER. Before the advent of the eponymous Mexica there were no Mexicans in the land subsequently called Mexico for the same reason the people and culture known as Trojan were and are called Trojans -- not Turks -- since they lived in Anatolia before the advent of the eponymous Turks who gave their name to a country today known as Turkey, Old-THUMPER.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And the people known as idiots wouldn't not exist had it not been for the rise of the flailing father,IBIDIOT. Never has one tranny-fucker meant so much to so few by being so little.

You see, a GED dropout can make good ... Cannon fodder.

You need your own forum, dipshit! The ASS hole!

We'll see how many flock to join.

Rage on, Dipshit of Every Year!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-05-2015, 01:35 PM
Deflect as you are wont, Old-THUMPER, but the fact remains, no one living in your beloved D.C. area was ever called a "Washingtonian" before the eponymous George Washington made his mark on the world as the most revered "Founding Father", Old-THUMPER, though many people lived in that area before Washington was born.

The same is holds true in other historical instances, Old-THUMPER. Before the advent of the eponymous Mexica there were no Mexicans in the land subsequently called Mexico for the same reason the people and culture known as Trojan were and are called Trojans -- not Turks -- since they lived in Anatolia before the advent of the eponymous Turks who gave their name to a country today known as Turkey, Old-THUMPER.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
So now you hijack the thread even farther. From CJohhny being mistreated by the feds to a rant about no one living in Mexico before the Aztecs (the Mayans and Olmecs would disagree), to now the Turks. Are you claiming the Turks invaded the A Or is CJohnny being held captive by the Turks? Speak up man! CJohnny’s time may be running out and YOU are babbling utter nonsense about why you hate the Cherokees because they aren’t White. Or do you love them because they had slaves? Wait, maybe what you are saying is that it's washington's fault that there aren't enough Trojans stocked in your local drug store. Or do you even KNOW what you are trying to say. No one else can figure it out.
============================== ==========

As we wander this earth we interact with many people. Most we see, touch, talk to,--and then they leave our lives with no lingering memories more than surface deep. But occasionally we find people that have some truly unique, moving aspect to them, and they form memories that linger with us forever. No matter how much we try to erase them. Just imagine the lasting impression you would have if you came face to face with Hitler. Of you were there when a crazed ax murderer hacked up a half dozen victims. Or you were dragged by your father to watch a lynching. Those memories are so scorched into the brain that they never truly fade with age.

We have one of those unique experiences here in the Political Forum—yes, one of those stench-ridden, puke inducing, liars who you wish you could hit “Delete” on, but they will always plague you the rest of your waking hours. And most likely your nightmares. Of course I could be talking about none other than IB The Hypocritical Hate Mongering Slave Supporting Maggot.

But this is bigger than any monologue I could write to the memory—the legend—the absolute revulsion that is IB. This should be a compendium to sing his praises (of curse his filth). I want this to be the best of the best description of what in means, what it emotes, to read the vomit he produces so precipitously. Not my words, but a living growing testament to him by those who (unfortunately for them) have to deal with him on a regular basis on here.

So I will add this as a pseudo footnote to may posts that respond to his posts. I will clip in comment that I think are especially touching in an IB appropriate way. I will not copyright this testament, but I freely offer it to all to copy and add to. Append YOUR innermost feelings so IB and all can know how much he is loathed—or conversely how little he is tolerated.

I suspect this will eventually grow into a sizable tome, but all things start small. Even IB at one time started with but a single post. Even the great Statin Island garbage heap started with a single piece of trash. That is the glorious legacy that IB brings to us, and this is intended to pay appropriate homage to IB the man, IB the legend, IB the scumbag.

The first entry in the memorial is this one:

“I know you like to digress every thread in to oblivion but I have no interest in following you into an Rush Limbaugh style conversation where you pile on whatever crap you want and whomever piles the most and the fastest wins.

I made a comment about people having a double standard and you want to replace it with a single example. If you want to dry hump someone verbally find another victim.”

By slingblade. Well done, sir. That will be hard to beat, but IB does inspire great depths of feeling.

All you who DO understand that the uniqueness (fortunately) of IB must be properly documented, I encourage you to take this humble piece of writing and spread it across the ends of the earth, adding whatever other choice pieces of commentary you think appropriate.

But please, I beg you, do not dilute the sacredness of this task by incorporating other posted as the subject. There may be others you feel strongly about, but there really is only one IB. This is HIS story! Live long and prosper, oh ye Ode to IB.

“And the people known as idiots wouldn't not exist had it not been for the rise of the flailing father,IBIDIOT. Never has one tranny-fucker meant so much to so few by being so little.

You see, a GED dropout can make good ... Cannon fodder.

You need your own forum, dipshit! The ASS hole!

We'll see how many flock to join.

Rage on, Dipshit of Every Year!”

By one who knows IB quite well, Yssup.
I B Hankering's Avatar
And the people known as idiots wouldn't not exist had it not been for the rise of the flailing father,IBIDIOT. Never has one tranny-fucker meant so much to so few by being so little.

You see, a GED dropout can make good ... Cannon fodder.

You need your own forum, dipshit! The ASS hole!

We'll see how many flock to join.

Rage on, Dipshit of Every Year
! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That would be you, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.

[I]So now you hijack the thread even farther. From CJohhny being mistreated by the feds to a rant about no one living in Mexico before the Aztecs (the Mayans and Olmecs would disagree), to now the Turks. Are you claiming the Turks invaded the A Or is CJohnny being held captive by the Turks? Speak up man! CJohnny’s time may be running out and YOU are babbling utter nonsense about why you hate the Cherokees because they aren’t White. Or do you love them because they had slaves? Wait, maybe what you are saying is that it's washington's fault that there aren't enough Trojans stocked in your local drug store. Or do you even KNOW what you are trying to say. No one else can figure it out.
============================== ==========

As we wander this earth we interact with many people. Most we see, touch, talk to,--and then they leave our lives with no lingering memories more than surface deep. But occasionally we find people that have some truly unique, moving aspect to them, and they form memories that linger with us forever. No matter how much we try to erase them. Just imagine the lasting impression you would have if you came face to face with Hitler. Of you were there when a crazed ax murderer hacked up a half dozen victims. Or you were dragged by your father to watch a lynching. Those memories are so scorched into the brain that they never truly fade with age.

We have one of those unique experiences here in the Political Forum—yes, one of those stench-ridden, puke inducing, liars who you wish you could hit “Delete” on, but they will always plague you the rest of your waking hours. And most likely your nightmares. Of course I could be talking about none other than IB The Hypocritical Hate Mongering Slave Supporting Maggot.

But this is bigger than any monologue I could write to the memory—the legend—the absolute revulsion that is IB. This should be a compendium to sing his praises (of curse his filth). I want this to be the best of the best description of what in means, what it emotes, to read the vomit he produces so precipitously. Not my words, but a living growing testament to him by those who (unfortunately for them) have to deal with him on a regular basis on here.

So I will add this as a pseudo footnote to may posts that respond to his posts. I will clip in comment that I think are especially touching in an IB appropriate way. I will not copyright this testament, but I freely offer it to all to copy and add to. Append YOUR innermost feelings so IB and all can know how much he is loathed—or conversely how little he is tolerated.

I suspect this will eventually grow into a sizable tome, but all things start small. Even IB at one time started with but a single post. Even the great Statin Island garbage heap started with a single piece of trash. That is the glorious legacy that IB brings to us, and this is intended to pay appropriate homage to IB the man, IB the legend, IB the scumbag.

The first entry in the memorial is this one:

“I know you like to digress every thread in to oblivion but I have no interest in following you into an Rush Limbaugh style conversation where you pile on whatever crap you want and whomever piles the most and the fastest wins.

I made a comment about people having a double standard and you want to replace it with a single example. If you want to dry hump someone verbally find another victim.”

By slingblade. Well done, sir. That will be hard to beat, but IB does inspire great depths of feeling.

All you who DO understand that the uniqueness (fortunately) of IB must be properly documented, I encourage you to take this humble piece of writing and spread it across the ends of the earth, adding whatever other choice pieces of commentary you think appropriate.

But please, I beg you, do not dilute the sacredness of this task by incorporating other posted as the subject. There may be others you feel strongly about, but there really is only one IB. This is HIS story! Live long and prosper, oh ye Ode to IB.

“And the people known as idiots wouldn't not exist had it not been for the rise of the flailing father,IBIDIOT. Never has one tranny-fucker meant so much to so few by being so little.

You see, a GED dropout can make good ... Cannon fodder.

You need your own forum, dipshit! The ASS hole!

We'll see how many flock to join.

Rage on, Dipshit of Every Year!”

By one who knows IB quite well, Yssup.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Your obvious and poor attempt at deflection shows you cannot defend your stupid POV, Old-THUMPER. The Olmecs and Mayans are referred to as "Olmecs" and "Mayans", Old-THUMPER, just like the Trojans are called Trojans and not Turks, Old-THUMPER.

BTW, Old-THUMPER, if anyone hijacked this thread it was you, and you truly reveal what a miscreant, stalking troll you are when your codependency has you stooping so low that you must cite the Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM to support your POV.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Wanna play a little game, IBIdiot? Let's find the "point of hijack" in any of these marathon "LOOK AT MEEEEE" threads dominating by your mindless raving. OK?

Let's find the point where one of those threads became about something other than the OP and all about YOU.

I know. I know. You'd deny you wrote those posts. And then childishly lash out at all around you.

  • DSK
  • 04-08-2015, 06:41 PM
which law enforcement are the three stooges?

Really, would this be corruption and their was acessory to attempted murder as well?

Bump,saw him today out side Mc Donald "something like using SIM technology 2 steal and coverup by erasing people memory"

I did remember username " temporary shame" or something similar!
Make you think twice about doing business here might just spike your drink. Originally Posted by ANONY_FACE
Later Donnie
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-08-2015, 08:53 PM

You heard it first here. Erasing memories, what else could it be?

You heard it first here. Erasing memories, what else could it be? Originally Posted by Old-T
Old-Trollop, get a fucking life or just quit pretending you enjoy the pretend SPOOK LIFE...
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-09-2015, 07:53 AM
I have 5000 posts in 5 years.

You have 10000 posts in 4 years.

And I am the one without a life?

Hmmmm.... You were not a math major I see,
Marshal, is that you?